Reduce, Reuse, Recycle! A Class Assembly about Plastic Pollution in the Sea.Quick View

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle! A Class Assembly about Plastic Pollution in the Sea.

<p>“By 2050, the ocean is expected to contain more plastics than fish.”</p> <p>You almost certainly know about the problems the world’s oceans are having with all the plastic ending up in them. You may also have heard about, or seen, Sky Ocean Rescue, Blue Planet II and/or any of the other more recent documentaries.</p> <p>This is an assembly I wrote for my year 4 class production that got good reviews from the critics (parents, teachers and children!) who watched it. It could be adapted in any way you want, including for any year group in Key Stages 1, 2 or 3.</p> <p>The pack contains the following:</p> <ul> <li>a Microsoft Word script (with space on the left to write children’s names) and a PDF version;</li> <li>a PowerPoint presentation which has all the pictures and videos in the correct order;</li> <li>and the original video files themselves (because you’ll need them to link to the PowerPoint if you want it to play automatically; I couldn’t find a way to do it because I converted it from a Google Slides document).</li> </ul> <p>Reduce, reuse, recycle!</p> <p>(The quote at the top is taken from the World Economic Forum, 2016: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a></p>
Higher Order Question Cards (Bloom's Taxonomy)Quick View

Higher Order Question Cards (Bloom's Taxonomy)

<p>Multi-purpose questions to promote different levels of thinking, based on Bloom’s taxonomy.</p> <p>Included in this pack are questions for each level of Bloom’s Taxonomy that can be used in many ways in the classroom; some suggestions are given below.</p> <p>There are 68 colour-coordinated questions. Generally, the level of challenge increases from red/knowledge questions (simplest) through the colours of the rainbow to purple/evaluation questions (most challenging).</p> <p>The questions have been made so that they can be cut out and used however you like, and they’re written so that they can be applied to most lessons in most subjects. Similarly, they can be adapted to fit specific lessons or topics.</p> <p>Suggested uses for the cards:<br /> • As a challenge activity for children who finish their work early.<br /> • As part of a whole-class plenary.<br /> • As a starter to recap previous learning.<br /> • To assess for learning at the end of a unit.<br /> • As a game (e.g. who can draw the best picture to show their learning?)<br /> • As ‘exit cards’ where students have to answer a question before they can ‘exit’ the lesson.<br /> • Children can choose their own cards (once they know the difference in level of ease/challenge), or the teacher can direct different groups of children to particular colours.<br /> • The longer ‘cards’ with the names and brief descriptions of each level of the taxonomy, e.g. ‘Knowledge (recalling facts)’, can be used to inform the children which level each type of question corresponds to and/or for a display.</p>
Year 4 Dilemma Stories Unit (3 weeks) - Wallace and GromitQuick View

Year 4 Dilemma Stories Unit (3 weeks) - Wallace and Gromit

3 Resources
This is a three-week unit on dilemma stories based on Wallace and Gromit: A Matter of Loaf and Death. The pack includes each week's lesson plan and all of the resources you need! It also has a story to use as a WAGOLL if you want to use it!<br /> <br /> Here's what's included in the bundle:<br /> <br /> Week 1 - understanding and exploring the story and its structure, extracting the plot, storyboarding the main events, and using drama to explore the characters' thoughts and feelings.<br /> <br /> Week 2 - answering questions to demonstrate comprehension, comparing the plot to that of other stories, and planning a story based on the story of A Matter of Loaf and Death. <br /> <br /> Week 3 - writing a dilemma story. <br /> <br /> Note: <br /> Red/Orange = LA<br /> Green = MA<br /> Purple = HA
Dilemma Stories Unit (Week 3 of 3) - Wallace and Gromit - Year 4Quick View

Dilemma Stories Unit (Week 3 of 3) - Wallace and Gromit - Year 4

** All three weeks' plans and resources are here: **<br /> <br /> This is week 3 of a three-week unit on dilemma stories based on Wallace and Gromit: A Matter of Loaf and Death. The pack includes the week's lesson plan and all of the resources you need! It also has a story to use as a WAGOLL if you want to use it!<br /> <br /> Note: <br /> Red/Orange = LA<br /> Green = MA<br /> Purple = HA
Exciting writing! Resources to help improve KS2 English writing.Quick View

Exciting writing! Resources to help improve KS2 English writing.

