2.1 Limited companies : Capital structureQuick View

2.1 Limited companies : Capital structure

<p>Capital structure<br /> 2.1.4 Capital reserves and revenue reserves.<br /> 2.1.5 How the following reserves are created and utilised:<br /> • retained earnings<br /> • general<br /> • foreign exchange<br /> • share premium<br /> • revaluation<br /> • capital redemption.<br /> 2.1.6 Authorised, issued and called-up share capital.<br /> 2.1.7 Rights issues and bonus issues.<br /> 2.1.8 Ledger accounts and journal entries to record the issue of<br /> new shares, bonus issues and rights issues.<br /> Note: Candidates will not be examined on the forfeiture of<br /> shares.<br /> 2.1.9 The features of shares and debentures.<br /> 2.1.10 Capital gearing and its implications.<br /> 2.1.11 The creation and features of provisions</p>
Capital and Revenue Expenditure and ReceiptsQuick View

Capital and Revenue Expenditure and Receipts

Lesson Objective:<br /> 1. To differentiate the features, examples, and definitions of capital and revenue expenditure.<br /> 2. To differentiate the features, examples, and definitions of capital and revenue receipts<br /> Vocabulary:<br /> 1. Capital expenditure<br /> 2. Revenue Expenditure<br /> 3. Capital Receipts<br /> 4. Revenue Receipts<br /> 5. Capitalisation<br /> 6. Recurring<br /> <br /> This document provides a clear mind map of definition, examples, features of:<br /> 1. capital expenditure<br /> 2. capital receipts<br /> 3. Revenue expenditure<br /> 4. Revenue receipts<br /> <br /> Cambridge IGCSE past papers questions list is provided for practise
Factors of productionQuick View

Factors of production

This worksheet is a mind map of the following:<br /> four factors of production<br /> definitions<br /> examples<br /> rewards
IGCSE Accounting FormatsQuick View

IGCSE Accounting Formats

This documents contains the IGCSE Cambridge Accounting blank formats. <br /> It can be used as an aid to start a new lesson in accounting sessions for the students to get to know where to place the values in a format. <br /> * word document for the prints<br /> *excel document for the students to integrate with ICT<br /> Includes the following:<br /> 1. sole trader ship income statement<br /> 2. sole trader ship statement of financial statement<br /> 3. Partnership appropriation Account<br /> 4. Partnership statement of financial position<br /> 5. company - statement of changes in equity<br /> 6. company - statement of financial position <br /> 7. manufacturing account<br /> 8. income statement relevant to manufacturing account
Sales Ledger Control Accounts WorksheetQuick View

Sales Ledger Control Accounts Worksheet

This worksheet is prepared for Low, Middle and High ability students.<br /> It helps as a toolkit to understand the entries to a sales ledger control account.<br /> This is an aid to prepare a sales ledger control account.<br /> Answer keys provided for the teachers. <br />
Accounting - Bad debts/ Bad debts recovery/ provision for doubtful debtsQuick View

Accounting - Bad debts/ Bad debts recovery/ provision for doubtful debts

This document is complete worksheet which combines the following:<br /> 1. bad debts<br /> 2. Provision for doubtful debts<br /> 3. bad debts<br /> 4. income statement extracts and statement of financial position extracts. <br /> <br /> The first question is with increase in Provision for doubtful debts<br /> The second question is with decrease in Provision for doubtful debts<br /> <br /> note: remember to ask the students to first adjust for bad debts before calculating the amount of provision for doubtful debts.
double entry worksheet mind mapQuick View

double entry worksheet mind map

Mind map of double entry in accounting. <br /> The students will be able to understand the double entry basics.<br /> This can be used as an aid to complete double entry related questions. <br /> Answer key is attached for teacher reference.
Total Revenue and Price Elasticity of DemandQuick View

Total Revenue and Price Elasticity of Demand

How the revenue would change according to the type of elasticity.<br /> Useful resource for Economics IGCSE Edexcel and Cambridge Syllabus.<br /> simple calculations to explain the students of the impact of price changes. <br /> <br />
Economies and dis economies of scaleQuick View

