Number bonds to 20 tens frame resourceQuick View

Number bonds to 20 tens frame resource

Flipchart of tens frames showing the number bonds/pairs to 20 to use in the input in class for children to show you the number sentence on whiteboards. A sheet of tens frames for children to identify the number bond independently.
Y1 number representations - tens and onesQuick View

Y1 number representations - tens and ones

Updated to now include over 6 pages of activities A few more activities/lessons for the same objective: tens and ones. Children will identify how many tens and ones in different pictorial representations of numbers from 11 -20 - tens frames, diennes, bead strings, objects, PV counters, cars and abstract numbers without a pictorial representation. Some of the sheets have representations only on the left hand side so you can trim and the children write next to it, in their books on the grided paper. The describing teen numbers is in landscape format to cut into strips so the children can write the descriptions underneath, e.g. 1 ten and 3 ones = 13 with the tens being under the tens and the ones under the ones.
Report writing phrases - Year 1Quick View

Report writing phrases - Year 1

20 plus paragraphs for a range of children - above, middle, low middle, SEN commenting on attitudes, behaviours, behaviours for learning and reading, writing and maths. Hopefully it saves a bit of time in this report writing season!
Y1 Plants science topic Knowledge OrganiserQuick View

Y1 Plants science topic Knowledge Organiser

A KO for the science topic of plans - naming parts, knowing common wild and garden plants and common trees. Added as a word doc so you can edit for your local plants if you wish.
phonics screening check revisionQuick View

phonics screening check revision

For the last week I’ve pulled together some of the tricker GPCs for a flipchart but also an activity sheet - one for each day Mon-Thurs, which includes alien words and real words. I’ve then pulled the old PSC papers into a smaller format so they can be printed one two sides - 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019. Alien words are screen shot but real words typed to save space. Hopefully it’s useful for others too for this last push! GPCs covered in the flip and activities: au, aw, ou, oy, ew, ue, oe, ow, ie, ea, ir, air (the gaps that consistently were showing up with our less experienced children). Past papers as they were - so all GPCs covered.
Y1 knowledge organiser for the science topic - animalsQuick View

Y1 knowledge organiser for the science topic - animals

A KO for a science topic learning about the 5 animal groups, animals in each, structure of animals and more. We had this as a whole topic with lots of games of ‘guess my animal’ seeded in each week to build up the knowledge of the animals in each group - I will add these to TES too. I didn’t add the animal names to the KO as these were for them to remember off by heart from the icons after our lessons. I’ve added as a word doc so you can edit with animals of interest/you’ll be teaching. For the icons I use the brilliant website ‘nounproject’.
KS1 Knowledge organiser - engineersQuick View

KS1 Knowledge organiser - engineers

A knowledge organiser for a year 1 topic on engineers. Features DT vocabulary about simple mechanisms and the design process and significant individuals - Time Berners-Lee and William Caxton and science vocabulary for the linked topic on materials. Great as a framework for the topic to structure lessons and hiding sections to see if the class can recall key facts.
Phase 5 flipchart - ay, ou, ie, ea, oy, ir, ue, aw and tricky/cheeky wordsQuick View

Phase 5 flipchart - ay, ou, ie, ea, oy, ir, ue, aw and tricky/cheeky words

This is two week’s worth of lessons with the sound of the day, 5 words with pictures, sound buttons and a reveal box for the children to sound out the word with you and then write on their whiteboards/watch you write/help you write and then the word can be revealed. Each day has 2/3 sentences to read or write or a mix of both and some days include links to phonicsplay games. One slide has tricky words for phases 3 and 4 to revise in the form of a grid and rolling a dice that I made. We roll a big di to reveal a row of words and I say a word and they have to find it/write it on their whiteboards to recognise these sight words. Some slides have links to videos for songs for tricky words or GPCs.
Y1 seasonsQuick View

Y1 seasons

This is a short series of lessons based on seasons for a Y1 class. The knowledge organiser is full of facts that the children can learn as the unit of work progresses and the flipchart has basic slides as an aid/plan for 5 lessons based on the NC science objectives. The flipchart also provides 5 key science skill icons that can be used to teach children which skill they are using in this unit - close observation. Two worksheets are included - seasons spinner and a format for observing changes within the environment (in this case Forest School or the school’s grounds) and links to three videos.
Number bonds/pairs to 10 and 20 grids for children to completeQuick View

Number bonds/pairs to 10 and 20 grids for children to complete

We use these as warm-up activities with the aim that the children complete more rows each day or a quicker time. At first, they can use a ‘cheat sheet’ (or have this displayed on the IWB) with the pairs to 10 for them to get used to the format and recalling the facts.
Key Performance Indicators/Core CurriculumQuick View

