<p>This document includes revision worksheets for each of the units for paper 1 (development, memory, social influence, psychological problems and the brain and neuropsychology) as well as a breakdown of GRAVES and improvements of research.</p>
<p>It includes blank revision sheets as well as completed ones.</p>
<p>This document includes a knowledge organiser for each of the five units taught for paper 1 (development, memory, psychological problems, social influence and the brain and neuropsychology) . Each knowledge organiser includes:</p>
<li>An outline of required content</li>
<li>Key terms and definitions</li>
<li>Key theories</li>
<li>The two key studies with evaluation</li>
<li>The issue and debate</li>
<p>This document includes a knowledge organiser for each of the five approaches taught in component 1. Each knowledge organiser includes:</p>
<li>Key terms with definitions</li>
<li>The 3 assumptions</li>
<li>One therapy with evaluation (see below for which therapies are included)</li>
<li>Classic study with evaluation</li>
<li>Contemporary debate</li>
<li>Evaluation of the approach using D.R.A.I.N.S</li>
<li>Applications to component 3</li>
<li>Biological: Drug Therapy</li>
<li>Psychodynamic: Dream Analysis</li>
<li>Behaviourist: Systematic Densitisation</li>
<li>Cognitive: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy</li>
<li>Positive: Quality of Life Therapy</li>
<p>This document includes a knowledge organiser for research methods,criminal psychology and sleeping and dreaming. Below is a list of what is included in each knowledge organiser:<br />
Research methods:</p>
<li>Key terms and definitions</li>
<li>Types of experiments with evaluation</li>
<li>Types of observations with evaluation</li>
<li>Self-reports with evaluation</li>
<li>Correlations with evaluation</li>
<li>Experimental designs with evaluation</li>
<li>Sampling techniques with evaluation</li>
<li>Ethical issues and ways of dealing with them</li>
<li>Types of data with evaluation</li>
<li>Descriptive statistics with evaluation</li>
<li>Displaying quantitative data</li>
<p>Criminal psychology:</p>
<li>A list of required content</li>
<li>Key terms and definitions</li>
<li>Learning theories</li>
<li>Biological explanations</li>
<li>Understanding the effects of punishment on recidivism</li>
<li>Two key studies</li>
<p>Sleeping and dreaming:</p>
<li>A list of required content</li>
<li>Key terms and definitions</li>
<li>Freud’s Theory of Dreaming</li>
<li>Hobson and McCarley’s Activation Synthesis with evaluation</li>
<li>Two key studies</li>
<p>This document includes knowledge organisers for the 4 subheadings included in component 2. Below is a breakdown of what is included in each knowledge organiser:</p>
<li>Methodologies with evaluation of each: key terms and definitions; experiments; PET scans; CAT scans; observations; content analysis; case studies; longitudinal studies; cross-sectional studies; self-reports; types of sources and types of data</li>
<li>Conducting and reporting psychological investigations (design and report): key terms and definitions; issues and assessing reliability and validity; ethical issues and how to deal with these; deciding on a research question; experimental designs with evaluation; sampling techniques with evaluation and peer review with evaluation</li>
<li>Data handling and analysis: key terms and definitions; evaluation of the types of descriptive statistics; how to display quantitative data (graphs) with exam tips; data distributions and inferential statistics</li>
<li>Special focus on key areas of research: description and evaluation of Milgram and Kohlberg</li>
<p>This document includes revision worksheets for research methods, criminal behaviour and sleeping and dreaming.</p>
<p>It includes blank revision sheets as well as completed ones.</p>
<p>This document includes a knowledge organiser for addictive behaviours, criminal behaviours, schizophrenia and controversies in psychology. Below is a list of what is included in each knowledge organiser:<br />
Addictive behaviours:</p>
<li>Key terms and definitions</li>
<li>Biological explanations with evaluation: dopamine and addiction gene</li>
<li>Individual differences explanations with evaluation: personality and cognitive biases</li>
<li>Social psychological explanations with evaluation: peer influence and the role of the media</li>
<li>Methods of modifying the behaviour with evaluation: agonist and antagonist substitution and aversion therapy</li>
<p>Criminal behaviours:</p>
<li>Key terms and definitions</li>
<li>Biological explanations with evaluation: inherited criminality and role of the amygdala</li>
<li>Individual differences explanations with evaluation: Eysenck’s criminal personality and cognitive factors</li>
<li>Social psychological explanations with evaluation: differential association theory and gender socialisation</li>
<li>Methods of modifying the behaviour with evaluation: anger management and restorative justice</li>
<li>Key terms and definitions</li>
<li>Biological explanations with evaluation: dopamine hypothesis and structural abnormalities</li>
<li>Individual differences explanations with evaluation: psychodynamic approach and cognitive approach</li>
<li>Social psychological explanations with evaluation: dysfunctional family and sociocultural factors</li>
<li>Methods of modifying the behaviour with evaluation: antipsychotic drugs and CBT</li>
<li>Key terms and definitions</li>
<li>Ethical costs of conducting research</li>
<li>Scientific status</li>
<li>Non-human animals</li>
<li>Cultural bias</li>