This six-page resource is the enemy of boring writing! It can help children across KS2 to write in more interesting ways. Specifically made for writing narratives, it can be used to other types of writing too.<br /> <br /> This document includes the following resources:<br /> - Fronted adverbials, differentiated four ways;<br /> - 'Writing a sentence' process, specifically aimed at lower achieving writers who struggle to write sentences (or paragraphs) that make sense;<br /> - Expanded noun phrases (four examples);<br /> - Sentence openers.<br /> <br /> Happy writing!
Dilemma Stories Unit (Week 1 of 3) - Wallace and Gromit - Year 4Quick View

Dilemma Stories Unit (Week 1 of 3) - Wallace and Gromit - Year 4

** All three weeks' plans and resources are here: **<br /> <br /> This is week 1 of a three-week unit on dilemma stories based on Wallace and Gromit: A Matter of Loaf and Death. The pack includes the week's lesson plan and all of the resources you need!<br /> <br /> Note: <br /> Red/Orange = LA<br /> Green = MA<br /> Purple = HA
Dilemma Stories Unit (Week 2 of 3) - Wallace and Gromit - Year 4Quick View

Dilemma Stories Unit (Week 2 of 3) - Wallace and Gromit - Year 4

** All three weeks' plans and resources are here: **<br /> <br /> This is week 2 of a three-week unit on dilemma stories based on Wallace and Gromit: A Matter of Loaf and Death. The pack includes the week's lesson plan and all of the resources you need!<br /> <br /> Note:<br /> Red/Orange = LA<br /> Green = MA<br /> Purple = HA
KS2 Maths Starters and ActivitiesQuick View

KS2 Maths Starters and Activities

Assorted activities that can be used as starters and/or as part of main lessons. The activities are differentiated three ways, according to my year 4 class (red = LA, green = MA, and purple = HA). Year 3 and 5 teachers will, I'm sure, be able to use these slides too. <br /> <br /> This document has 33 slides of activities, under the following headings:<br /> - Place Value;<br /> - Number (general);<br /> - Rounding;<br /> - Addition and subtraction;<br /> - Partitioning to double and halve;<br /> - Multiplication and division (including fractions of amounts); and <br /> - Converting between different units.<br /> <br /> I hope you find it useful!
Manchester Arena Assembly (demonstrating the power of the human spirit)Quick View

Manchester Arena Assembly (demonstrating the power of the human spirit)

This assembly, written for a year 4 class production, inspires people to see the good in humanity and demonstrates the power of the human spirit, even in times of sadness and tragedy. <br /> <br /> First, the events of the Ariana Grande concert on 22nd May are briefly presented. Then, the assembly goes on to give examples of all the wonderful people who did things to help those in need. Finally, an emotional and heartfelt song is sung and the assembly ends with an uplifting message of how we are safe, we can come through terrible times and we can spread good in the world.<br /> <br /> The pack includes a script (with invisible text boxes on the Word document that you can write inside to allocate lines to children if needed), a PowerPoint presentation of pictures of examples of people who helped (which are referred to in the script) and a video of the song written in honour of the tragedy (which includes my interpretation of the words because I couldn't find the official lyrics anywhere). <br /> <br /> I hope this inspires people to be proud of the way humanity can come together during times of adversity.
Year 4 Writing Target CardsQuick View

Year 4 Writing Target Cards

Writing target cards, differentiated three ways: R for red/LA; G for green/MA; P for purple/HA, for year 4.<br /> <br /> The cards can easily be cut out and stuck into books or into laminated target cards. Word document included alongside PDF so that the targets can be edited if needs be.
Comparing and ordering numbersQuick View

