<p>This PowerPoint file is intended to be a supplement to your class. It is not a lesson plan, it is series of activities that will give a visual aid to help you with this particular grammar or vocabulary point where you can guide your students through the lesson. It will take away some of the preparation time for your class and so save you some time.</p>
This is a fun filler or warmer activity.<br />
Students will see 20 items on a conveyor belt going across the screen.<br />
They cannot write anything down until the game tells them to.<br />
They will then have one minute to write down what they can remember.<br />
There is two game boards with all animations and sound included.
<p>This document will help you to teach the sometimes tricky and confusing grammar point of gerunds and infinitives.</p>
<p>The file contains 5 basic rules that students can follow. A simple lesson plan that can be adapted for your students level and ability. Handouts are also included.</p>
<p>Very little preparation is required as all the work has been done for you.</p>
This word document is for teachers who want to go into teaching the a TOEFL iBT preparation course. The document goes through the areas that should be taught and the strategies needed for students to be successful when taking the TOEFL iBT test. It does not teach you how to teach, every teacher is different. It does go through the elements of teaching that I have found to be successful after many years of teaching the TOEFL IBT preparation course.
Played just like the TV game.<br />
This is a team activity.<br />
Good for vocabulary practice.<br />
All animations and sounds are included.<br />
How to play is on a demo screen
This activity is designed to review the verbs 'do' 'play' and 'go' for sports activities in a fun way.<br />
This is a team game (2 or more teams)<br />
Aimed primarily at elementary/pre-intermediate students but can be played with higher levels.<br />
Age range from 10-adult.<br />
Includes sounds and animation.<br />
Students choose a number from a 15 number triangle.<br />
A correct answer gives the team a choice between accepting the box contents or taking a gamble.<br />
Students can win points, and lose them as well. There are squares that contain penalties and awards.<br />
There is no teacher preparation needed, just let the game play and see how the students enjoy it.<br />
This game has been tested in real classrooms and has been a great success.<br />
Have some fun with your students while maintaining the educational element of your class. If a team gives a wrong answer, the teacher can give an explanation as to why it is wrong.
Crosswits is a game similar to naughts and crosses (tic-tac-toe) but with a twist.<br />
Team or individual players.<br />
Game contains full how to play instructions demo screen.<br />
Intended for pre- intermediate and above.<br />
Tested in real classrooms and is successful.<br />
Gives the teacher the opportunity to explain certain grammar points and vocabulary.
This activity is designed to review various grammar and vocabulary points in a fun way. <br />
This is a team game (2 or more teams)<br />
It has 5 categories (gap fill, present simple/present continuous, prepositions, past simple/present perfect, multiple choice)<br />
Aimed primarily at pre-intermediate students but can be played with higher levels.<br />
Age range from 10-adult.<br />
Includes sounds and animation.<br />
Students choose a category then how many points to play for (100-500)<br />
There is no teacher preparation needed, just let the game play and see how the students enjoy it.<br />
This game has been tested in real classrooms and has been a great success.<br />
Students can win points, and lose them as well. There are squares that contain a 'twisted' animation where the team loses all of their points and the other teams get 1000 points. A square that contains 'swap points', and squares with 'double points'<br />
Have some fun with your students while maintaining the educational element of your class. If a team gives a wrong answer, the teacher can give an explanation as to why it is wrong.
Word-Busters is played just like Hangman.<br />
This version uses Pirate related vocabulary.<br />
Full instructions included in the game.<br />
Game contains animations and sound effects.<br />
Tested in real classrooms and students enjoy it.
A team game.<br />
Reviews comparative adjectives.<br />
Full instructions demo screen contained in the game.<br />
Tested in real classrooms and is a fun activity.<br />
Gives the teacher an opportunity to review and explain comparative adjectives.
Best suited for high pre-intermediate and above students<br />
Instructions included<br />
Tried and tested in real classrooms<br />
Good for vocabulary
Elementary and pre-intermediate levels<br />
Board game style review activity.<br />
Can be played after 1st conditional grammar instruction.<br />
Two team game + the teacher.<br />
Teams move their counter from the start to the finish. At certain points in the game teams will get either a question, penalty or gamble.<br />
PPT includes full instructions on how to play.<br />
Animations and sounds are included.<br />
No dice need, the game has a spinner that determines the counter moves.<br />
No preparation needed the game does everything.
This activity is good for practice after any instruction on syllables in English.<br />
All animations and sounds are included.<br />
Instructions are included.
A team activity.<br />
Teams have 1 minute to fill in the missing words in 8 sentences<br />
All animations are included.<br />
Instructions are included.
Mysteries is a select the right word type game, it is multiple choice.<br />
Used for elementary and above.<br />
Instructions included.<br />
All animations and sound included.<br />
This is a fun activity that has been tested in classrooms.
Full instructions included.<br />
Students choose a number and answer the question shown.<br />
They are then taken to the Total Wipeout screen and they must push number 1 on the keyboard to stop the animation. They can win big points or get a Total Wipeout which means all of their points are gone.<br />
If they get a kitty face on the points symbol, their points are doubled.<br />
This is a fast paced and fun activity.
This activity gives students a letter and one minute.<br />
In their teams they must get as many words as they can beginning with that letter.<br />
The words can be either: Nouns, Adjectives, Verbs or Adverbs.<br />
Instructions included.<br />
All levels.
This activity helps students to form answers to closed questions without using YES or NO.<br />
The teacher speaks the question on the screen and there is a timer to make students answer quickly.<br />
This is a team or individual player game that gives points or takes them away.<br />
All animations and sounds are included.<br />
This is a fast paced and fun activity.
High pre-intermediate and above when students have been taught passive voice.<br />
This activity gives students practice on changing active voice to passive voice.<br />
This is a game format using a wheel from which students get a random choice.<br />
Students are given: who did it, did what, which tense, to whom and where.<br />
This is a fun activity that makes students think about the form of the passive voice.<br />
Students give an active sentence then convert to passive using the correct tense.<br />
This activity has been used in classrooms and has been successful.
Team game.<br />
Students answer questions and if correct can choice to either take the contents of the mystery box or give it to an opposing team.<br />
The points can be either + or -<br />
This game is mainly designed for pre-intermediate level review.<br />
Instructions included.