Mayas Aztecas Incas Project Spanish Ks2Quick View

Mayas Aztecas Incas Project Spanish Ks2

<p>This unit of work is designed to teach students about all three ancient civilizations in South America looking at their way of life and making comparisons to understand how they were different.</p> <p>deep look at Macchupichu and the first explorers to find it.<br /> Incas civilization<br /> imperfect tense<br /> conjunctions<br /> Aztecs<br /> Mayas<br /> vocabulary<br /> making comparisons</p>
la momificación Spanish Ks2Quick View

la momificación Spanish Ks2

<p>This unit of work is aims to teach children the vocabulary for Egyptian mummification.</p> <p>Vocabulary<br /> adverbials<br /> sequencers<br /> instructions<br /> speaking task</p>
Biomes environment and animals in Spanish ks2Quick View

Biomes environment and animals in Spanish ks2

<p>This biomes Project looks at different biomes weather and animals that live there.</p> <p>articles<br /> tiene<br /> weather<br /> animals<br /> present coninuous at the safari<br /> es vs hay<br /> selva tropical<br /> quantifiers<br /> hot task fact file</p>
Piratas Spanish Project Ks2Quick View

Piratas Spanish Project Ks2

<p>This is a project to teach the topic of pirates.</p> <p>In this porject you will cover a made up story of barba melon.</p> <p>thrid person<br /> adjectives for description<br /> adjectives for personality<br /> agreements<br /> conjunctions<br /> opinions<br /> pirate vocabulary<br /> mapping<br /> prepositions</p>
Spanish sea explorers and Atlantis projectQuick View

Spanish sea explorers and Atlantis project

<p>This unit of work includes descriptions of sea monsters and lessons teaching places in town using the city of atlantis and the film as inspiration.</p> <p>There are many grammatical features including:</p> <p>adjectives<br /> agreements<br /> present tense<br /> se puede infinitive<br /> places in town<br /> past tense<br /> sequencers<br /> adverbials</p>
Spanish Unit of work Plantas La Semilla story instructions textQuick View

Spanish Unit of work Plantas La Semilla story instructions text

<p>this unit of work teaches grammar through the story of la Semilla. Then it covers instructions text.</p> <p>articles<br /> parts of plants<br /> modal verbs - what plants need<br /> infinitives<br /> la semilla story<br /> vocab for story<br /> sequencing the story<br /> instructions how to look after a plant<br /> gardener badge<br /> conjunctions<br /> negatives</p>
Spanish Rainforest project - La Selva tropical KS2Quick View

Spanish Rainforest project - La Selva tropical KS2

<p>This project is based on the Rainforest. Children learn technical vocabulary about the layers of the Rain forest and the animals and plants that live in each layer.</p> <p>As well as this context they learn grammar to describe the rainforest and the animals that live there.</p> <p>hay vs tiene<br /> animals<br /> plants<br /> layers of the rain forest<br /> adjectives<br /> agreements<br /> Thrid person<br /> animal features</p>
Romans Clothes Spanish KS2Quick View

Romans Clothes Spanish KS2

<p>This unit of work helps students learn expanded noun phrases, agreements , adjectives through the context of the romans.</p> <p>aimed to have a fashion show at the end of the unit either by dressing up or using a big paper to wear different outfits.</p> <p>articles<br /> clothes<br /> roman clothes<br /> adjectives<br /> expanded noun phrases<br /> agreements<br /> opinions<br /> llevar conjugation<br /> at the end of the unit knowledge is applied to describe school uniform</p>
Spanish Pompeii Project Ks2Quick View

Spanish Pompeii Project Ks2

<p>This unit of work in inspired in pompeii.</p> <p>Children learn to describe the town of pompeii before and in the current times.</p> <p>grammar:</p> <p>articles<br /> places in town<br /> imperfect tense<br /> conjunctions<br /> present tense<br /> negatives</p> <p>historical knowledge of Pompeii and roman cities and features</p>
Poema Egipto Spanish Ks2Quick View

Poema Egipto Spanish Ks2

<p>This unit of work is aimed to teach students how to write a poem in spanish using Egypt as their context.</p> <ul> <li>vocabualry for egypt</li> <li>describing egyptian features</li> <li>adjectives</li> <li>agreements</li> <li>rhymes</li> <li>similes</li> <li>metaphors</li> </ul>
Chocolate project KS2 SpanishQuick View

Chocolate project KS2 Spanish

<p>In this project students will learn about important chocolate recipes around the world and how to make their own chocolate box and chocolate recipes.</p> <p>adjectives<br /> agreements<br /> ingredients<br /> utensils<br /> imperatives<br /> instructions<br /> persuasive language<br /> inventions<br /> hispanic inventions</p>
The Armada Spanish KS2 La ArmadaQuick View

The Armada Spanish KS2 La Armada

<p>this unit of work looks is divided in two sets of lessons.</p> <p>the first - profile of queen Elisabeth the II<br /> adjectives<br /> personality history<br /> Philip of Spain writes a persuasive letter to Isabel to try to stop the Armada war from happening.</p> <p>Second set of lessons<br /> Describing the armada and what happened, describing the setting as a sailor in the Armada.<br /> History<br /> imperfect tense<br /> adjective adverb verb sentences</p>
KS1 Ks2 Bilingual CLIL curriculumQuick View

KS1 Ks2 Bilingual CLIL curriculum

<p>This curriculum was carefully designed to be context led but also enable high level of Spanish language and sophisticated level of grammatical knowledge .</p> <p>Children love learning language through context enabling them to access higher order thinking skills.</p> <p>Resources for this curriculum can be found on my profile.</p>
El sistema solar Spanish Ks2 ProjectQuick View

El sistema solar Spanish Ks2 Project

<p>This unit of lessons teaches children how to describe the solar system in Spanish .</p> <p>vocabulary for solar system<br /> third person<br /> facts<br /> comparatives<br /> superlatives</p>
Spanish the sea projectQuick View

Spanish the sea project

<p>this project teaches children to describe different layers of the sea and its animals. they get to create some sea monsters and describe fish. They also read the whale and snail in Spanish.</p> <p>articles,<br /> adjectives,<br /> agreements,<br /> conjunctions,<br /> possessives,<br /> the snail and whale story<br /> past tense</p>
Spanish at the Restauran Victorian RestaurantQuick View

Spanish at the Restauran Victorian Restaurant

<p>This is a contect based topic of the restaurant<br /> linked to the Victorians.</p> <p>learn foods in<br /> victorian times,<br /> articles,<br /> conditional tense to order.<br /> agreements<br /> con<br /> adjectives<br /> menus</p>
Toys Project Spanish Ks2 fact fileQuick View

Toys Project Spanish Ks2 fact file

<p>This project looks at victorian times and childrens life.<br /> after the lessons focus on toys and current toys<br /> children learn vocabualry for toys and tenses.</p> <p>they learn to use the imperfect tense<br /> make comparisons<br /> chores<br /> victorian facts<br /> conjunctions</p>
Spanish Town project Ks2Quick View

Spanish Town project Ks2

<p>This project is based on the UK town of Brighton.</p> <p>The lessons teach step by step places in town how to describe them and use opinions about town.</p> <p>At the end they write a shape poem describing the town.</p> <p>Grammar:<br /> places in town<br /> articles<br /> agreements<br /> conjunctions<br /> negatives<br /> complex opinions<br /> justified opinions<br /> adjectives</p>