ART - SEND provision mapQuick View

ART - SEND provision map

<p>ART: SEND provision in the wider curriculum.</p> <p>Showing clear adaptations and strategies identified for the 4 areas of need:</p> <p>Cognition and Learning,<br /> Communication and Interaction,<br /> Social, Emotional and Mental Health,<br /> Physical and Sensory needs</p> <p>Provision maps will support teachers in providing quality first teaching and also show quality of provision.</p>
SEND Identification Referral PathwayQuick View

SEND Identification Referral Pathway

<p>This resource enables school staff and SENDCO to provide a clear process of identifying SEND.</p> <p>This pathway can be shared with school staff, parents and Ofsted to show how SEND is supported.</p> <p>Early identification of SEND can help pupils thrive by removing barriers.</p> <p>Identified characteristics of pupils who may have SEND include:</p> <ul> <li>Having more difficulty learning than others of the same age</li> <li>Having a disability that prevents them from using educational facilities</li> <li>Not making progress without support.</li> </ul> <p>The identification process demonstrates a clear flowchart of the referal process and the support provided. There are 4 stages in the pathway:</p> <ul> <li>Stage 1: Potential area of need is identified by teacher, TA, parent or outside agency.</li> <li>Stage 2: SENDCO Involvement</li> <li>Stage 3: SEND Register and Support Plan</li> <li>Stage 4: SSPP/ EHCP</li> </ul>
DT - SEND provision mapQuick View

DT - SEND provision map

<p>Design and Technology : SEND provision in the wider curriculum.</p> <p>Showing clear adaptations and strategies identified for the 4 areas of need:</p> <p>Cognition and Learning,<br /> Communication and Interaction,<br /> Social, Emotional and Mental Health,<br /> Physical and Sensory needs</p> <p>Provision maps will support teachers in providing quality first teaching and also show quality of provision.</p>
History - SEND provision mapQuick View

History - SEND provision map

<p>History: SEND provision in the wider curriculum.</p> <p>Showing clear adaptations and strategies identified for the 4 areas of need:</p> <p>Cognition and Learning,<br /> Communication and Interaction,<br /> Social, Emotional and Mental Health,<br /> Physical and Sensory needs</p> <p>Provision maps in the subject area will support teachers in providing quality first teaching and also show quality of provision.</p>
Modern Foreign Languages - SEND provision mapQuick View

Modern Foreign Languages - SEND provision map

<p>MFL: SEND provision in the wider curriculum.</p> <p>Showing clear adaptations and strategies identified for the 4 areas of need:</p> <p>Cognition and Learning,<br /> Communication and Interaction,<br /> Social, Emotional and Mental Health,<br /> Physical and Sensory needs</p> <p>Provision maps will support teachers in providing quality first teaching in the subject and also show quality of provision.</p>
Music- SEND in the wider curriculumQuick View

Music- SEND in the wider curriculum

<p>Music: SEND provision in the wider curriculum.</p> <p>Showing clear adaptations and strategies identified for the 4 areas of need:</p> <p>Cognition and Learning,<br /> Communication and Interaction,<br /> Social, Emotional and Mental Health,<br /> Physical and Sensory needs</p> <p>Provision maps will support teachers in providing quality first teaching in the subject and also show quality of provision.</p>
Geography - SEND provision mapQuick View

Geography - SEND provision map

<p>Geography: SEND provision in the wider curriculum.</p> <p>Showing clear adaptations and strategies identified for the 4 areas of need:</p> <p>Cognition and Learning,<br /> Communication and Interaction,<br /> Social, Emotional and Mental Health,<br /> Physical and Sensory needs</p> <p>Provision maps will support teachers in providing quality first teaching and also show quality of provision.</p>
Physical Education - SEND provision mapQuick View

Physical Education - SEND provision map

<p>PE: SEND provision in the wider curriculum.</p> <p>Showing clear adaptations and strategies identified for the 4 areas of need:</p> <p>Cognition and Learning,<br /> Communication and Interaction,<br /> Social, Emotional and Mental Health,<br /> Physical and Sensory needs</p> <p>Provision maps will support teachers in providing quality first teaching in the subject and also show quality of provision.</p>
PSHE - SEND provision mapQuick View

PSHE - SEND provision map

<p>PSHE: SEND provision in the wider curriculum.</p> <p>Showing clear adaptations and strategies identified for the 4 areas of need:</p> <p>Cognition and Learning,<br /> Communication and Interaction,<br /> Social, Emotional and Mental Health,<br /> Physical and Sensory needs</p> <p>Provision maps will support teachers in providing quality first teaching and also show quality of provision.</p>
Science - SEND provision mapQuick View

Science - SEND provision map

<p>Science: SEND provision in the wider curriculum.</p> <p>Showing clear adaptations and strategies identified for the 4 areas of need:</p> <p>Cognition and Learning,<br /> Communication and Interaction,<br /> Social, Emotional and Mental Health,<br /> Physical and Sensory needs</p> <p>Provision maps will support teachers in providing quality first teaching and also show quality of provision.</p>
Religious Education - SEND provision mapQuick View

Religious Education - SEND provision map

<p>RE: SEND provision in the wider curriculum.</p> <p>Showing clear adaptations and strategies identified for the 4 areas of need:</p> <p>Cognition and Learning,<br /> Communication and Interaction,<br /> Social, Emotional and Mental Health,<br /> Physical and Sensory needs</p> <p>Provision maps will support teachers in providing quality first teaching and also show quality of provision.</p>
Intervention Log proformaQuick View

Intervention Log proforma

<p>This log can be used as a daily and/or weekly record of the implementation of an individual/ group of student’s intervention plan.</p> <p>The log enables one to measure the impact and effectiveness of an intervention.<br /> This resource outlines the implemented interventions, track student attendance, rag rates performance and progress.</p>
Assess Plan Do Review Proforma - SENDQuick View

Assess Plan Do Review Proforma - SEND

<p>Assess Plan Do Review log.</p> <p>This resource supports SENDCO’s to have a log of a referral made, identify the concern, what support has already been put into place, the impact of support and next steps.</p> <p>Can be shared and completed with class teams, parents and team around the child.</p>
Whole school SEND provision mapQuick View

Whole school SEND provision map

<p>Evidence how you meet the needs of pupils with SEN and additional needs,</p> <p>The Provision Map is split into the four categories of need as outlined in the Code of Practice 2014 (Communication &amp; Interaction, Cognition &amp; Learning, Social, Emotional &amp; Mental Health, Sensory &amp; Physical). It follows a graduated response approach showcasing provision provided in:</p> <p>Wave 1: Universal teaching<br /> Wave 2: Targeted provision<br /> Wave 3: Specialist provision</p>
SEND Wider Curriculum All subjects provision mapQuick View

SEND Wider Curriculum All subjects provision map

<p>SEND provision in the wider curriculum,. Showing clear adaptations and strategies identified for the 4 areas of need:</p> <p>Cognition and Learning,<br /> Communication and Interaction,<br /> Social, Emotional and Mental Health,<br /> Physical and Sensory needs</p> <p>Provision maps will support teachers in providing quality first teaching and also show quality of provision.</p> <p>There are provision maps for the following wider curriculum subjects:</p> <p>Science,<br /> Geography,<br /> History,<br /> RSHE,<br /> Religious Education,<br /> Physical Education,<br /> Art,<br /> Design Technology,<br /> Languages,<br /> Music</p>