Drama Llama - A Booklet of Drama Games
<p>A booklet of eight drama warm-up and ice breaker games for years 1-8 to improve skills such as improvisation, performing, communication, physicality, confidence, character work and story telling.</p>
<p><strong>Games List:</strong></p>
<p>The Blame Game (free sample available on TES)<br />
“I challenge you…” (performance and improv skills)<br />
Passing Notes (communication and listening skills)<br />
Stuck in Emotions (physicality and character work skills)<br />
Pax’s Adventure (physicality and story telling skills)<br />
10 seconds to save the world (confidence and performing skills)<br />
Character Run (character work and scene development)<br />
Heroes and Villains (story telling and improv skills)</p>
<p>The booklet includes clear instructions on how to play each game, plus examples and adaptations for older or younger years.</p>
<p>The games can be used as a warm-up or as the basis for a lesson. Where applicable, information on how to develop the games further has been included in the booklet.</p>
<p>Happy Playing!</p>