FeminismQuick View


This resource has an overview of the key strands of feminism, its key thinkers, and tensions within the ideology. It is best used as an A-level lesson over 4/5 lessons. The series of lessons also includes video resources within, activity sheets and essay planning sheets. This can be used for Sociology and Government and Politics (AQA, Edexcel)
Prime Ministerial Government UKQuick View

Prime Ministerial Government UK

This A-level lesson starts with a stat-based source-starter and then follows into a quick partner debate. It includes a differentiated choice of task that does not require multiple worksheets to be printed. There are some information sheets that can be handed out but they are all included within the lesson. It is easy to teacher and includes a literacy based dictionary challenge also. After teaching this lesson it covered all of the main points well and students found it accessible.
Domestic Violence and The Dark Side of The FamilyQuick View

Domestic Violence and The Dark Side of The Family

AQA A-Level Sociology lesson examining domestic violence in the household and the dark side of the family. Includes, visual starter, information sheets, card match activity, example questions and support grids for completing questions. Can be used for GCSE also. Evaluation and stats card sort go together.
Crime and Punishment: Hate  CrimeQuick View

Crime and Punishment: Hate Crime

AQA R.E Crime & Punishment syllabus: Hate Crime. This lesson includes a plan and tasks that are differentiated for different learning styles. This includes several task sheets and video clips
The Battle of Britain WW2Quick View

The Battle of Britain WW2

KS3 or KS4 lesson that looks at the preparations for war and the events of the battle itself. Lesson includes an imaginative starter centred around a potential alien invasion, then includes video resources that involve discussion opportunities. The key learning comes from source analysis that includes a written task. Also includes a discussion starter for another lesson on the Blitz
Social Justice: The exploitation of the poorQuick View

Social Justice: The exploitation of the poor

This lesson can be used for R.E, Citizenship or social science and considers the impact of how the poor are exploited through zero-hours contracts, human-trafficking and employment rights. It debates the use of credit cards and the success of unions. There are video resources within this lesson and worksheets to accompany it. Best used for Y9-11
What was the battle of Stalingrad?Quick View

What was the battle of Stalingrad?

Good introduction lesson exploring the Battle of Stalingrad WW2. Includes independent learning activity that gets kids moving around the classroom. Video resource, lesson plan and supporting work sheets included. Differentiated task sheet also included. Lesson got me a level 1 in my observation for promoting progress
Why did Nixon win the 1968 Election?Quick View

Why did Nixon win the 1968 Election?

This A-level lesson is designed for unit 2Q, 'The American Dream' and focuses on the reasons for the 1968 election win. The lesson worked best when the information slides were posted around the room A3 style. Includes worksheet
Holy TrinityQuick View

Holy Trinity

This lesson examines the idea of God as the Holy Trinity and was aimed towards my Year 9 Mixed ability class. The resource includes a detailed lesson plan with resource sheets. There is something in here for all learning styles and tasks include stretch and challenge questions for those who complete early. I was awarded a level 1 for this lesson during my formal observation. I was praised for using AFL to monitor progress easily through the knowledge line
Christian View on ForgivenessQuick View

Christian View on Forgiveness

This lesson looks at Christian arguments for and against forgiveness including examples around Nelson Mandela and the Stephen Lawrence murder. Students are then asked to research the NI troubles on the forgiveness project website and bring a case study into class next lesson.
How should we remember war?Quick View

How should we remember war?

This group discussion lesson works well stretched out as an hour long lesson analysing how we should remember war. Looking at the brutality of war and the controversial debates around wearing a poppy, the lesson looks at examples from Northern Ireland and Iraq about why some people take issue with remembering the war dead. This lesson worked brilliantly with my Y9 History class at the end of covering ww1.
The Vietnam War- Fall of  Saigon 1975Quick View

The Vietnam War- Fall of Saigon 1975

In this lesson we analysed the fall of Saigon in 1975 and the impact it had on Gerald Ford's presidency and the legacy of US foreign policy. This A-level lesson looked at 15 pictures that Time magazine released after the fall of Saigon and weighs up if US involvement was benevolent or imperialistic. There is also a worksheet attached and a stretch and challenge homework task. This creative lesson is mostly visual and students reacted well to the various discussion points around imagery and the power of camera.
The American Dream 1945-63 Summary GuideQuick View

The American Dream 1945-63 Summary Guide

This summary guide looks at the domestic and foreign policies of Truman, Eisenhower and Kennedy from 1945-63. It is a well resourced and extensive guide that summaries and analyses the significance of major events during the growth of the US as an economic and military superpower during the Cold War. This resource also includes significance analysis of the Civil Rights movement during these years and the response of each president to the push for desegregation in the north and south. It is well aligned to GCSE and A-Level but it has been primarily used for the AQA A-Level Part 1. There is also a list of potential practice questions that students can attempt in otder to prepare for examination on the topic. This resource can be printed out and made into a booklet for class or independent use.
How did McCarthyism affect America under Truman?Quick View

How did McCarthyism affect America under Truman?

This A-level lesson gives a background to senator Joe McCarthy and McCarthyism under president Truman 1945-52. It includes temporary links to examples today. It includes some videos and visual prompts for discussion
President Gerald Ford 1974-76Quick View

President Gerald Ford 1974-76

This A-level lesson is based around the AQA spec and introduces students to the background and policies of Gerald Ford, the 38th president of the USA. The lesson includes a differentiated starter and an investigative task that involves circulating around the room. I have also include video resources and a link to the modern-day SNL skit of Donald Trump.
US Cold War Policy in Europe 1954-1960Quick View

US Cold War Policy in Europe 1954-1960

This lesson is designed for AQA's 2Q The American Dream 1945-80, but can be used for GCSE Cold War History. It looks at the foreign policy of President Eisenhower in Europe and includes an activity that allows students to circulate around the room. There is also an video sourced that looks at the U2 spy incident. Included is a worksheet and plenary idea for a class debate.
Nixon: Latin America and DetenteQuick View

Nixon: Latin America and Detente

These two lessons are designed for the UK A-level: The American Dream. However they may be used for political lessons or general US history. They focus on Nixon’s work with Kissinger in Latin America and the detente negotiations with China and the USSR. The lessons include video resource tasks and source analysis.
Understanding the Nixon Adminstration 1968Quick View

Understanding the Nixon Adminstration 1968

This A-level Lesson looks at the Nixon Administration following his successful 1968 Election and compares and contrasts the different strengths and weaknesses they brought to his presidency. The lesson includes A3 slides that can be printed out and posted around the room.
Civil Rights Developments Under LBJQuick View

Civil Rights Developments Under LBJ

This A-level lesson charts the different civil rights developments under LBJ and is designed to stretch and challenge students. It is best suited to the AQA Spec
The Media and Protest under LBJQuick View

The Media and Protest under LBJ

This A-level lesson looks at the role of the media in the 'Decade of Protest' under Lyndon B Johnson. The lesson includes 5 separate tasks that are circulated around the room including source analysis of official Black Panther publications and Media representations of African -Americans. The lesson is designed for A3 style posters that hook the student in