Chailey School
East Sussex, United Kingdom
About Chailey School
Chailey School is located near to the towns of Lewes and Haywards Heath and is in easy commuting distance of Brighton. This school exists for the students and the staff are committed to nurturing, supporting and challenging the students to make the best progress possible. Advantages of working at Chailey School:
- strong professsional development programme
- friendly atmosphere and collaboration with professionals in other schools
- high expectation of student outcomes and behaviour
- free tea and coffee
Helen Key
Values and vision
The nurturing of the talents and abilities of students at Chailey is the focus on all that the school does. It believes that the real measure of its success is creating a school full of happy, confident and independent young people, fully engaged in their studies and the broader life of the school.
Students are encouraged to become active and responsible citizens who are respectful of others. A wide range of opportunities for students to make a positive contribution to the life of the school and the wider community are on offer.
“Staff know their pupils very well and help them to grow in confidence while developing their knowledge and understanding. As a result, pupils make good, and sometimes better, progress. Pupils appreciate what staff do for them and, therefore, their conduct is typically exemplary, both in lessons and around the school.”