The Abbey School Reading
Reading, United Kingdom
About The Abbey School Reading
The Abbey School is a dynamic and vibrant community of more than 1,000 girls aged 3-18.
The Abbey is always in the top division nationally in academic terms. This year's A-levels were excellent with 75% at A*- B and at GCSE 88% gained 9-7 grades. Annually the average International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma result is between 38 - 40 points, with more than two thirds of the cohort scoring 38 points or higher, at a level equivalent to or exceeding the Oxford and Cambridge conditional offer range. In the School's 12 year IB history several students have gained the full 45 points possible. Leavers go on to an impressive list of universities and courses.
The school places great emphasis on providing a breadth of sporting and cultural challenges and opportunities for each student. Students are presented with the chance for exploration both within the curriculum and in Music, Drama, Sport, DofE and the wide variety of clubs and trips. The Jane Austen Wing at the Senior School has modern classrooms for Humanities as well as bright Art studios and enhanced ICT facilities. The IB has widened the options for Sixth Formers who can also choose their desired A-level combination from a wide range of subjects.
The Abbey Junior School (ages 3 - 11) offers a broad curriculum and the atmosphere is friendly, lively, purposeful and fun.
There is an extensive Abbey School coach & bus network and the School is within easy walking distance from Reading Station. There is a range of scholarships and financial assistance is offered to able students through means-tested bursaries which may cover up to 100% of fees for exceptional candidates.
The Abbey represents a unique and exciting opportunity for any girl with a desire to learn, where inspirational teaching and an ethos that promotes aspiration and balance provide the platform for a successful and fulfilling future.
Will le Fleming
ISI report
“The qualities of pupils’ personal development is excellent. Pupils grow into self-confident and independent young people, supported by Christian values and an understanding of life in a multi-cultural environment.”