Christmas German Quiz - 60 QuestionsQuick View

Christmas German Quiz - 60 Questions

<p>Christmas German Quiz is a no-prep printable quiz packed full of questions on Christmas traditions and customs in Germany and other countries. It is aimed at 15–18-year-old students and adults. All of the questions are in German and an answer key is provided.</p> <p>The types of questions are:</p> <ul> <li>multiple-choice</li> <li>true or false</li> <li>picture identification and labelling</li> <li>completing lyrics</li> <li>finding the odd one out</li> <li>fill in the blanks</li> </ul> <p>Students can choose to circle or underline the correct answer in the multiple-choice questions.</p> <p>Full marks awarded for all correct answers = 64</p> <p>As indicated on the scoresheet in German (before the answer key), award one mark each for questions requiring one answer. Award one mark each for question 3. (total marks = 2 marks) and award one mark each for question 48. (total marks = 4 marks.)</p> <p>This product is a great way of engaging students and testing their knowledge and comprehension of German Christmas vocabulary, customs and traditions. It also tests students’ ability to read and understand questions in German. You can use it in class in groups or individually as a winding down activity before the Christmas break!</p>
French Irregular Verbs Tables & Worksheets - Section 1Quick View

French Irregular Verbs Tables & Worksheets - Section 1

<p><strong>French Irregular Verbs Tables and Worksheets - Section 1</strong> is a pack of 25 French irregular verbs tables displaying fully conjugated verbs in 7 tenses and 2 moods and worksheets with an answer key aimed at students aged 17 - 18 years. The verbs range in alphabetical order from ALLER to MOURIR and each page contains:</p> <ol> <li> <p>an irregular verbs table displaying the verb fully conjugated in the present, the imperfect, the perfect, the pluperfect, the past historic, the present subjunctive, the future, the conditional and the imperative followed by</p> </li> <li> <p>a worksheet containing 10 fill in the blanks exercises testing students’ knowledge and use of each tense and mood.</p> </li> </ol> <p>USES:</p> <p>Combining verbs tables and a fill in the blanks worksheet all on the one page makes this product ideal for:</p> <ol> <li> <p>eliciting recognition, knowledge and use of each verb in each tense and mood at the start of a new term</p> </li> <li> <p>classwork activities after completing learning of the uses of all or most tenses and moods on each page</p> </li> <li> <p>testing students’ knowledge of the correct use of each tense, particularly the past tenses, and ensuring accuracy by students in terms of subject - verb agreement</p> </li> <li> <p>testing students’ ability to choose the correct tense to be used for each irregular verb according to the context given in each French sentence on the individual worksheets</p> </li> <li> <p>revision use for end of term or end of year assessment. The verbs tables and completed exercises could be retained by students as an essential irregular verbs tables guide to help with homework and study for upcoming assessments or exams.</p> </li> </ol> <p>Teachers could choose to distribute any given number of the verbs pages over a period of weeks or months to students in class for on-the-spot testing or for use as part of a class French quiz.</p> <p>The layout of the verbs tables has been presented in such a way as to enable students to easily memorise the forms of some tenses and the stems of the verbs in some tenses that are similar. The present and the imperfect tenses are placed side by side for each verb, as are the perfect and pluperfect and the future and conditional.</p>
German Adjective Endings - Tables, Examples and ExercisesQuick View

German Adjective Endings - Tables, Examples and Exercises

<p><strong>German Adjective Endings - Tables, Examples and Exercises</strong> is a no-prep, comprehensive printable pack aimed at students aged 17-18 years and contains:</p> <ul> <li>4 colour-coded tables</li> <li>60 examples of adjective endings in use</li> <li>40 exercises</li> <li>profitable pointers on the German adjective endings tables.</li> </ul> <p>Colour-coding is used in each table to help students identify and memorise all German adjective endings, especially those shared among other genders and cases. The product’s 60 clear examples have fully translated sentences (5 separate sentences for each of the 3 genders) containing German adjective endings broken down into all 4 cases, nominative, accusative, dative and genitive.</p> <p>The 40 exercises are fill in the blanks exercises which require students to add the correct adjective ending in each sentence.</p> <p>USES</p> <p>The 4 tables are all on one single page for quick and easy reference. This page could be printed and distributed to students for storage in a revision folder or for display on a study board at home to use for homework activities. Teachers could also print a copy of the colour-coded tables sheet and display it on the classroom wall.</p> <p>The examples and exercises in each case are also on a single page.</p> <p>The exercises could be used in class as practice activities following instruction of German adjective endings, as homework exercises or for an upcoming end-of-term or end-of-year assessment.</p> <p>Ideal for easy reference when completing class assignments, homework, etc. and for revision.</p>
Christmas French Quiz - 60 QuestionsQuick View

