Revision activities GCSE religious studiesQuick View

Revision activities GCSE religious studies

This booklet has 41 pages of revision activities. Islam, Humanism and Christianity. Issues explored are… Issues of relationships (marriage, divorce, same sex relationships, sex) Issues of life and death (creation, life after death, funerals, abortion and euthanasia) Issues of Good and Evil (suffering, good and evil, punishment, the death panalty, forgiveness) Issues of Human rights (Prejudice, discrimination, wealth and poverty, MLK and Oscar Romero, charity, extremism)
Activity booklet Human Rights Christianity and IslamQuick View

Activity booklet Human Rights Christianity and Islam

A range of activities that could be used as homework and revision activities. The focus is Christian and Islamic attitudes towards Human rights (Human rights, prejudice and discrimination, wealth, poverty, charity, Oscar Romero and MLK, extremism)
Activity booklet study of IslamQuick View

Activity booklet study of Islam

A range of activities that could be used as homework and revision activities. The focus is on Islamic beliefs (The nature of God, arabic language, Sunni and Shia Muslims, Hajj, teachings, Jihad, prayer, life after death, Prophethood, 5 Pillars, Al-Qadr and Festivals)
Revision activities Islam Religious studiesQuick View

Revision activities Islam Religious studies

This booklet has 19 pages of revision activities. Different styles of revision activities. Christianity. Issues explored are… the role of the church, charity, God, salvation, after life, judgement, sin, resurrection, prayer, tawhid, Muhammad, arabic language, Hajj, Salah, Life after death, Zakah, angels.
SOW - How do people respond to ethical dilemmasQuick View

SOW - How do people respond to ethical dilemmas

SOW for KS3 It is an introduction to ethics for KS3 - I have taught it to Year 8 Lessons are… The Hot air balloon debate The sanctity of life Transplant surgery IVF Genetic engineering also includes a flipped learning homework.
Revision activities Christianity religious studiesQuick View

Revision activities Christianity religious studies

This booklet has 25 pages of revision activities. Different styles of revision activities. Christianity. Issues explored are… the role of the church, charity, God, salvation, after life, judgement, sin, resurrection, prayer and sacraments.
Activity booklet Study of ChristianityQuick View

Activity booklet Study of Christianity

A range of activities that could be used as homework and revision activities. The focus is on Christian beliefs (God, Church, language, creation, sacraments, salvation, tearfund, prayer, the fall, prayer, life of Jesus, pilgrimage)
Religious Teaching & Language Anthology GCSE & KS3Quick View

Religious Teaching & Language Anthology GCSE & KS3

This is a Religious teachings & language anthology. Appropriate for GCSE courses but could be used for enhancing KS3 knowledge recall. Christianity and Islam. Religious teachings, an interpretation of the teaching and a hint at what kind of topics that teaching links to. The aim was to highlight to my students that certain teachings can be appropriate in a few different topic areas. Key religious language and definitions.