Economies and dis economies of scale

This document will help students to draw the average cost curve to determine the economies and dis economies of scale. <br /> It includes;<br /> 1. internal economies and dis economies of scale<br /> 2. external economies and dis economies of scale
IGCSE Business Edexcel : Evaluate and Justify QuestionQuick View

IGCSE Business Edexcel : Evaluate and Justify Question

<p><strong>Evaluate Questions:</strong></p> <ul> <li>12 marks</li> <li>Sample case study</li> <li>Sample Answer</li> <li>A case study and question for the students to respond.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Justify Question:</strong></p> <ul> <li>9 marks</li> <li>Sample case study</li> <li>Sample Answer</li> <li>A case study and question for the students to respond.</li> </ul>
Economics - Choice of OccupationQuick View

Economics - Choice of Occupation

IGCSE Economics <br /> Choice of Occupation cross word.<br /> This can be used as a mid plenary to check the understanding of the students. <br /> Factors that affect the choice of occupation. <br /> The answer key is attached for teacher reference.
types of price elasticity of demand and supplyQuick View

types of price elasticity of demand and supply

the document consists of the five types of price elasticity of demand and price elasticity of supply. The calculations will provide a conclusion for the students to identify the type of elasticity. this will improve the understanding of elasticity.
Externalities in economicsQuick View

Externalities in economics

This worksheet provides clear access to identify the difference between:<br /> 1. private cost<br /> 2. external cost<br /> 3. social cost<br /> 4. private benefit<br /> 5. external benefit<br /> 6. Social benefit<br /> The students will be able to easily understand the difference between the above mentioned keywords. <br /> Blank worksheet space for the students to think of their own example.<br /> Answer key attached to the worksheet.
identification of assets and liabilitiesQuick View

identification of assets and liabilities

support resource to identify the current assets, non current assets, current liabilities and non current liabilities.<br /> Clear notes are provided before as support material.<br />
Control AccountsQuick View

Control Accounts

This document consists of ;<br /> page 1 <br /> All relevant entries relevant to trade receivables/ debtors<br /> Source of information<br /> Normal double entry<br /> Sales ledger control account double entry<br /> Preparation of a sales ledger control account<br /> <br /> page 2<br /> All relevant entries relevant to trade payable/ creditors<br /> Source of information<br /> Normal double entry<br /> Purchases ledger control account double entry<br /> Preparation of a purchases ledger control account<br /> It is an easy method to make the students understand the concept of control accounts.
Income statement for Service Business - Sole traderQuick View

Income statement for Service Business - Sole trader

<p>Preparing an income statement for service sole trader business:</p> <ol> <li>Identification of income and expenses</li> <li>Posting entries to the format of an income statement</li> <li>Identification of profit or loss for the year.</li> <li>Question 1 (Profit) Question 2 (Loss)</li> </ol>
Balancing Petty Cash bookQuick View

Balancing Petty Cash book

<p>Students will gain a better understanding of balancing a petty cash book<br /> The supported video will help low ability students to complete tasks without any difficulty.</p>
Purchases Journal ( basic)Quick View

Purchases Journal ( basic)

Purchases Journal/ Day Book ( worksheet / Guidelines for students/ instructions with answers step by step)<br /> Lesson Objective: <br /> - To post entries of credit purchases to purchases journal<br /> - To identify the double entry for credit purchases<br /> - To classify the ledgers as purchases ledger and general / nominal ledger<br /> - To post entries to the ledgers with date, details and amount<br /> - Balance off the ledgers as bal c/d and bal b/d<br /> - Transfer the closing balance of the ledgers to the trial balance<br /> <br /> Vocabulary: <br /> 1. Credit purchases<br /> 2. Trade payables<br /> 3. Purchases ledger<br /> 4. General/ Nominal Ledger<br /> 5. Trial balance<br /> 6. Debit<br /> 7. Credit<br /> 8. Balance brought down/ bal b/d<br /> 9. Balance carried down / bal c/d