Full component 1 lessons for BTEC Tech Travel and TourismQuick View

Full component 1 lessons for BTEC Tech Travel and Tourism

<p>Full lessons to cover learning aim A and B in component 1 in BTEC Tech Travel and Tourism Level 1/2. Student demographic SEN, lower ability and EAL. Students have acheived L2D with these lessons, 90% L2P pass rate. Outstanding department.</p> <ul> <li>All lessons have starters and LO’s and tasks throughout</li> <li>DIfferentiated resources</li> <li>2 Practice PSA’s with scaffolding sheets</li> <li>Homeworks included</li> <li>Retrieval practice a key area for the department - embedded throughout</li> </ul> <p>Feel free to message to buy any individual lessons</p>
Component 2 Travel and Tourism BTEC Tech Full Lesson packQuick View

Component 2 Travel and Tourism BTEC Tech Full Lesson pack

<p>Full pack of Component 2 lessons for BTEC Tech Travel and Tourism Level 1 and 2. Department is outstanding and achieved over 90% L2P, distinction grades also achieved. Demographic of students SEN, lower ability and EAL.</p> <ul> <li>Full lessons for component 2</li> <li>Practice PSA with planning sheets and scaffolding</li> <li>2 Homeworks</li> <li>DIRT planned in with resources</li> <li>Multitude of different retrieval practices</li> </ul> <p>Feel free to message to buy any individual lessons</p>
Component 1 LAA BTEC Tech Travel and Tourism Level 1 and 2 - complete lessonsQuick View

Component 1 LAA BTEC Tech Travel and Tourism Level 1 and 2 - complete lessons

<p>Complete lessons for component 1 LAA. More than 19 lessons. retrieval practice throughout, practice assessment based on Hays travel with scaffolded support sheets. Demographic of students taught lower ability, SEN, EAL. Department has over 90% L2P rate, including high proportion of distinctions. Department rated outstanding.<br /> Headline lessons:</p> <ul> <li>Starters included in all lessons</li> <li>Visual approach to teaching</li> <li>Scaffolding throughout</li> <li>2 cover lessons included</li> <li>2 homeworks included</li> <li>Assessments included with answers</li> <li>DIRT opportunities embedded</li> </ul> <p>Happy to send a preview of some resources if required. Feel free to message to buy any individual lessons</p>
Component 1 Learning aim B - Travel and Tourism BTEC Tech Full set of lessons and resourcesQuick View

Component 1 Learning aim B - Travel and Tourism BTEC Tech Full set of lessons and resources

<p>Full set of lessons for component 1 of BTEC Tech Travel and Tourism Level 1/2. Department has gained over 90% Level 2pass, and multiple merits. Outstanding department. Full lessons, with resources. Demographic of students SEN, Lower ability and EAL. Students have achieved Level2D with these resources<br /> Key documents included:</p> <ul> <li>Over 15 lessons</li> <li>Whole of Learning aim B covered from C1</li> <li>PSA practice included with planning and scaffolding</li> <li>Differentiated resources</li> <li>2 homeworks included</li> <li>Retrieval practice embedded throughout</li> <li>Opportunity for DIRT</li> </ul> <p>Feel free to message to buy any individual lessons</p>
Component 1 and 2 full lessons Travel and Tourism BTEC TechQuick View

Component 1 and 2 full lessons Travel and Tourism BTEC Tech

2 Resources
<p>Full bundle of lessons for Component 1 and 2 of BTEC Tech Travel and Tourism Level 1 and 2. All lessons have starters which are engaging, lessons filled with retrieval practice opportunities, homeworks, cover lessons, and practice PSA’s with DIRT opportunities.</p>
Organisational structures (Tall and Flat)Quick View

Organisational structures (Tall and Flat)

<p>2 lessons included, LO’s covered:</p> <ul> <li>To understand what ‘HRM’, ‘organisational structure’ and ‘span of control’ are.</li> <li>To analyse the benefits and drawbacks of a tall and flat organisational structure.</li> <li>To understand what flat and tall organisational structures are; and assess the benefits and drawbacks of using them.</li> </ul> <p>Tasks included:<br /> Visual teaching of organisational structures with differentiated questions throughout building up to analysis questions</p>
Introduction to legislationQuick View

Introduction to legislation

<p>One lesson included.<br /> LO: To understand the term ‘legislation’ and explain its importance, using case studies to support.</p> <p>Tasks,<br /> Visual starter, case studies to learn about legislation, headlines to analyse, plenary with Youtube link and analysis questions</p>
Quality control (TQM and Quality Inspector)Quick View

Quality control (TQM and Quality Inspector)

<p>3 Lessons included, LO’s covered:</p> <ul> <li>To understand the term quality inspection and total quality management.</li> <li>To assess the benefits and drawbacks of both methods.</li> <li>To compare the similarities and differences between quality control methods and analyse which is most suited for a context.</li> <li>To use knowledge on quality to build a strong analysis and evaluation.</li> </ul> <p>Tasks included: birthday card creation practical activity to teach about different quality control methods, exam low mark questions with answers, exam case study questions (12 mark reflective)</p>
What is the concept of quality?Quick View

What is the concept of quality?

