<p>Used to see children’s rentention after a topic. Can the children define the vocabulary, answer the questions to demonstrate retention using the resource?</p>
<p>Supporting a prior learning assessment, retrieval process or assessment of the taught topic. Children define the key terms and answer the questions to assess their knowledge.</p>
<p>After a topic or as a pre-teach tool and compare as assessment afterwards. A retention knowledge mat on World War 2. Children define the vocabulary terms and answer the questions.</p>
<p>Key questions for subject leaders - linked to monitoring and reflections on own subject and leadership</p>
<p>Subject Action Plan template<br />
Pupil Discussion Template<br />
Teaching and Learning Evidence Trail<br />
Target Setting for each year group<br />
Cohort / Phase / Key Stage Summary Tracker</p>
<p>Covering National Curriculum Areas<br />
• Compare and group together everyday materials on the basis of their properties, including their hardness, solubility, transparency, conductivity (electrical and thermal), and response to magnets<br />
• Understand that some materials will dissolve in liquid to form a solution, and describe how to recover a substance from a solution<br />
• Use knowledge of solids, liquids and gases to decide how mixtures might be separated, including through filtering, sieving and evaporating<br />
• Give reasons, based on evidence from comparative and fair tests, for the particular uses of everyday materials, including metals, wood and plastic<br />
• Demonstrate that dissolving, mixing and changes of state are reversible changes<br />
• Explain that some changes result in the formation of new materials, and that this kind of change is not usually reversible, including changes associated with burning and the action of acid on bicarbonate of soda.</p>
<p>Lessons for 90 mins<br />
Each lesson has a hook through mini activity or thinking picture to support scientific connections to previous and current learning at start of lesson. Vocabulary outlined with definitions within the plan. Suggested ideas to support engagement</p>
<p>To order number, showing an understand what each digit in a two digit number represents<br />
To be able to find 10 more or less than any given number from 0-100 Ext more able – add or subtract 20<br />
To order numbers, showing an awareness of what each number in a 2-digit number represents<br />
To recognise odd and even numbers using the last digit.<br />
To identify and sort odd and even numbers accurately.</p>
<p>A week’s English plan<br />
Linked to text Bob the Man on the Moon writing instructions for different sandwiches linked to what the characters in the book have on the moon</p>
<p>To identify and comment on vocabulary and the features of an instruction text.<br />
To decide how useful a non-fiction (instruction) text is fit for purpose.<br />
To recognise key themes (similarities) and ideas within a text.<br />
To identify features by participating in discussion about what is read to me, take turns in answering questions and listen to what others say.<br />
To be able to compose a sentence (instruction) orally and know instructions are written or spoken in a chronological order.<br />
To use some appropriate word choices from word banks, class lists.<br />
To use precise, clear information<br />
To use bullet points for lists and instructions.<br />
To link what I have read to my own experiences.<br />
To write a set of instructions in chronological order using clear precise information with key features.<br />
I can read my work back to an adult.<br />
To write a set of instructions in the correct order.<br />
To know that the organisation must reflect the purpose of my writing<br />
To write a set of instructions in the correct order with imperative verbs.</p>
<p>Plan can be adapted to any story the children are focussing on in class. Explores the book first through front cover, blurb and pictures before children start to plan and write story.</p>
<p>This plan is linked to the story ‘The Selfish Crocodile’ by Faustin Charles as used to support PHSE work too.</p>
<p>Objectives covered<br />
To write questions using a question mark accurately.<br />
To plan and identify the beginning, middle and end of a story.<br />
To write a story opening using a familiar setting.<br />
To write the problem in the story and include a question.<br />
To write a story ending</p>
<p>Created and adapted CBT theory model calling it hot cross bun to children as every part connects together. Have adapted it for ks2 model, lower key stage 2 and ks1 model.</p>
<p>Used in metacognition lessons and P4C linking to situations and different contexts in ks2.</p>
<p>Used it in English in key stage one and two when children get into role as a character in a certain situation knowing what their thoughts, feeling and reactions would be if in same situation to help generate ideas for their own written, grammer work. Used as individual, paired or in groups to generate ideas.</p>
<p>Also used as reflective behaviour tool across whole school. Linking the situation to the behaviour they showed, what they did, how they felt and how others might have felt or reacted and by changing the situation the reactions and feelings also change - helping to move things on positively and have a supportive conversation.</p>
<p>Narrative Significant Authors</p>
<p>Looks at different fictional genres at the start, looking at Michael Murpurgo’s characters in his books to compare and contrast through group, what a books blurb is and how readers use to select books, paired and ind. activities. Then start reading Kensuke’s Kingdom.</p>
<p>Work differentiated and with variety of lesson hook starters. Homework suggestions to also engage pupils fully into reading and the book.</p>
<p>Looks at use of imagery, personification, visualization, techniques, different narrative forms and styles</p>
<p>A week’s English linked to Jolly Postman and geo unit weather through comparing the weather in England in the winter to Australia’s summer in Dec</p>
<p>To participate in a discussion about what is read to me, take turns and listen to what others say.<br />
To use adjectives to describe.<br />
To use capital letters and full stops.<br />
