Lea Valley Primary School
Haringey, United Kingdom
About Lea Valley Primary School
At Lea Valley Primary School we value all members of the school community as individuals who are involved in teaching and learning.
We recognise that positive behaviour and social skills provide a sound basis for working, sharing and playing together. We consider the physical, intellectual and emotional atmosphere of the school environment should enable individuals to feel good about themselves and believe in themselves as learners.
We do this by framing our working attitudes around 6 central values:
Ambition, Courage, Determination, Honesty, Kindness and Respect
Teachers will provide a broad and balanced curriculum which will develop the skills, concepts and knowledge necessary for future learning. In the course of their daily work, the staff will contribute to the development of this ethos through:
- Providing a calm, controlled and effective working environment at all times, in which each child can achieve his or her maximum potential;
- Providing a welcoming environment, in which courtesy, kindness and respect are fostered;
- Providing positive role models;
- Providing a fair and disciplined environment, in line with the school’s ‘Behaviour Policy’;
- Maintaining purposeful and informative planning, record-keeping and assessment documents, in line with the school’s procedures;
- Effective management of their professional time;
- Providing children with meaningful, purposeful tasks, related to the new curriculum programmes of study and the Foundation Stage 12 areas of learning;
- Valuing and celebrating pupils’ success and achievements;
- Reviewing personal and professional development by providing appropriate INSET, training and support from colleagues in order to ensure a high level of professional expertise;
- Welcoming, supporting and educating students, both teaching and non-teaching;
- Developing links with the wider community to enhance the opportunities for teaching and learning.
In accordance with the school’s Equal Opportunities Policy, all children at Lea Valley Primary School must be given full access to the National Curriculum. Staff will endeavour to help all children to reach their full potential irrespective of race, gender, age or ability.
At Lea Valley Primary School, meeting the needs of all pupils means giving consideration to the educational requirements of different groups of learners in line with national and local guidelines. These groups include:
- Pupils with SEND;
- Gifted and talented pupils;
- Pupils with behavioural, emotional and social difficulties and/or who are disaffected and who may have regular unexplained absences or demonstrate apathy towards the experience of school;
- Pupils from under-achieving minority ethnic groups and pupils who need support to learn English as an additional language;
- Pupils who have a disability;
- Pupils who appear to be under-achieving in one or more key areas of the curriculum.
We aim to put in place a wide range of organisational and teaching strategies to respond to the diverse learning needs of our school community and to show that each one of our pupils is valued.
We seek to ensure that all pupils receive the appropriate assessment, curriculum and teaching to enable them to learn most effectively.