GCSE Foundation Maths - Revision BookletsQuick View

GCSE Foundation Maths - Revision Booklets

<p>I started writing these short revision document for each unit as a help to those with lower literacy skills and those who are unlikely to read too much from a commercial book. My background is DT/Electronics and definitely not English. I am not precious about any of it so please email me with additions/alterations/errors so I can correct and re-share.</p> <p>These sit literally side by side on my Maths website with a similar document linking to resources for each section. <a href="https://sites.google.com/view/gcsemaths/home" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://sites.google.com/view/gcsemaths/home</a></p>
Diary / OrganiserQuick View

Diary / Organiser

<p>I struggled for years with a Diary and Organisers both leaving me to fill in loads of information. I came up with this spreadsheet. I type in my timetable once and a formatted diary picks up my timetable and writes it into a 2 page for 1 week diary page. Works with a 5 lesson 1 or 2 week timetable.</p> <p>Before printing I have to write in the first Monday of the term’s date and then the spreadsheet will fill in the rest of the dates. I can type in before and after school duties and clubs, then they will print out on each of the rest of the pages.</p> <p>Print this out as a booklet and away you go. I split it and put it in a filofax or just Print it out onto A4.</p> <p>Here you will get a copy of the spreadsheet and a video of me talking through the instructions of what to do.</p> <p>Edit July 23<br /> I have updated this<br /> added ToDo Notes<br /> 1 page per month Diary<br /> Increased Font Size in Diary</p> <p>I have left my timetable in for next year just so you can see what I have done. I copy my who timetable as a picture to the front of the Diary page it is very helpful (See pics)</p>
KS3 Coding for Non-SpecialistsQuick View

KS3 Coding for Non-Specialists

<p>This is a set of 17 videos that walk you through a <a href="http://code.org" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">code.org</a> JavaScript app. It has a menu screen, single and double dice screens, coin flip, Tappy tap game (From Computing First), a timer game and a times tables game.</p> <p>This will actually load on your phone which is amazing if you are 12 (or mid 50’s).</p> <p>I wrote and recorded this with non specialists in mind. Non-Specialists please remember that fault finding is a key skill so don’t feel mean telling them to rewatch the videos and sort it out themselves.</p> <p>In the next few months I will do 3 other Non-Specialist Sets of Materials. We do Programming 1 - Scratch - Coming Soon - 1 off lessons<br /> <a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-13036389">Programming 2 - Scratch -</a> - Videos Comin Soon<br /> Programming 3 - JavaScript - This Scheme<br /> Programming 4 - Python - Coming Soon</p> <p>Please write a review if useful and feel free to feedback both insults and inspiration.</p>
Computer Science Scratch StorylineQuick View

Computer Science Scratch Storyline

<p>This is a teacher prompt to work with students when you copy to the board. I have found this method useful as our SEND students benefit from me not flicking back and forward between slides and coding screens. So I do the instruction and type in front of them. I demonstrate mine works and they then have to fault find. It is broken down into 6 lessons the first 3 are very much modeling and the last 3 freeplay with scaffold.</p> <p>The story is set in a magical kingdom.</p>
Enrichment - Enlarging 1 Pt PerspectiveQuick View

Enrichment - Enlarging 1 Pt Perspective

<p>A cross over Maths and DT enrichment activity. With some Fibonacci thrown in as an extension task. Step by Step on how to draw a bedroom in 1 point perspective using the principles applied to enlargement.</p> <p>You will needs lots of rulers, rubbers and teach them to use light construction lines until the end.</p>
Selection of Mental Arithmatic ProgramsQuick View

Selection of Mental Arithmatic Programs

<p>As I was looking to expand my skill set in Python I wrote some scripts that allow the user to:-<br /> select the length of time between questions<br /> select the quantity of questions</p> <p>Most offer 3 levels of Question.<br /> Spiral 2 Lowest (2,5,10 Times tables),<br /> Spiral 3 Mid (3,4 &amp; 8)<br /> Spiral 4 Highest to 12</p> <p>Give a countdown from 3 seconds before changing questions<br /> Show the answers at the end</p> <p>I then used Auto-py-to-exe to create .exe files.</p> <p>If you don’t trust me .exe files then let me know and I will release the python code and you can do it yourself.</p> <p>TIP Font Size.<br /> When you run it for the first time, right click the top title bar of the window and select settings, then select an appropriate font size. I use 28.</p>
ICT - Painting by Numbers - Conditional FormattingQuick View

