<p>2 x Lessons introducing Volcan de Fuego in Guatamala including a 3 level reading guide to secure understanding. Second lesson looks at effects and responses.</p>
<p>This is a 4 level comprehension guide to help with literacy skills.</p>
<p>Students read the information and complete the 4 level guide, starting at level 1 (easiest) through to level 4.</p>
<p>This differentiated worksheet can be used as a challenge for students - not all may be able to do level 3 or 4 so is something that they can aim for.</p>
<p>This can be used as an independent homework project or as an assessment.</p>
<p>Students have to create an earthquake survival kit and guidance leaflet, following the steps on the sheet. They are asked to plan and research first before creating two resources.</p>
<p>The guidance from New Zealand Civil Defense is included as a guide to get started.</p>
<p>A group activity to introduce or review the threats to tropical rainforests. Encourages collaborative learning.<br />
There are two options for students - Jigsaw task questions which are easier or jigsaw task home group feedback.</p>
<p>Students get split into 3 groups, and then number themselves 1-3.<br />
All the people with the same number then reform into 3 new groups and are given one of the information sheets.<br />
They then complete the questions which link to the resource that they have in front of them<br />
After 10-15mins, they then reform to original group and take turns sharing their information until they have the answers to all the questions.<br />
This can then be discussed as a class.</p>
<p>Instructions and resource cards for a simple game to illustrate how global economies are interdependent on each other.<br />
Just need a ball of string and some room to move!</p>
<p>This is a method of differentiated work and collaborated learning. Students work in groups to interpret a resource about an aspect of earthquakes and then feed back to others in the class.</p>
<p>Instructions are included in the resource.</p>
<p>This activity takes approx 30-40 mins to complete but could be extended by sharing information class wide afterwards to clarify understanding.</p>
<p>This workbook was used with a small number of year 7 SEN students to get them thinking about Geography. The powerpoint gives the students some guidance to help complete the tasks.</p>
<p>This is a way to analyse a resource that uses differentiated techniques and comprehension.</p>
<p>Students read the resource and then complete the three level guide. Instead of questions, they have a number of statements which they say are either true or false based on the resource that they have read. The statements get harder so can be used in groups or as a whole class to differentiate the same resource.</p>
<p>Students read the resource sheet and complete the questionning grid to analyse the resource. This can be given as a task to complete on their own, or with guidance as a differentiated task.</p>
<p>A full assessment with student instructions, worksheets and differentiated questions.</p>
<p>This has been used as an individual research assessment over 4 weeks (one lesson a week), however could be set as a homework task, or in class activity.</p>