An assembly all about Friendship and trust. Tells the story of a character who has no friends until he comes into money. Script is easily adapted to suit different faiths/cultures/events (e.g. Refugee Week)<br />
The parts which are highlighted can be adapted. A list of potential props is also included.
A quick lesson on why we round numbers. Allows for a class discussion. Activity sheet includes questions on rounding to the nearest 100, 1000 and 10,000. Ideal for a short maths lesson or a recap of a previously taught topic.
<p>A unit of work based on the novel Rooftoppers by Katherine Rundell. The story of child, who’s mother is lost at sea, and is taken in by a learned man. His alternative methods to parenting alert the authorities but their strong bond brings them closer together. Sophie, the main character, believes her mother is still alive and despite her guardian, Charles, disagreeing he allows her the chance to find out. This unit of work could be used over the course of 4-6 weeks and includes a powerpoint with all the lessons on it and worksheets for the activities, including a topic over page and a book review template for the completion of the book.</p>
A fun activity to do with a class over a series of lessons. Children work in groups to create their own board games. The powerpoint explains each stage of the process. Groups evaluate the games created by the other groups at the end of the project and fill out an evaluation score sheet. This score sheet is included.
A lesson which looks at partitioning numbers up to 10,000,000. (e.g. 3,450,460 = 3,000,000 + 400,000 + 50,000 + 400 + 60). Lesson includes a challenge question at the start involving counters/discs. Challenge can be done individually or in pairs/ groups. Sheet included with discs for printing off and laminating. Worksheet also provided as well as the answers
<p>A series of worksheets (16 in total) for the novel Rooftoppers. Some of the activities include script writing, understanding characters, emphasising with characters, role on the wall, sketching, debating and newspaper report writing.</p>
Based around a match between 2 teams where no rules are in place, this fun assembly allows the script to be adapted to whatever teams/players are wanted. Offers reflection on why we have rules and their importance.
An assembly script using the emperor penguin as an example of teamwork and supporting each other. Includes the lyrics to the song. Note: This resource was created for a Catholic school but can be easily adapted.
A lesson on rounding to 10,000, 100,000 and 1,000,000. The powerpoint uses a couple of examples, with number lines used as a visual guide. Worksheet included as well as an answer sheet for self marking or peer marking.
<p>A fun game which can be used as a lesson or a standalone activity. It can played with the teacher vs the children or child vs child. Children have to take turns calling out coordinates to find the things the Grinch has stolen for Christmas. Children mark off the hits and misses on their sheets. Rewards can be given for Hits (i.e. house points for a hit, getting a star for finding Santa and a prize for figuring out the word.) The ppt has a quick recap on coordinates. Sheets for 3 levels of difficulty are included.</p>
<p>A halloween quiz which contains 4 rounds. 3 rounds are multiple choice questions and the 4th round requires a stand alone answer. There are 5 questions in each round. Each question is shown on its own slide. The answers are included at the end. An answer sheet is also included for teams or individuals to use.</p>
3 worksheets, ideal for homework or as an additional resource to a lesson, where children multiply a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number. Each worksheet has 18 questions labelled (a-r). The answers are provided for each worksheet. The worksheets and answer sheets are all individual tabs.
<p>An assembly to perform based on VE Day. There are reading parts for each child but this can be altered depending on class size. The assembly includes a couple of photos to display as well as the lyrics to the song to be sung at the end of the assembly. Links are also included to 2 videos of Churchill speaking to the nation. This can be done as a live performance but is suitable to be recorded in segments and shown as a video.</p>
An introductory lesson on reading, writing and ordering numbers up to 1,000,000 and knowing the value of each digit. Includes answer sheet to the questions.
A lesson looking at multiplying by two-digits in tens. The lesson looks at partitioning the number and then multiplying each number by ten and adding them together. A worksheet is included, as well as an answer sheet for marking.
<p>This is a unit of work for the highly enjoyable novel ‘Skellig’ There are Powerpoint slides for each lesson and worksheets are provided for certain lessons. The rest of the lessons’ work can be done in the children’s books. The second last lesson is a comparison between the novel and the film. A copy of the film will be needed!</p>
<p>Learn coordinates by playing a game of Battleships. Teacher vs pupil or pupil vs pupil, this is a fun and engaging way of ensuring children know their x from their y. Worksheets include 3 levels of difficulty. This resource can be a fun maths lesson or used as a game.</p>