Tameside Primary Academy
Sandwell, United Kingdom
About Tameside Primary Academy
We are a two-form entry primary school, situated on the edge of Wednesbury and dedicated to helping all children become confident, independent and life-long learners. Our school is a happy school with a strong inclusive ethos; we strive to ensure that every child makes good progress and achieves well in all that they set out to do. We believe we can only do our best when we all work together in partnership with families and the wider community. We ensure that we do all that we can for every child in our care. As a school, our purpose is to prepare pupils for their future by providing the very best learning experiences and we expect all of our children to leave for secondary school feeling enriched and ready to face the world in front of them.
Tameside Primary Academy is a school where pupils and the school community are at the heart of everything leaders do.
- Ofsted