The London Eye Mystery- 11 Week Scheme of WorkQuick View

The London Eye Mystery- 11 Week Scheme of Work

<p>The London Eye Mystery by Siobhan Dowd tells the story of how Ted, a boy with Asperger syndrome, and his sister Kat, solve the mystery of how their cousin, Salim, seemingly vanishes from inside a sealed capsule on the London Eye</p> <p>This 11-week scheme works through the book and combines activities linked to Power of Reading and Talk for Writing. Grammar is linked into the scheme based on the type of writing. Weeks are made up of 3 and 4 lessons allowing for writing to take place over 2 days and also editing lessons based on your pupil needs.</p> <p><strong>Text Types</strong><br /> Throughout the 11-week scheme, the children will study in detail and write at length the following text types:</p> <ul> <li>Explanation,</li> <li>Formal Letter,</li> <li>Newspaper Report</li> <li>Poetry (Shakespearean Iambic Pentameter).</li> </ul>
The Other Side of Truth 12-week literacy scheme of workQuick View

The Other Side of Truth 12-week literacy scheme of work

<p>The Other Side of Truth by Beverley Naidoo tells the story of a Nigerian family torn apart by the depth of their mother. Femi and Sade, the children, enter England illegally and the story follows their journey as it explores what truth actually is.</p> <p>This 12-week scheme works through the book and combines activities linked to Power of Reading and Talk for Writing. Grammar is linked into the scheme based on the type of writing. Weeks are made up of 1/ 2 /3 and 4 lessons allowing for writing to take place over 2 days and also editing lessons.</p> <p><strong>Text Types</strong><br /> Throughout the 12-week scheme, the children will study in detail and write at length the following text types:</p> <ul> <li>Diary Entry,</li> <li>Discussion,</li> <li>Monologue,</li> <li>Poetry.</li> </ul>
Art Lesson on Keith HaringQuick View

Art Lesson on Keith Haring

<p>An art lesson providing:</p> <ul> <li>information about Keith Haring</li> <li>examples of his work</li> <li>precise examples of the techniques he uses</li> <li>an activity for the children to complete.</li> </ul>
Geography Field Trip: Mapping the local areaQuick View

Geography Field Trip: Mapping the local area

<p>This resource helps organise children in groups of five, providing each child with a ‘job’ to help the group map the local area. There is an accompanying sheet to guide additonal adults how to support the children whilst they are on the trip.</p> <p>The resource:</p> <ul> <li>Provides a structured group-based approach to fieldwork.</li> <li>Enables all children, no matter their ability, to be active when on the field trip.</li> <li>Helps to raise awareness of the different jobs available by having a geographical knowledge.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Outcome of the field work</strong><br /> By the end of the field work, each group would have a sketch of the local area with length of each road, the number and types of houses/ shops as well as a collection of photographs of local amenities.</p> <p><strong>Follow up Work</strong><br /> After the field work, the children can work in their groups to use the sketch of the local area to create a scaled drawing (map).</p>
Art Lesson on Shamsia HassaniQuick View

Art Lesson on Shamsia Hassani

<p>An art lesson providing:</p> <ul> <li>information about Shamsia Hassani</li> <li>examples of her work</li> <li>precise examples of the techniques she uses</li> <li>an activity for the children to complete</li> <li>two further step-by-step PowerPoints to help children to create the work.</li> </ul>
Bug Club Comprehension: Yr 6 SATs-style questionsQuick View

Bug Club Comprehension: Yr 6 SATs-style questions

<p>Year 6 SATs-style questions to replace day five’s work in the Pearson’s Bug Club Comprehension scheme (Year 6 Spring Term Weeks 11-15).</p> <p>As Year 6 teachers, we found that some of the activities that are in the Pearson’s Bug Club Comprehension do not offer enough challenge for the children. So to provide challenge and to help prepare the children for SATs-style questions, I have created these worksheets to use instead of day 5.</p> <p>Risks and Thrills!<br /> Peason Education<br /> ISBN- 978 0 435 18617 3</p>
Art Lesson on BanksyQuick View

Art Lesson on Banksy

<p>An art lesson providing:</p> <ul> <li>information about Banksy</li> <li>examples of his work</li> <li>precise examples of the techniques he uses</li> <li>an activity for the children to complete.</li> <li>links to teacher-led videos for each stage of the process</li> </ul>
Roald Dahl Week English/ Grammar/ Guided Reading LessonsQuick View

