Braeburn International School Arusha
Tanzania, United Republic of
About Braeburn International School Arusha
We are a dynamic co-educational international day and boarding school, educating over 330 students between the ages of 2 and 18. Our students are drawn from over 40 nations covering 5 continents.
As part of the Braeburn Schools Group founded in 1964 in Kenya, we are a school with a history of providing quality education with strong family values and feel. Our campuses are in the heart of Arusha and on the edge of the Maasai Steppe 14km from Arusha's town centre.
At Braeburn our aim is to provide our students with a positive environment to nurture them to be well-rounded, confident and happy individuals. They are challenged and encouraged to develop their natural curiosity about life and the world, in order to be increasingly aware of the natural, man-made and human riches to be found and the opportunities they provide.
We teach them to be respectful, tolerant, accepting and interested in others, their beliefs, cultures and opinions. They are assisted and guided to be secure in themselves and their place and role in the school family, their wider community and as global citizens.
Our parents and visitors describe the school as a place where "everyone is a friend", with a "peaceful, open-minded atmosphere". They view it as a place where there is good discipline and behaviour alongside a "freedom" for students "to express themselves" and where they themselves are given "opportunities to be involved in their children's education". The politeness, friendliness, the warm welcome and acceptance our students have of children new to the school are often remarked upon by visitors. On recommending Braeburn Arusha, a parent commented on the "excellent relations between different age groups."
Our students are equipped to be independent, creative thinkers who make well thought-out judgements and decisions and who take responsibility for their actions. A sense of determination, drive and motivation is fostered within them in order for them to endeavour to be the best in all they do.
Like our sister schools, Braeburn Arusha follows the National Curriculum of England. This is a broad and balanced curriculum, promoting skills, understanding and knowledge of value and interest alongside an enjoyment of learning. Within this environment, independent and collaborative thinking and problem solving skills relate classroom learning to real life. It is an internationally recognised and respected curriculum.
A rich and varied extra-curricular programme complements and extends every child's learning experience. There are after school clubs in a wide range of areas, from arts and languages to science and sport. Sports coaching takes place in addition to the timetabled physical education lessons on two afternoons per week and our students compete against others from schools in the locality as well as in competitions further a field in Tanzania and in Nairobi.
We live in an ever-changing world, where the opinions and actions of individuals can shape decisions and implement change. It is the desire of Braeburn Arusha School that we guide our students to ask questions, accept challenges, address shortcomings, listen and respond constructively to others and above all, be aware of the contribution that they can make.
At the heart of all of the aims detailed above is the desire for our students to enjoy learning, to leap out of bed in the morning with a smile on their face in happy anticipation of what the new school day will offer!
In a nutshell, our aim is for our students to love learning, to provide them with the highest level of learning experience and environment, and for our parents to be confident that we are doing so.
Head of Primary: Lynsey Logan
Head of Secondary: Alison Rogers