<p>Fun practical activity for children to order numbers 10-20 using star numbers! Children can (with an adult or independently) cut out the stars and order them from 10-20. Alternatively, this can be printed out & laminated and used as flash cards to assess children’s number recognition - especially those tricky teen numbers!</p>
<code>Fun practical activity to help teach the concept of addition alongside the story, 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt'. Children can make their own number sentences using the bear tokens or alternatively if adult led, adult can write the number sentence and then children have to cut out correct number of bears out to answer. Lots of ways to differentiate this acitvity as well as providing opportunities for number recognition, counting and cutting skills. </code>
<p>A Phonics initial sound activity which can be laminated and be used in lots of practical ways for early stages of Phase 2 Phonics learning. Children can use magnetic letters etc to match to the picture. You can differentiate this activity by using different resources other than magnetic letters and even get the children to write different initial sounds.</p>
<p>Cut and stick activity based on The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. This could be an adult led or independent activity to enhance child’s learning.</p>
<p>Fun activity for children to cut and sort 2D and 3D shapes. This can also help to develop mathematical language and help children to describe different shapes and their properties as well as practising their cutting skills.</p>
<p>Number activity based on the book, ‘Aliens Love Underpants’. This activity is designed to encourage the concept of more & less. Adult to write number in the boxes underneath the spaceships - child to cut out that number of aliens to stick into spaceship and decide which spaceship has ‘more’ or ‘less’ aliens. This activity can be easily adapted to number recognition or matching quantities depending on your focus.</p>
<p>Ideal activity to use for Children in Need. Can be used as an adult led or independent activity. Chn to order and cut Pudsey from small to big - encourages children to use size related vocabulary related to space, shape and measure.</p>
<p>Ideal resource to teach alongside 10 green bottles. We use this in various ways e.g. writing numbers 1-10 on, using number stampers, painting correct number dots/numerals on - you can make it into a resource that can be adult led or independent.</p>
<p>This can be used alongside the book ‘Rainbow Fish’</p>
<p>This writing frame can be used as a part of a adult led group activity to encourage writing and language development. It can also be used for independent purposes within the classroom.</p>
<p>This can be used alongside a Healthy Eating topic you are teaching or could be used alongside the book ‘Supertato’ like we did. Really useful activity to assess children’s letter recognition and sounds as well as cutting skills.</p>
<p>1-10 ten frames based on The Hungry Little Caterpillar book - perfect for EYFS Mathematics and practical learning - can differenitate through using numbered or plain counters, rolling the dice and putting that many counters on the caterpillar etc. Can easily be printed out onto card or laminated.</p>
<p>Fun practical activity to encourage children to demonstrate and practice their mathematic skills in order to find the difference between two amounts. Can use alongside real ‘unifix’ or cube/blocks to enhance learning. Children can also practice their counting skills as well as writing numbers.</p>
<p>Fun mathematical activity to use in the Christmas period. Adult to write number at top, child to paint the correct number of Christmas trees to match - you can edit this activity to use in different ways if you want to use dots instead or however you like.</p>
<p>Fun practical activity to encourage children to learn rhyming words. Can be used as an independent activity or adult led. Activity can be extended by children trying to use their phonics to write the word, or initial sound as well as oral segmenting the words e.g. cat = c-a-t.</p>