Jamila Gavin Paradise Carpet Iqbal Child labour Language Paper 1 Reading analysis exam with creativeQuick View

Jamila Gavin Paradise Carpet Iqbal Child labour Language Paper 1 Reading analysis exam with creative

<p>Jamila Gavin Paradise Carpet extract used for English Language Paper 1 KS3 exam</p> <p>Based on AQA syllabus but also appropriate for Edexcel or iGCSE</p> <p>3 questions total<br /> Q1- Reading comprehension… find 4 things<br /> Q2- Language analysis<br /> Q3- Writing descriptive task based on image or story</p> <p>Formative assessment after teaching Iqbal or<br /> Stand Alone assessment alongside themes of suffering and Child labour<br /> Includes mark scheme and exemplar</p>
Oxford playscripts Dracula Full scheme English DramaQuick View

Oxford playscripts Dracula Full scheme English Drama

<p>Supporting lessons to go alongside Dracula the play: Oxford Playscript Version</p> <p>Includes:<br /> Reading comprehension and predictions<br /> Structure: Focus shift and tension<br /> Vocabulary<br /> Persuasive writing</p>
Writing to Persuade Animal Rights KS3 Scheme Blackfish Orca Tigers Elephants in Thailand XL BulliesQuick View

Writing to Persuade Animal Rights KS3 Scheme Blackfish Orca Tigers Elephants in Thailand XL Bullies

<p>Full scheme of persuasive writing<br /> ANIMAL RIGHTS</p> <p>Includes skills of:<br /> Rhetoric and persuasive devices<br /> Reading comprehension<br /> Comparison<br /> Debate</p> <p>Looks at Orcas at Seaworld (Blackfish documentary)<br /> Tigers and Elephants in Thailand (Tourism)<br /> Gorillas (Koko the speaking gorilla and hunting in 1862<br /> XL Bully ban in England<br /> Animal Rights in China<br /> PETA and Animal Rights charities</p> <p>All based on AQA assessment objectives</p>
Refugee series of lessons Persuasive writingQuick View

Refugee series of lessons Persuasive writing

<p>Series of 4 lessons focusing on rhetoric/ persuasive writing using refugee stories from Iran and Somalia.</p> <p>Includes accounts from Floella Benjamin, Mo Farah, Windrush generation.</p> <p>Lessons such as article reading, debate, reading and language analysis.</p>
Literature around the world display English Library globalQuick View

Literature around the world display English Library global

<p>Display for literature around the world, perfect for libraries or classroom</p> <p>You will need to create your own title<br /> You will also need a map, strings and pins</p> <p>The download includes a selection of authors from around the world, their famous published work and a synopsis of the text</p> <p>Includes 20 different authors</p>
Disney's A Christmas Carol film worksheetQuick View

Disney's A Christmas Carol film worksheet

<p>Comparing character representation:<br /> You will need to evaluate the representation of: appearance, clothing and manner.</p> <p>Film review:<br /> Which one did you prefer and why?</p> <p>Were there any changes to the plot? Why is the text still appropriate and relevant for audiences and readers today?</p> <p>Challenge: Is there an allegory? Explain your answer.</p>
Bookflix Display board printableQuick View

Bookflix Display board printable

<p>Powerpoint includes teacher user image, search bar<br /> Genres written in Netflix font as well as trending now</p> <p>Over 30 movie images categorised for you ready to be printed</p> <p>Best to go over black backing and red border</p>
English Structure Q3 language Full lessonQuick View

English Structure Q3 language Full lesson

<p>Full lesson with interactive film clips to teach structure.<br /> Perfect for KS3, KS4, KS4 and FE.</p> <p>Start the lesson with a crossword defining and retrieving 8 structure devices.<br /> Or can be used as homework!</p> <p>Lesson teaching 13 structure devices using references from popular culture and film clips.<br /> Complete with Pixar short clip after and bingo.</p> <p>Fantastic, fun and engaging way of teaching structure!<br /> The students LOVE it!</p> <p>Techniques such as:<br /> Media res,<br /> zoom in/ out<br /> pathetic fallacy<br /> Dramatic irony<br /> cliffhanger<br /> tension<br /> and many more!</p>
Baz Luhrmann Romeo and Juliet film worksheetQuick View

Baz Luhrmann Romeo and Juliet film worksheet

<p>Comparing character representation:<br /> You will need to evaluate the representation of: appearance, clothing and manner.</p> <p>Film review:<br /> Which one did you prefer and why?</p> <p>Were there any changes to the plot? Why is the text still appropriate and relevant for audiences and readers today?</p> <p>Challenge: Is there an allegory? Explain your answer.</p>
To Kill A Mockingbird Chapter 13 and 14 lessonQuick View

To Kill A Mockingbird Chapter 13 and 14 lesson

<p>Descriptive writing task based on an image symbolising Finch’s Landing/ Deep South America.<br /> Focusing on skills such as show don’t tell, sensory description, zoom in.</p> <p>Chapter 14- Quotation and independent response tasks exploring themes and character.</p>
Complete chapter 3 Of Mice and Men lessons tension, antithesis, fight, shooting of dogQuick View

Complete chapter 3 Of Mice and Men lessons tension, antithesis, fight, shooting of dog

<p>Complete lessons for chapter 3 with a range of skills and starter tasks:</p> <p>Exam practice:<br /> What is antithesis and how are Curley and Slim the foil of one another?</p> <p>Speaking and listening and creative writing:<br /> Candy as a character and what he symbolises<br /> Candy’s dog and reflecting on how the dog symbolises Candy<br /> Creative writing lesson- Candy as stimulus or Candy’s dog shooting</p> <p>Exam practice<br /> Fight scene- Foreshadow and How is tension created?</p> <p>Reading comprehension quizzes and exploring George and Lennie’s symbiotic relationship</p> <p>Hot seating</p>