Festive Enterprise ChallengeQuick View

Festive Enterprise Challenge

Pupils will engage in a range of small group activities to answer a challenge-based question and try to respond with a creative/imaginative approach to the challenge set. They will have opportunities to create their own ideas, company identity and brand; consider marketing, consider cost implications associated with their ideas and they can also share their learning through a final presentation. There is also opportunity within each lesson for feedback and self-evaluation. Aimed at Scottish CfE 2nd level but easily adaptable to suit other ages/curricula.
The Tourism Challenge - TasterQuick View

The Tourism Challenge - Taster

You live in an old seaside town which used to be a popular tourist destination in the 1950’s and early 60’s. The once-booming local economy relied on tourism, retail and agriculture. Since then, a lot has changed. Unemployment is high and most young people leave the area when they leave school to find work or to continue with further studies. There are many empty units on Main Street and quite a few derelict buildings including the old theatre and an empty 200-bedroom hotel with an overgrown Victorian walled garden. The sad remains of the old boating pond and crazy golf course are targets for vandalism and blight the sea front. You feel passionate about regenerating your local area to provide employment and to boost the local economy, so you have decided to join the community council in preparing plans for this regeneration project. The local council has said they will look favourably upon any ideas which have sustainability at their heart. Download the full resource here.
Campaign for Wellbeing Challenge - TasterQuick View

Campaign for Wellbeing Challenge - Taster

Roughly 1 in 10 children and young people in the UK are experiencing a mental health problem. 1 in 4 people in the UK will experience a mental health issue at some point in their life. Mental health is the single largest cause of disability in the UK. 75% of young people who are experiencing mental health problems are not receiving any treatment. We are currently living in difficult times and it is more important than ever to try to protect our mental wellbeing and to look out for those we care about. Our daily lives have changed somewhat in recent months and the things we normally do are restricted. Imagine that you work for a Creative Marketing Agency and The Scottish Government has approached your company to run a campaign which will address some of the facts above. You can download the full resource here.
Festive Book Publishing ChallengeQuick View

Festive Book Publishing Challenge

This festive-themed resource is perfect for classroom group work or individual as part of a Blended Learning situation. Participants work at a Children’s Publishers, and have come across a problem. In their Christmas range, there aren’t enough books with female, BAME (black, Asian and minority ethnic) or disabled characters, which means that not everyone is being represented fairly. Students are tasked with taking on different roles within the business to come up with a Festive book idea (including the design of the cover, decide on the content, and create a marketing strategy) that tackles this issue. This workbook takes students through the challenge brief, exploration of the issue at hand, generating the ideas, and eventually, the production process where they will have the chance to pitch/present their final idea. The resource tasks can be completed either individually or as part of a group. This workbook has been created for Second Level students within the CfE, however can be easily adapted for other levels or benchmarks.
Book Publishing Challenge - TasterQuick View

Book Publishing Challenge - Taster

Participants work at a Children’s Publishers, Bookworm Publishing, and the company has come across a problem. There aren’t enough books with female, LGBTQ+, BAME (black, Asian and minority ethnic) or disabled characters in children’s books, which means that not everyone is being represented fairly in books. Students are tasked with taking on different roles within the business to come up with a book idea (including the design of the cover, decide on the content, and create a marketing strategy) that tackles this issue. This workbook for home-learning takes second and third level students through the challenge brief, exploration of the issue at hand, generating the ideas, and eventually, the production process where they will have the chance to pitch/present their final idea. The resource tasks can be completed either individually or as part of a group. You can download the full resource here.
Earth Fest Challenge - TasterQuick View

Earth Fest Challenge - Taster

Your learners work as part of an events management company who have been approached by a local farmer. She is asking for help to organise a festival in one large, unused field. Learners are being given complete creative control over the festival, the farmer only has one request - that there is a green/eco-friendly initiative or aspect included. They must develop an idea for the festival that will generate some extra income for the farmer during what has been a particularly bad year for profit. The festival could also potentially bring in more new customers for the farmer. You can download the full resource here.