Sentence starters for PEE paragraphsQuick View

Sentence starters for PEE paragraphs

Gives learners examples of sentence starters and appropriate language to use for each part of the paragraph or essay. For example, how to introduce evidence or an explanation. There are also suggestions for introduction and conclusion language. It helps learners to add structure to thier longer pieces of writing. Useful for English as second language learners and can support less confident writers. It fits on one slide so is easy to display. In my context, it is useful in History and Geography but could be used in any subject requiring more detailed written responses.
Quick and easy way to give feedback on GCSE and A level exams in GeographyQuick View

Quick and easy way to give feedback on GCSE and A level exams in Geography

This is a quick way to provide students with exam feedback. Each word document has a list of the most used comments that teachers use when marking exams in Geography. Each comment is given a letter and the teacher writes the letter on the exam paper. Students then use the comment list to analyse the letters teachers have used. They use this to identify ways to improve their exam technique. Greater student involvement in the process means they are more likey to remember and use the feedback.
World river lesson activitiesQuick View

World river lesson activities

One activitiy is a card sort to identify major world rivers, their source and mouth. One activitiy is a rivers case study task sheet. Pupils research specific information about a mojor world river and present it as a poster. A note taking sheet is included and a simple mark scheme. Pupils must include a labelled map, labelled photographs and references. Useful weblinks provided and a link to a map world river map extension task A brief planning document is included.
Ancient Sumeria - farming, society, cuneiform writing and lawsQuick View

Ancient Sumeria - farming, society, cuneiform writing and laws

5 lessons on ancient Sumeria. 1 - looks at the reasons why people settled in the Fertile Crescent 2 - looks at the number of edible seeds available in different parts of the world linking to farming success 3 - looks at the link between using the river to river to develop farming and the growth of society 4 - looks at the development of cuneiform writing 5 - looks at Hammurabi's code as an example of laws in early society For Upper KS2 or lower KS 3
Is flooding a natural disaster?Quick View

Is flooding a natural disaster?

This resource uses pictures to discuss various causes of floods. Students classify into human and natural causes. A matching actvity helps students with key vocabulary. Students write a structured paragraph to explain their ideas about the causes of floods.
'find someone who' revision - human topics geography GCSEQuick View

'find someone who' revision - human topics geography GCSE

A fun starter to revision sessions. Students have to find someone in the class to answer each of the questions on their sheet. A master list of questions is provided for the teacher. Three different student sheets for each topic should enable active engagement with the task. 'Find someone who' questions include definitions, drawing diagrams, explaining key ideas and providing case study details. Based on the iGCSE Cambridge syllabus
Drawing and writing about a scattergraph - do the richest countries win more medals at the olympics?Quick View

Drawing and writing about a scattergraph - do the richest countries win more medals at the olympics?

This activity teaches students about the purpose of a scattergraph, teaches them how to create a scattergraph using excel and shows them how to describe and explain patters found. The topic is world sport and the question is whether the richest countries have the most sucessful teams at the Olympics. A lesson plan is included as the final powerpoint slide. A language support worksheet is provided for less able students or EAL learners. The excel document contains instructions for making the scattergraph.
Making a mental mapQuick View

Making a mental map

Activity takes students through the steps of producing a mental map. A challenge activity is provided, plus a peer marking guide to enable feedback.
Easy essay feedbackQuick View

Easy essay feedback

This resource is used to reduce the time it takes to give students useful feedback on essays and extended writing tasks. The most used written comments (such as 'use more specific evidence here') are each given a number. Areas where the students have been sucessful are also given a letter. Instead of writing comments, the teacher uses the number and letter codes. When the codes are shared with pupils, they are able to write their own comments and give themselves feedback/targets. Particularly useful for KS 3/4 History and Geography.
population revision - find someone whoQuick View

population revision - find someone who

'find someone who' revision activities are available for all topics in a bundle costing 2GBP A fun starter to revision sessions. Students have to find someone in the class to answer each of the questions on their sheet. A master list of questions is provided for the teacher. Three different student sheets should enable active engagement with the task. 'Find someone who' questions include definitions, drawing diagrams, explaining key ideas and providing case study details. Based on the iGCSE Cambridge syllabus