Keir Hardie Primary School
Newham, United Kingdom
About Keir Hardie Primary School
Keir Hardie Primary School is a co-educational community school for children aged 3-11, located in a regeneration area of Canning Town, Newnham, London. The school serves a diverse community in an area of high deprivation. Over 90% of the children on roll are from ethnic minority groups. The pupil roll, including nursery, is 450.
Keir Hardie Primary School aims to promote community cohesion through teaching, learning and the curriculum. The school places great emphasis on the importance of a creative curriculum to empower pupils to become independent, open minded, resilient individuals. Its curriculum is enriched through frequent educational visits, visitors and the expertise of a range of arts specialists.
Violet Otieno
Values and vision
Keir Hardie Primary School aims to inspire its pupils to achieve excellence through what it calls MAGIC habits. The acronym “magic” spells out the requirements of children to be: Motivated in their learning, display a positive Attitude at all times, show Gumption when faced with obstacles, demonstrate Independent thinking and always Communicate effectively.
The school insists on outstanding teaching and learning to ensure that all children make excellent progress in all areas of the curriculum. Its key aims are to develop and provide a caring, stimulating, secure and safe environment; encourage a community spirit; and actively promote mutual respect.
High value is placed on parent partnership and the school works closely with families to support their children’s’ learning.
“The headteacher provides outstanding leadership. She rigorously monitors the quality of teaching and provides effective support and training for teachers.”