ICT - Painting by Numbers - Conditional Formatting

<p>Fun activity that introduces Conditional Formating.</p> <p>Written for Google Docs but works as well on Excel.<br /> Set up a 10 by 10 grid that changes colour of both the background and text depending on what you set up.</p> <p>Instructions are step by step. An example, sheet is done. Extension task using countif to add up the numbers of each colour.</p> <p>I did a video to help some. <a href="https://youtu.be/cQuXENAkkn8" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://youtu.be/cQuXENAkkn8</a></p>
GCSE Foundation Maths - Worksheets LinksQuick View

GCSE Foundation Maths - Worksheets Links

<p>I have roughly and quickly have collated the wonderful resources produced by others and organised them by Edexcel Specification Point. I have not downloaded their work or am I trying to steal their thunder or clicks. If people download it it should increase their web traffic.</p> <p>This sits side by side with the revision notes from my website. <a href="https://sites.google.com/view/gcsemaths/home" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://sites.google.com/view/gcsemaths/home</a><br /> Where the documents will be updated as we go.</p> <p>I am not precious about these and would love to collaborate, please email me any additions you make so I can make them available for all.</p>
Secondary Numeracy Summer WorkQuick View

Secondary Numeracy Summer Work

<p>5 Booklets (with Answers) with 3 pages of questions per week.<br /> S2 is Year 2 NC levels TTs 1,2,5,10 plus place value<br /> S3 is Year 3 NC level TTs 1,2,3,4,5,8,10<br /> S4 is Year 4 NC levels TTs 1 to 12<br /> S5 is KS(ish) TT’s -12 to +12<br /> S6 is KS4 Foundation(ish)</p>
J277 OCR - Video Lessons Walking through making an App for Computer ScienceQuick View

J277 OCR - Video Lessons Walking through making an App for Computer Science

<p>I talk through the process of making algorithms, screen design and coding making a conversion between Denary, Binary and Hex using Javascript. Follow along and make the apps.<br /> I will be adding the Caesar Cipher and some Maths screens later.</p> <p>Video Playlist<br /> <a href="https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkQRbLWqm8G3aOnFxGRRoisQ3-MZ2jRT3" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkQRbLWqm8G3aOnFxGRRoisQ3-MZ2jRT3</a></p>
Code.org, Javacript Caesar CipherQuick View

Code.org, Javacript Caesar Cipher

<p>A Caeser cipher shifts each letter up a certain number of spaces up the alphabet to make it unreadable. To decode it you take away a number from the code to get back to the original message. The 3 Videos take you through how to make the screen, how to code the code button and how to code the decoding button.</p> <p>Algorithm<br /> Get message in upper case<br /> loop for each letter in message<br /> find ascii number for letter store in CC<br /> if not a space CC!=32<br /> add on a set number CC=CC+5<br /> if CC&gt;90 number is greater than 90 (Z)<br /> take away 26 CC=CC-26<br /> add charactor with number to the message<br /> Display the cipher message</p>
Arithmetic Question GeneratorQuick View

Arithmetic Question Generator

<p>This is a spreadsheet that is set up to generate lots of different types of questions. Including 1to12 multiplication, mixed arithmetic, multiple digit addition, subtraction, division and multiplication. FDP and ordering.</p> <p>Press F9 and bingo a new set of sums.</p>
Arduino - Explained - Physics+ ICT + DTQuick View

Arduino - Explained - Physics+ ICT + DT

<p>Video’s explaining the basics of an Arduino set up complete with Physics and Electronics Input. We have a lockdown hi tech club and this is part of the package. We have done 2 so far but aiming at one a week.</p>
Sheep - Game for StaffQuick View

Sheep - Game for Staff

<p>The opposite of pointless. Send out 10 questions a week (Supplied) to staff and the spreadsheet collates points for the same answers.<br /> For example<br /> Flavour of crisps - Ready Salted will get more reposnses (hence points) than sweet thia chilli.</p> <p>The Spreadsheet collates most popular answers, calculates the scores and creates a league table.</p> <p>What do you have to do?<br /> Copy and paste the questions into a form - Distribute form<br /> Copy and paste the reponses to the spreadsheet<br /> Adjust for spellings and typos S/ V, Salt and Vinegar, Salt &amp; Vinegar<br /> Send out league table and most popular answers with next weeks form</p>