Roald Dahl Week English/ Grammar/ Guided Reading Lessons

<p>This unit of work is designed for Year 6 pupils linked to Roald Dahl Week. Throughout the week, the children will listen to ‘The Twits’ by Roald Dahl and complete work based on this. Work includes:</p> <ul> <li>3 English lessons building up to the children writing their own play scripts (4th lesson should be an editing lesson)</li> <li>4 Guided Reading Lessons revising how to retrieve information from the text and how to explain the author’s use of language. This is accompanied by 4 activities with SATs-style questions.</li> <li>2 Grammar Lessons revising word classes</li> <li>Spelling lesson</li> </ul> <p>A timetable is included so teachers are aware of when certain chapters of the books have to be read in time for the next lesson.</p>
Margin Planners: Variety of Text TypesQuick View

Margin Planners: Variety of Text Types

<p>A quick and simple way of getting children to plan their writing and then use the plan when writing.</p> <p>If like me, you find children in your class often write in sentences and often at length when planning. And if like me, you find that the children don’t look at their plan once they have written it and their writing does not then resemble anything in their plan. These resources will transfer your planning and writing lessons.</p> <p>A child is given a strip which is stuck in place of the margin. They write in each box their ideas. As each box is only small, the children are encouraged to write notes.</p> <p>When the children come to write the piece of writing they on the lines next to the each box so there is no need for the children to flip back between pages. Each paragraph then contains the information they planned for.</p> <p><strong>Text Types</strong><br /> This resource contains planning margins for the following types of writing:</p> <ul> <li>Diaries,</li> <li>Discussion texts,</li> <li>Explanations,</li> <li>Monologues,</li> <li>Newspaper Articles.</li> </ul>
Bug Club Comprehension: Yr 6 SATs-style questionsQuick View

Bug Club Comprehension: Yr 6 SATs-style questions

<p>Year 6 SATs-style questions to replace day five’s work in the Pearson’s Bug Club Comprehension scheme (Year 6 Autumn Term Weeks 6-10).</p> <p>As Year 6 teachers, we found that some of the activities that are in the Pearson’s Bug Club Comprehension do not offer enough challenge for the children. So to provide challenge and to help prepare the children for SATs-style questions, I have created these worksheets to use instead of day 5.</p> <p><strong>The Road to Freedom</strong><br /> Written by Lesa Cline-Ransome<br /> Peason Education<br /> ISBN- 978 0 435 18652 4</p>
Art Lesson on Moh AwuduQuick View

Art Lesson on Moh Awudu

<p>An art lesson providing:</p> <p>information about Moh Awudu</p> <ul> <li>examples of her work</li> <li>precise examples of the techniques she uses</li> <li>an activity for the children to complete.</li> </ul>
Harry Miller's Run- 10 week Scheme of WorkQuick View

Harry Miller's Run- 10 week Scheme of Work

<p>Harry Miller’s by David Almond tells the story of Liam who just wants to train with his friends but his mother insists that he helps a popular older resident, Harry Miller, to move into a care home. Harry has lived in his house all his life and through his memories we learn about his antics as a child.</p> <p>This 10-week scheme works through the book and combines activities linked to Power of Reading and Talk for Writing. Grammar is linked into the scheme based on the type of writing. Weeks are made up of 1,2, 3 and 4 lessons allowing for writing to take place over 2 days and also editing lessons based on your pupil needs.</p> <p>Text Types<br /> Throughout the 11-week scheme, the children will study in detail and write at length the following text types:</p> <ul> <li>Instructional</li> <li>Non-Chronological Report</li> <li>Discussion</li> <li>Narrative</li> <li>Newspaper Article</li> </ul>
Using historic sources to create a time lineQuick View

Using historic sources to create a time line

<p>This lesson teaches children how to use different historic sources to help create a time line of major events in a county’s timespan.</p> <p>In a day of over reliance of the Internet to research historical facts, this lesson teaches children about the different types of historical sources they can use to gather information and find out about the significant events in UK history. This sets the children up to then use the same skills finding out about their home country.</p> <p>Note- in preparation for this lesson, the teacher will need to bring in some artifacts from home.</p>