Eagle Park Independent School
Hounslow, United Kingdom
About Eagle Park Independent School
Eagle Park Independent school works with young people with Special Educational Needs & Autism Spectrum disorders. The curriculum covers key stage 2, primary and functional skills levels.
Every young person is given equal opportunities & access to education, regardless of gender, nationality, race, ethnic origin, religious belief, disability or neurodivergence.
The education of our young people is differentiated and specific to their needs. All our young people benefit from a broad and balanced curriculum, which includes the National Curriculum subjects alongside programs that focus on skills for life.
Our curriculum is relevant, purposeful, and delivered through inspiring lessons and skilful teaching, responding to the needs of each individual young person attending our school.
Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP’s) will identify any diagnosis which may include one or more of the following:
- Moderate Learning Difficulties (MLD),
- Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD),
- Cognitive, Learning, communication and interaction needs.
The EHCP will be an integral part of the Each young person’s curriculum to ensure that outcomes are met.