Finding confidence when teaching

Why is confidence important in teachers?

Finding your confidence in the classroom can have a positive effect on many areas of your teaching; from enabling you to push boundaries, try new teaching methods and better support student progress, to increasing your enjoyment of the job and your longevity in the profession. As a teacher, your confidence is key.

Here you'll find some top tips and advice as well as some Tes tools that can help you to build or maintain your classroom confidence. You can also sign up to receive updates including useful stories, guides, upcoming webinars and more.

Confidence campaign-male hero
  • Finding your confidence when teaching image

    Free guide: Finding your confidence when teaching

    From building your own confidence in the classroom, to discovering ways to help your students become more confident, our free guide is packed with tips, advice and support.

    Download guide

  • Confidence campaign-Landing Page Img Lit in Colour

    Lit in Colour Teaching Conference

    Watch all the sessions from our Lit in Colour conference, packed full of practical advice and support to build your confidence in teaching texts by authors of colour to create positive change in your classroom.

    Watch the recordings

  • Go back to school with confidence with teacher essentials image

    Go back to school with confidence with teacher essentials

    Looking for creative new ideas when planning lessons? Wanting to speed up marking and feedback processes? Then look no further as our Tes Teacher essentials collection is the perfect place for you.

    Explore resources

Tips and advice for classroom confidence

Support for schools leaders

Teacher confidence stories

  • Have you struggled with confidence yourself? image

    Primary headteacher shares how confidence affects his role

  • How do you build up your confidence? image

    Former Headteacher shares her advice to build teacher confidence

  • Can you fake confidence in the classroom? image

    What to do when you do not feel confident in the classroom?

  • How important is confidence for teachers? image

    Former teacher discusses how important teacher confidence is