Robin Hood Junior School
Sutton, United Kingdom
About Robin Hood Junior School
We are a friendly and welcoming three-form entry junior school in Sutton town centre. Children and their wellbeing are at the heart of everything we do. We believe that happy children learn well with the right teaching in the right environment. We strive for all our children to leave us with a good education, as life-long learners with positive memories of their time with us.
Key School Facts and Statistics
Robin Hood Junior School is a community co-educational school for boys and girls aged 7-11 years. It is a large 3 form entry junior school with 360 pupils, drawing mainly from the feeder infant school and local area.
The number of pupils eligible for the Pupil Premium is slightly below the national average at 20%.
Many of our pupils come from a broad range of ethnic minority groups and 56% have English as an additional language. 9% of pupils are on the SEND register, with 1% in receipt of an Education, Health and Care Plan.