Key Performance Indicators/Core Curriculum

Core Curricula statements for each year from reception to year 6 and for reading, writing and maths. Roughly 50% of content from the NC and chosen for progression and core objectives to assess against (non-negotiables) and to focus teaching on the key performance indicators for achieving age-related expectations and to use as targets for children and adults to focus on. Two formats - the whole school, reading, writing and then maths or year group pages- both in word format so you can edit and add your school’s name and logo/banner.
Early Reading Bundle - SSP, Reading Group Script and Reading PolicyQuick View

Early Reading Bundle - SSP, Reading Group Script and Reading Policy

An Early Reading Bundle! This has taken a year to finalise and 4 drafts of the Reading Policy and 12 drafts of the reading curriculum! Hopefully it saves some people time! ‘How to do…’ daily reading in the Lower School (EYFS to Y2). Photos have been obscured but kept in so you can see what the sessions look like. Feel free to use and amend/edit/adapt to fit your reading policy- saving you starting from scratch! The Reading Curriculum (SSP) with matched LW books to the teaching of phonics mapped across the weeks, years from reception to Autumn year 2. GPCs have been chosen from those we previously taught plus those introduced through LW books but not all. I cross-referenced the GPCs coming up in the LW books and found many ‘GPCs’ that were in the KS2 spelling sppendices. I chose GPCs to teach that were popular and appeared many times in many books or if they had a useful spelling pattern that could be applied to more words. Those not chosen are taught in a phonics lesson as tricky words and/or as flashcards at the start of the reading session. We made these choices over and over whilst teaching last year, hence why we are on draft 12! Feel free to adapt and make your own choices that work for you and your lower school. Reading Script for reading sessions This is the structure of our reading sessions. In y1 these are 15minutes long 4 times a week and in reception 10mins long 4 times a week. Groups are 6 children max and each group has an adult. We use scripts in order to keep the level of teaching the same across adults and groups. We rotate adults across the groups over a term. The focused teaching points are also given to parents so they know how to support their child at home.
Y1 Autumn Term: The Enchanted Wood topic - MTP, KO, lit & geo lessonsQuick View

Y1 Autumn Term: The Enchanted Wood topic - MTP, KO, lit & geo lessons

A cross-curricular topic focusing on: Geography: simple map work- a local area walk and drawing human features, key icons created for a simple map of a trip to the woods, and a simple map of the playground. Science: seasons R.E: The natural world Literacy: our own Gruffalo inspired creatures and describing them in a book DT: moving images (sliders) with our creatures and a whole class forest background Trip ideas: a trip to the woods! Included is the curriculum overview, MTP, knowledge organiser (seasons) DT flipchart, LIteracy flipchart, Geography flipchart - all very simple with links on photos. Also included is the writing book proforma to print into a booklet for the children to make their own book. A great topic for a corridor display - photo included as an idea. The classroom display was a working wall with a branch and leaves collected from outside and then work as we did it - forest monster sliders, tree rubbings, a map of the playground, photos from out local area walk, a map of the woods.
Year 1 addition within 10 and simple subtraction 6 lessonsQuick View

Year 1 addition within 10 and simple subtraction 6 lessons

A few weeks of addition and subtraction. A flipchart - addition 3 sheets: adding more, solving addition problems and finding a part Part-whole/fact family addition. A simple part-whole models and links to maths visuals. You can model using the flipchart or with magnetic double sided counters. Children to write a number sentence that matches on their mini-white boards. Model how addition is commutative, the amounts can be either side of the addition symbol. Begin to demonstrate a fact family to match the PPW model. The challenge is writing the equals symbol at the start. 3 sheets of part-whole pictorial representations (strip) to be stuck in books and addition sentences written to the side on the grided/squared paper. Subtraction -3 sheets tens frames pictorial objects part-whole models The flipchart has examples of these.
Number formation posters 1-10Quick View

Number formation posters 1-10

A4 editable posters for the correct formation of numbers 1-10 with a little rhyme and a font that show the start points. Very useful for EYFS and Y1 to say the rhyme as children write a digit/number.
Solve missing number by counting onQuick View

Solve missing number by counting on

A flipchart and two sheets of counting on to solve missing number also with the option of a bar model as well so the children have two representations. Method: circle the largest number and count on in jumps.
Phase 3-5 phonics mat flipchartQuick View

Phase 3-5 phonics mat flipchart

This is a flipchart with phase 3 (not ‘zz’) and phase 5 sounds/GPCs with icons as well as the tricky/cheeky words from phase 3 -5. You can teach using the flipchart or screenshot/print the slides to make a phonics mat for individual/group use. If using as a flipchart slide, one way I use it is with the ‘spotlight’ tool to move around the screen and reveal a sound and the class have to read it (on Active Inspire)
Y1 addition Autumn TermQuick View

Y1 addition Autumn Term

Simple autumn addition: adding more (not starting from zero/counting on) solving addition problems (pictorial representations) finding a part (missing number using pictorial representations)