<p>2 lessons included, LO’s covered:</p> <ul> <li>To understand the meaning of ‘quality’</li> <li>To identify strategies to measure quality</li> <li>To analyse the drawbacks of measuring quality</li> <li>To assess the consequence of businesses having bad quality</li> </ul> <p>Tasks included:<br /> Targetting setting activity for businesses, Railcard scenario, case studies to learn about identifying problems, Samsung case study</p>
Job and Flow ProductionQuick View

Job and Flow Production

<p>Start of Unit 3 - Business Operations<br /> 3 lessons included. LO’s covered:</p> <ul> <li>To understand the role of production in business.</li> <li>TBAT explain how businesses decisions regarding production affects their success.</li> <li>To understand what job and flow production is and analyse its impact on businesses</li> <li>To analyse the methods of production</li> <li>To use our knowledge to identify reasons a business uses a method of production, and justify if this is correct or not.</li> </ul> <p>Tasks included:<br /> Recap of CELL (factors of production), practical activity where students become business card creators to learn about job and flow production, analysis activity with case study and plenary</p>
Risk and UncertaintyQuick View

Risk and Uncertainty

<p>Two lessons included.<br /> LO’s: To understand the impact of being in a market with few businesses<br /> To understand risk and uncertainty within business<br /> To explain why entrepreneurs take risks</p> <p>Youtube clip with question, Premier Inn case study and analysis case study to reflect 12 mark question</p>
Technology (e-commerce and m-commerce)Quick View

Technology (e-commerce and m-commerce)

<p>3 Lessons included:<br /> LO included:<br /> To understand different technology which businesses use<br /> TBAT explain how technology improves operations<br /> To understand the term e-commerce<br /> TBAT explain the impact e-commerce has on stakeholders<br /> To analyse the effect technology has on business case studies</p> <p>Tasks included:<br /> Amazon case study, table task, plenaries, ranking popular websites, diamond 9, link to a kahoot, carousel activity for technology case studies and exam question</p>
Gap in the market and market mappingQuick View

Gap in the market and market mapping

<p>3 lessons included, LO’s covered:<br /> TBAT define and explain what a gap in the market is<br /> TBAT understand what a market map is and how to use it effectively<br /> To understand how to answer low mark exam questions</p> <p>Tasks included: Pictionary starter, A3 group task independent activity, learning check, drawing market map activity, plenary questions alongside exam questions and answers (with case studies)</p>
Economies and diseconomies of scale - Growth in BusinessQuick View

Economies and diseconomies of scale - Growth in Business

<p>5 Lessons included:<br /> LOs covered:</p> <ul> <li>To explain why businesses want to grow/expand</li> <li>To state the different methods used to measure a businesses size.</li> <li>To identify internal and external growth methods</li> <li>To analyse a businesses choice of expansion</li> <li>To define economies of scale</li> <li>To use a graph to explain the impact of economies of scale on businesses.</li> <li>To revisit economies of scale and explain its impact on expanding businesses.</li> <li>To define diseconomies of scale</li> <li>To use a graph to explain the impact of diseconomies of scale on businesses.</li> <li>To understand the types of diseconomies of scale</li> <li>To explain how diseconomies of scale can effect businesses</li> </ul> <p>Multiple tasks included: Case studies on Apple, Microsoft and NHS to teach measurement strategies, carosel activity for case study analysis on internal and external, real life case studies to teach economies and diseconomies of scale, alongside graph drawing, multiple choice quiz, exam question</p>
StakeholdersQuick View


<p>3 lessons included.<br /> LOs covered:<br /> TBAT define stakeholders<br /> To analyse how stakeholders can affect or be affected by businesses actions<br /> To show understanding in how stakeholders can influence businesses decisions<br /> To plan strategies which businesses can use in order to maintain positive relationships with stakeholders<br /> To answer low-mark exam questions<br /> To assess how stakeholders affect one another</p> <p>Tasks included: Youtube clips, diamond nine, exam questions with answers and case studies, multiple choice questions, real life case study for knowledge teaching</p>
Legal Structures - Sole Traders and PartnershipsQuick View

Legal Structures - Sole Traders and Partnerships

<p>Lesson one:<br /> To understand the difference between unlimited and limited liability<br /> To assess the advantages and disadvantages of being a sole trader<br /> Case studies used to teach sole traders and practical task for teaching unlimited and limited liability</p> <p>Lesson two:<br /> TBAT define the term ‘partnership’<br /> To investigate the advantages and disadvantages of being a partnership.<br /> Story scenario to teach partnerships</p> <p>Analysis 6 mark question with scaffolding at the end of the two lessons</p>
Internal and external recruitment methodsQuick View

Internal and external recruitment methods

<p>One lesson included:</p> <ul> <li>To identify internal and external methods of recruitment</li> <li>To assess the advantages and disadvantages.</li> </ul> <p>Tasks included:<br /> Exam questions with answers (low mark), visual cues to teach internal and external methods and Tesco case study with questions, plenary</p>