Cette année-la! IMPERFECTQuick View

Cette année-la! IMPERFECT

<p>Use of a classic &amp; popular song to introduce the imperfect tense to Y9 students.</p> <p>The introduction starts with reviewing some key vocab, and a couple of tasks to get students to read the lyrics a few times and get familiar with the text before extracting the grammar out of it.</p> <p>Students always love it and still sing the song weeks later!</p>
GCSE writing technique - Edexcel Higher TierQuick View

GCSE writing technique - Edexcel Higher Tier

<p>POWERPOINT :</p> <p>A quick Breakdown of the Exam Paper Structure and expectations for the GCSE paper 4 (writing) for Higher Tier students.</p> <p>A step by step breakdown of how to answer the 130-150 word question.</p> <p>This is also designed for students aiming for the 7-9 grades and has been approved by OFSTED during MFL deep dive observation.</p> <p>I have used the topic of Future Plans but it is easily amendable to any other theme</p>
Les qualités - character descriptionQuick View

Les qualités - character description

<p>A bit of culture and funk to learn about the qualities to describe people.</p> <p>You will find a Powerpoint with different activities and link to the song as well as the Gapfill worksheet.</p>