Child Language Development: Reading, Writing and Speaking NotesQuick View

Child Language Development: Reading, Writing and Speaking Notes

<p><strong>Child Language Development Reading, Writing and Speaking Notes for new AQA English Language A Level (2018 onwards)</strong><br /> Contains everything needed to know about CLD (plus some interesting extras)</p> <p><strong>Topics covered:</strong></p> <ul> <li> <p>Language aquisition theories<br /> -&gt; Skinner<br /> -&gt;Chomsky<br /> -&gt; Lenneberg<br /> -&gt; Piaget<br /> -&gt; Bruner<br /> -&gt; Vygotsky<br /> -&gt; Tomasello<br /> -&gt; Ibbotson<br /> -&gt; Peccei<br /> -&gt; Garvey<br /> -&gt; Ervin-Tripp</p> <p><strong>Speaking</strong></p> </li> <li> <p>Phonological development<br /> -&gt; Baby phonological stages<br /> -&gt; Early sounding mistakes<br /> -&gt; Berko and /brown</p> </li> <li> <p>Lexical and semantic development<br /> -&gt; Katherine Nelson<br /> -&gt; Elizabeth Spelke<br /> -&gt; Leslie Rescorla<br /> -&gt; Thomson and Chapman<br /> -&gt; Jean Aitchison</p> </li> <li> <p>Grammatical development (syntax and morphology)<br /> -&gt; Grammatical stages<br /> -&gt; Brown<br /> -&gt; Brain<br /> -&gt; Bellugi</p> </li> <li> <p>Pragmatic development<br /> -&gt; MAK Halliday</p> </li> <li> <p>Discourse development<br /> -&gt; Berko<br /> -&gt; Brown</p> </li> <li> <p>Child directed speech</p> </li> <li> <p>Case Studies<br /> -&gt; Jim- De Villiers and De Villiers<br /> -&gt; Genie</p> </li> </ul> <p><strong>Reading/ Writing</strong></p> <ul> <li> <p>Labov’s Narrative Structure</p> </li> <li> <p>Models of Children’s Literacy</p> </li> <li> <p>Stages of learning to read<br /> -&gt; Chall<br /> -&gt; Harris and Coltheart</p> </li> </ul> <p>-Miscue analysis and emergent literacy<br /> -&gt; Goodman</p> <code>Stages of Writing -&gt; Kroll -&gt; Barclay -&gt; Anon </code> <ul> <li> <p>Types of writing<br /> -&gt; Rothery<br /> -&gt; Britton</p> </li> <li> <p>Approaches to teaching reading</p> </li> <li> <p>Creative VS Rule Based Model</p> </li> <li> <p>Traditional VS Functional Approach</p> </li> </ul> <p>-Learning to Spell<br /> -&gt; S R Gentry</p> <p>-Other<br /> -&gt;Lyle<br /> -&gt;Grant<br /> -&gt;Hepplewhite<br /> -&gt; Crystal’s Skills<br /> -&gt; Perera<br /> -&gt; Shirley Brice Health<br /> -&gt; Stanovich</p>
La Casa de Bernarda Alba Alevel Spanish NotesQuick View

La Casa de Bernarda Alba Alevel Spanish Notes

<p>Notes on La Casa de Bernarda Alba for Spanish A Level Literature paper<br /> Includes:</p> <ol> <li>General summary</li> <li>Detailed summary of each act</li> <li>Structure of the play</li> <li>Context</li> <li>Introduction ideas</li> <li>Character information</li> <li>Themes</li> <li>Garcia Lorca’s style</li> <li>A critical overview</li> <li>The use of simbolism</li> <li>Information about character speech styles and Lorcas poetic /prose style</li> <li>Quotations</li> </ol> <p>Please note this is written in a mixture of spanish and english</p>
Volver 2006 by Pedro Almódovar Notes for Spanish A LevelQuick View

Volver 2006 by Pedro Almódovar Notes for Spanish A Level

<p>Volver (2006) by Pedro Almódovar Notes for Spanish A Level Literature paper</p> <p>Includes:</p> <ol> <li>Fact sheet</li> <li>About Almódovar</li> <li>About La Mancha</li> <li>Melodrama and neorealism</li> <li>Genre and taboos</li> <li>The title ‘Volver’</li> <li>The song</li> <li>Modern Madrid and Rural La Mancha</li> <li>Use of colour</li> <li>The opening scene</li> <li>The theme of women</li> <li>The Script</li> <li>Vocabulary</li> </ol> <p>Please note it is written in spanish and english</p>