Wexham School
Slough, United Kingdom
About Wexham School
Wexham is a highly regarded and successful non-selective, maintained school judged GOOD in all catorgories by Ofsted in November 2017. A key ingredient of our success has been the priority placed on creating an environment in which both students and staff have the confidence to flourish. Great schools, that demonstrate continuous or sustained improvement, are built on a foundation of highly qualified and committed staff.
Staff morale is high. (Ofsted, November 2017)
Historically the School was designated as a ‘Sports College’. Although such designations from the government have now ceased, sport continues to be a focus point of the school and there is considerable success at both local and regional level. High levels of participation in PE and Sport build resilience and confidence in our students which allows academic success to flourish.The school hosts the Slough Schools Sport Network which supports the schools ethos of outreaching and supporting the local community.
In 2018 we will open a new £10m building to house Humantities, English and Languages as well as a new Library. This is to accomadate a growing number of students as we move from 5 1/2 forms of entry to 8. Our facilties include a full size astro turf pitch, Sports Hall and fitness centre, Dance Studio and we have relatively new and refurbished accommodation for Science, Technology and Creative Arts. Our environment has a 'campus' feeling as we occupy a very spacious site.
The school’s work to promote pupils’ personal development and welfare is outstanding. (Ofsted, November 2017)
Wexham School was awarded the NFER Research Mark in July 2015 following a significant cultural shift to create a vibrant research ethos that is widespread across the school. The school offers a range of research activity involving the great majority of staff and a genuine sense of enthusiasm and passion for enquiry. Our staff take part in programmes of professional development such as NPQML and NPQSL. A number of staff are also supported by the school with a Master’s in Education. A partnership with many higher education providers supports this process.
We have developed an extensive and personalised CPD/JPD programme with an emphasis on sharing good practice. To support this all staff are provided CPD time as part of their timetable in addition to their PPA time. NQTs, ITT and staff on assessment routes are fully supported as they work towards QTS. Our links with Brunel University’s Teacher Training Department, we are an enhanced partner school, are well developed and assist this process as is our partnership with the University of Reading.
Most importantly our staff are friendly, welcoming and encouraging and this is reflected in the children who are fantastic to teach and support as we do everything we can to provide them the best opportunities and inspiration to be successful.
Professional development for staff is well considered and effective. (Ofsted, November 2017)
Mr Lawrence Smith