Comparing and ordering numbers

This is a PDF version of a slideshow I created about comparing and ordering numbers for my year 4 class. (It could, I'm sure, work for years 3-5.) <br /> <br /> The document shows the process of ordering numbers step by step, and has three levels of differentiated questions on the last page. <br /> <br /> How many copies would you like to order? (I couldn't resist!)
English/SPAG starters and activitiesQuick View

English/SPAG starters and activities

This PDF includes activities that can be used as starters/plenaries or during the main part of a lesson. It contains 15 'slides', under the following headings:<br /> - Word classes;<br /> - Fronted adverbials;<br /> - Commas to separate clauses; and<br /> - Mixed year 4 English criteria (which includes all of the above, plus noun phrases and direct speech).<br /> <br /> I have found this document useful in my year 4 class for helping the children to extend and apply their knowledge of year 4 success criteria into their writing. I hope you do too!
Self-Development book: Be true! Be you!Quick View

Self-Development book: Be true! Be you!

Simple strategies to empower you to connect to the real you and live from a place of total authenticity!<br /> <br /> Stress and teaching are often so closely related that they blend into one, but it doesn't have to be this way. I believe in continually discovering and expressing who I really am and I love empowering other people to do the same, so I've taken three decades of life experiences, meditation, self-development books, audio programmes and videos, and condensed them into 16 of the most important things that I've learned - and have helped me - along the way.<br /> <br /> In the eBook, you will discover...<br /> - how to connect to your true self<br /> - that everything is okay<br /> - how to meditate and breathe<br /> - the '1% rule'<br /> - how to deal with negative thoughts<br /> - how to be kind to yourself<br /> - how to get what you want<br /> <br /> Although the book was not written specifically for teachers, everything in it can be easily applied to all areas of your life, including teaching.<br /> <br /> Extract:<br /> <br /> 'Presence means being in the moment and paying attention to what is now. Using your five senses is definitely one of the best ways to be present. I find that hearing is especially powerful in this respect – maybe because, if you’re listening to things outside of your body, it’s almost impossible to ‘hear’ your mind chattering away.'<br /> <br /> Enjoy the book!
Awards and Certificates TrackerQuick View

Awards and Certificates Tracker

<p>Do you want a way to keep all of your children’s class/school awards in one place so you know who won what and when?</p> <p>This awards tracker will help you to keep a record of the following information:<br /> 1. Who has won your awards (Writer of the week, Kindness award, etc.) each week.<br /> 2. How many times each child has won each award.<br /> 3. When each child last won each award.</p> <p>The tracker is colour-coordinated in the following ways:<br /> 1. Each term is a different colour.<br /> 2. The names are colour-coordinated according to how many awards they’ve won.</p>
Lego FacesQuick View

Lego Faces

Lego faces, male and female, in three different colours - red, orange and green.<br /> <br /> Suggested uses:<br /> - Each child has a set of three (red, orange and green) to use as a voting system for how confident they feel<br /> - Each child has a set of three (red, orange and green) so that they can vote for one answer to a multiple choice question.<br /> - Labels for trays, pegs etc.<br /> - Stuck on to lolly sticks with a child's name written on it as a student selector tool.<br /> <br /> Word document included alongside PDF in case editing is required/desired.
Matching fractions and decimalsQuick View

Matching fractions and decimals

Activity for matching fractions and decimals that I used in year 4. The activity is explicitly stated on the PDF, so that the children can easily follow it, and the cards to match are differentiated three ways (red = lower ability, green = middle, and purple - higher). All you need to do is cut out the cards - which takes a while but it was worth it for me!
Year 4 Writing CriteriaQuick View

Year 4 Writing Criteria

This document condenses all of the main writing criteria onto one page, giving the criteria along with a short description and examples for each. The criteria included are as follows:<br /> <br /> - Noun phrases<br /> - Fronted adverbials<br /> - Adverb starters<br /> - Commas to separate clauses<br /> - Direct speech<br /> - Complex sentences with adverb starters<br /> <br /> Both the PDF and the Word document are exactly the same. The PDF can obviously not be changed, so might be more appropriate for a display or as an information sheet. You might use the Word document to jumble up the criteria, definitions and examples to assess for learning in this area.