<p>Checklist ready to be laminated so that children can write their daily tasks and tick them off as they go for a reward at the end of the day. 2 different styles.</p>
<p>7 weeks worth of Year 2 homework for Summer 1 half term. Consists of a page of maths questions, spellings (8 words per week) from the y2 list and a guided reading task.</p>
<p>Maths morning activities consisting of:</p>
<li>2x, 5x and 10x tables</li>
<li>simple addition and subtraction</li>
<li>Column addition and subtraction</li>
<li>fact families</li>
<p>4 weeks worth if used as a carousal of activities.<br />
(4x sets of questions)</p>
<p>Communication in Print choose board with a selection of sensory activity flashcards. Perfect to be laminated and used for SEN children. Personally like to use velcro rather than blu tac.</p>
<p>16 lessons planned for The Tunnel warning tale unit. The package includes active inspire flipchart as well as lesson plans for the unit.</p>
<p>The lessons follow the T4W pattern.</p>
<p>T4W unit Kassim and the Dragon. This is a beat the monster planning unit.</p>
<p>The package includes the active inspire flipchart and the lesson planning.</p>
<p>18 lessons in total</p>
<p>Helping children with their night time routine at home, children can complete the chart and bring into school for a chosen treat. Increasing positive behaviour at school with increased sleep and a clear routine put in place at home.</p>