Improving our site design and payment systems

We’re making some improvements to the design of the resource display page (RDP) and to our payment system. Here’s some information about the changes and how they may affect your day-to-day activities.

Tes Author Team

Author Announcement
(Last updated 08/03/2021)

To provide an even better experience and enhanced financial security for both our users and authors, we’re making some changes to the resource display page (RDP) and our payment system. Here, we highlight the changes that will be happening over the coming weeks and how these may affect your experience using the site. We will provide more updates here as details become available.


What changes are being made to the resource display page (RDP)?

The RDP is being completely redesigned. The new page will load more quickly, will display more relevant information about the resource and will direct users to purchase and download resources more effectively. 

The redesign won’t affect your upload process, and all of your existing resources will display on the new layout. The only exceptions are resources that don’t contain a downloadable file, as these won’t be supported by the new design. Further information has been sent to authors who may be affected by this. If you’ve previously uploaded resources to the site using the Open Link function, we suggest that you review and edit these resources before we make the upcoming RDP changes. The new RDP page looks fantastic and we’re looking forward to launching it. We’ll provide updates on the launch date as we move closer to it. 

Changed 22 Feb February 2021


What changes are being made to the payment system?

We’re updating our payment system to use a widely employed payment service called Stripe, used by a large number of international businesses. This change will future-proof our payment system and provide additional security for transactions on Tes. The move to Stripe will also allow us to introduce new features over time and to provide you with more financial data, including a new ‘withdrawals’ page on your dashboard. 

Please note: the move to Stripe will only affect incoming payments from buyers; author royalty payments won’t be made through Stripe at this time.

Changed 22 February 2021


How will these changes affect me?

As part of the move to Stripe, we need to make adjustments in the way that data is presented to you. It’s imperative that we maintain and improve the level of information we provide to you, and for this reason we’ll be introducing these changes gradually over the coming weeks so that we can make sure everything is working and displaying correctly. We’ll provide updates to let you know when the changes are due to occur.

The most notable of these changes will be the frequency with which your ‘sales’, ‘balance’ and ‘royalty’ figures are updated.

  • The ‘sales’ page of the dashboard will be updated once a day with the previous day’s transactions. 

    Changed 10 February 2021

  • The monthly ‘royalty’ figure will be updated in line with the ‘purchases’, ‘views’ and ‘downloads’ figures, and will therefore only update once daily (overnight). This will be in line with the updates on your ‘sales’ page. When all the phases of the changes are complete, these updates will all be in line with each other.

    Changed 10 February 2021

  • The ‘balance’ figure – that informs you how much you can currently withdraw – will also update daily (overnight). When you request a withdrawal, you’ll see the available balance reduce immediately.

    Changed 10 February 2021

Initially you may notice that transactions that happened during the previous day or two may not yet be visible in your author balance. Your balance should show royalties from those last couple of days when the data is updated the next morning. However, during the first couple of weeks while we transition onto the new system, some of these updates may take up to three days and not necessarily happen ‘overnight’ as stated above. This is only a temporary situation.

As a result of the system updates, you may be required to re-enter your bank account details upon your next withdrawal request. One of the system improvements means that the interface for withdrawal may appear different for some users.

Changed 10 February 2021

One change that won’t affect existing authors is that new authors will have to wait three weeks before they can make their first withdrawal. This delay is being implemented for financial security reasons. 

Changed 10 February 2021




How do I edit my author name and bio/blurb?

This space on the right hand side of the resource display page enables you to title your collection of resources as you want to be known, and say a little about yourself and the resources you share. To change how these appear, edit your shop from the author dashboard. Note: the resource display page will not show the whole text included in your Bio. There is a link to your shop on the left hand side of the author dashboard and you can follow the advice provided here.


How do I edit my resources?

The edit button on your own resource display pages may be temporarily missing. Go to the ‘Resource management’ page of your author dashboard in order to find the edit function for your resources.


Where are all my resources tags?

Don’t worry, all the tags you selected are still linked to your resource and will function in the on-site subject, topic and age filtering options like before. To make the new display clearer and tidier it will only display the main subject, main age and resource type.


What is happening with the author dashboard? (any questions about author dashboard data)

Having made essential changes to our financial system, certain displays of data on the author dashboard require maintenance. This data will be available to you again upon completion of this work.


Why can’t I reply to reviews?

This feature is temporarily unavailable but we are working on providing it to you as soon as possible.


What’s happening with School Licenses? 

Due to the requirements of the new financial system we were not able to implement the pre-existing ‘school licence’ initially. We have now reinstated the functionality.



What happens next?

You don’t need to do anything.

We’ll continue to provide updates on this page to give you further information about the changes being implemented as they occur. 

Please bear with us over the next few weeks as we roll out these changes. Once completed, they’ll be hugely beneficial.