Libération de Paris 1944
<p>Liberation of Paris - De Gaulle’s speech<br />
Comparison between his speech in 1940 calling for the Resistance and the one in 1944 after Paris was liberated</p>
La Révolution Nationale
<p>Lesson on the Vichy Régime and La Révolution Nationale, how the Vichy Regime tried to change the face of France to conform to Nazi Germany’s ideals.</p>
La discrimination positive
<p>Lesson on discrimination in the work place in France and focus on positive discrimination.</p>
Les differents actes de resistance
<p>Lesson on the different actions that the French resistance took, what and why they were resisting.</p>
Discours Maréchal Pétain 30 Octobre 1940 - Petain a-t-il trahi la nation francaise?
<p>Pétain’s speech asking the French to collaborate.<br />
Study of the speech and key phrases.<br />
Comparison of speech with Churchill’s (on the beaches).<br />
Answer the question : Petain a-t-il trahi la nation francaise?</p>
Pierre Laval - étude de cas
<p>Case study on Pierre Laval – study of a picture and key moment.<br />
Analysing comment and meaning behind opinions.</p>
Les avantages du travail en France
<p>Lesson about the advantages that working in France provides.</p>
<p>Focus on key words per slides and explanations.<br />
Work sheet for students.</p>
France sous Occupation - Témoignage juin 1940
<p>Great ressource for a-level students studying France under German Occupation.<br />
4 testimonies of French who lived through German invisation and comprehension questions.</p>
Poetry - Demain Des L'Aube
<p>Lesson on the poem Demain Des l’Aube et identifying the simple future</p>
Mon identité et ma description
<p>2 lessons on “things about me” and clothes - description of myself</p>