To write simple sentences which can be read by me and others.<br />
To compose a sentence orally before writing it.<br />
To link sounds to letters, naming and sounding the letters of the alphabet</p>
<p>To recognise and use the language of addition to formulate problems<br />
Success Criteria<br />
• I can identify different words that mean the same as ‘add’.<br />
• I can use maths vocabulary correctly in class and group discussion.<br />
• I can share ideas and write addition problems involving story characters with my partner</p>
<p>Can be easily adapted for subtraction</p>
<p>3 week narrative unit but could be adapted to 2 weeks if needed.</p>
<p>The unit can be linked to the text ‘The Journey Home by Frann Preston-Gannon and many other curriculum areas such as geographical issues (deforestation, global warming) science (animal adaptation, habitats) The first week explores Sequence 1 phase 1 Read a selection of stories with incidents and settings familiar to the children. Identify characters, settings and main events. Sequence 1 phase 2 Re-enact stories using puppets, story boxes, etc. Order events in the correct sequence. Sequence 1 phase 3 Use role-play to explore imaginative ideas based on a theme from reading and devise a class story. In the final week, children plan their own story and write this in stages using the same characters from the story and story mountain structure Setting, mini dilemma/build up, events, problem and resolution. Visible outcome – Children will publish their work either using computer or handwritten form to be showcased on corridor displays so others can read.</p>
<p>For year group 4 and upwards.</p>
<p>Provides place value strips from 4 digits to 10 million with some decimal number to 1/1000. Many to choose and adapt.<br />
Also worksheet activities for place value of ordering, comparing etc</p>
<p>I can say what any digit represents in a number with up to 7 digits.<br />
I can find a pair of factors for a two digit number.<br />
I can multiply or divide a whole number by 10, 100 or 1000.<br />
I can order whole numbers and decimals with up to two places.</p>
<p>Rainbow lettering with different colour backgrounds: Orange, Blue, Pink, Lilac, Purple, Plain white.<br />
Could use with children on tables, for display and on the IWB for interventions or class work.</p>
<p>Supporting metacognition work and behaviour. Have used the CBT theory model to adapt a thinking map for KS2, and two different style for KS1.</p>
<p>To help children remember it through each part connecting to one another I’ve called it hot cross bun thinking map…</p>
<p>Use it for metacognition work in class around situations, problem contexts, group work.</p>
<p>Also used to English lessons - looking at how a character maybe in a certain situation and asking class in groups, pairs or individuals to be the character at that point, how would they feel, how would their body react etc. This can then be used to generate ideas for written work later on.</p>
<p>Also to support pupil behaviour to help them complete this as part of a reflection on what the situation was, how it made them feel what was their actions. Then state that if the situation had been dealt with in a different way how would each section look different. Works well as whole school level.</p>
<p>English a week’s unit linked to sci habitats in relation to hedgehog. As a year group had visit from a hedgehog then used to support letter writing through pen pal context.<br />
I can recognise features of a letter.<br />
I can participate in a discussion about what is read to me, take turns and listen to what others say. Speaking and listening focus.<br />
I can compose a sentence orally before writing it.<br />
I can link sounds to letters, naming and sounding the letters of the alphabet.<br />
I can use adjectives to describe.<br />
I can write simple sentences which can be read by me and others.<br />
I can use capital letters and full stops.<br />
I can point out the differences between different animals.<br />
I can describe how a hedgehog is suited to its environment.</p>
<p>Linked with science Art Dt plan on making hedgehog habitat - please see free resource</p>
<p>Day 1 and 5 are child initiated lessons to assess pupil interaction, problem solving skills, prior knowledge of measure and vocabulary use and to support pupils know why we have to learn about measure. This was completed in the first lesson and the last lesson of the week to assess difference and impact from teaching. Try to make the tasks link to a class story or topic to support engagement further. Supports metacognition and self reflection, but builds on other subjects such as DT too.</p>
<p>Also includes working wall display of vocabulary and outcomes</p>
<p>Plan differentiated 4 ways</p>
<p>Learning outcomes:<br />
I can decide which equipment to use to measure different objects.<br />
I can use standard units of length, mass and capacity to estimate and measure and suggest suitable units and equipment for such measurements. <br />
I can estimate and measure the lengths of objects.<br />
I can use standard units of length, mass and capacity (e.g. l, m, cm) to estimate and begin to measure.<br />
I can find objects which are less than 30cm.<br />
I can order objects from smallest to largest.<br />
I can draw lines in cm<br />
I can draw lines in cm and halves.<br />
I can draw lines in cm and mm eg. 6.7cm</p>
<p>High impact sticky knowledge quiz questions to review units of work<br />
Support classroom practice, metacognition, memory retention, range of subjects</p>
<p>To support metacognition work and memory retention, assessing what pupils can remember from this week, last week, last month and last term. Teachers write one or two questions for each and children write the answers underneath. Template small enough to be cut, trimmed and added into class exercise books to record retention at different points. Teachers or pupils can then mark these afterwards. Positive impact on pupils wanting to demonstrate knowledge and can be adapted for different abilities.</p>
<p>Sticky knowledge quiz organiser templates for following subjects:<br />
Maths<br />
English<br />
Science<br />
Computing<br />
Languages<br />
History<br />