Christmas French Quiz - 60 Questions

<p>Christmas French Quiz is a no-prep printable quiz packed full of questions on Christmas traditions and customs in France and other countries. It is aimed at 15–18-year-old students and adults. All of the questions are in French and an answer key is provided.</p> <p>The types of questions are:</p> <p>1.multiple-choice<br /> 2.true or false<br /> 3.picture identification and labelling<br /> 4.completing lyrics<br /> 5.finding the odd one out<br /> 6.fill in the blanks</p> <p>Students can choose to circle or underline the correct answer in the multiple-choice questions.</p> <p>Full marks awarded for all correct answers = 64</p> <p>As indicated on the scoresheet in French (before the answer key), award one mark each for questions requiring one answer. Award one mark each for question 3. (total marks = 2 marks) and award one mark each for question 48. (total marks = 4 marks.)</p> <p>This product is a great way of engaging students and testing their knowledge and comprehension of French Christmas vocabulary. It also tests students’ ability to read and understand questions in French. You can use it in class in groups or individually as a winding down activity before the Christmas break!</p>
German Relative PronounsQuick View

German Relative Pronouns

<p>GERMAN RELATIVE PRONOUNS is a step-by-step guide that clearly explains, with examples, everything that students aged 17-18 years need to know about German relative pronouns. The guide contains:</p> <ul> <li> <p>a definition of relative pronouns with a detailed example</p> </li> <li> <p>a colour-coded table of the pronouns in German only</p> </li> <li> <p>a colour-coded table of the pronouns and their meanings in English</p> </li> <li> <p>a ‘How do I know which relative pronoun to use?’ section which includes steps to determine the right case - 4 examples are provided showing relative pronouns in each of the 4 cases.</p> </li> <li> <p>examples in the 4 cases using words from the same sentence</p> </li> <li> <p>a section on relative clauses containing prepositions</p> </li> <li> <p>a section on the use of the relative pronoun <em>was</em></p> </li> <li> <p>100 exercises which require students to find relative clauses in sentences/questions, to complete 20 sentences (for each case) with the correct pronoun and to complete sentences choosing either <em>was</em> or any of the other pronouns (NOTE: Words from the nominative case exercises are used in the other 3 case exercises to reinforce understanding for students of each relative pronoun.)</p> </li> <li> <p>an answer key.</p> </li> </ul> <p>USES:</p> <p>Use this product to teach German relative pronouns to students, to practise using them, to enable students to recognise and identify them, and to complete exercises independently using the tables and step-by-step examples provided.</p> <p>It can also be used as a reference guide for revision purposes in preparation for an end-of-semester or end-of-year German exam.</p> <p>The exercises could also be distributed as homework tasks or used by teachers as assessment material.</p> <p>You can also check out my product, GERMAN GRAMMAR EXERCISES - SECTION 3, for more relative pronouns exercises.</p>
German Dialogues in Public Places - Section 1Quick View

German Dialogues in Public Places - Section 1

<p><strong>German Dialogues in Public Places - Section 1</strong> is an easily accessible reading and speaking practice pack of 30 German dialogues in 15 public places followed by dialogue completion activities for use with 16-18-year-old students.</p> <p>The product contains:</p> <ul> <li> <p>A table of contents indicating all 15 public places covered</p> </li> <li> <p>30 typical, everyday dialogues in 15 public places (2 dialogues per place) ranging from those taking place at the airport to those occurring in a department store</p> </li> <li> <p>A glossary of vocabulary used in each of the dialogues</p> </li> <li> <p>15 short follow-up dialogue completion exercises in which students are required to translate English sentences, from 15 of the 30 dialogues practised in class, into German. All of the answers are in the dialogues.</p> </li> </ul> <p>Both dialogues for each public place and glossary fit onto one page making it a highly accessible product.</p> <p>When completing the dialogue activities, students may use alternative ways of expressing words and phrases, for example, of course, thank you, great!, Anything else? in German.</p> <p>USES:</p> <p>This is ideal for reading and speaking practice with students, for testing their knowledge or short-term recall of what they have just learned, for testing and/or boosting students’ vocabulary skills and for developing students’ listening skills.</p> <p>Students could practise each dialogue aloud in class in pairs.</p> <p>The product could be used as supplementary material when working through many units and topic areas with students during the school year, or as assessment material during or at the end of term or the school year.</p>
German Dialogues in Public Places - Section 2Quick View

German Dialogues in Public Places - Section 2

<p><strong>German Dialogues in Public Places - Section 2</strong> is an easily accessible reading and speaking practice pack of 30 German dialogues in 15 public places followed by dialogue completion activities for use with 16-18-year-old students.</p> <p>The product contains:</p> <ul> <li> <p>A table of contents indicating all 15 public places covered</p> </li> <li> <p>30 typical, everyday dialogues in 15 public places (2 dialogues per place) ranging from those taking place at the doctor’s to those occurring at a museum.</p> </li> <li> <p>A glossary of vocabulary used in each of the dialogues</p> </li> <li> <p>15 short follow-up dialogue completion exercises in which students are required to translate English sentences, from 15 of the 30 dialogues practised in class, into German. All of the answers are in the dialogues.</p> </li> </ul> <p>Both dialogues for each public place and glossary fit onto one page making it a highly accessible product.</p> <p>When completing the dialogue activities, students may use alternative ways of expressing words and phrases, for example, <em>of course, thank you, great!, Anything else? , certainly, ok, I would like, Would you like…</em>.?, etc. in German.</p> <p>USES:</p> <p>This is ideal for reading and speaking practice with students, for testing their knowledge or short-term recall of what they have just learned, for testing and/or boosting students’ vocabulary skills and for developing students’ listening skills.</p> <p>Students could practise each dialogue aloud in class in pairs.</p> <p>The product could be used as supplementary material when working through many units and topic areas with students during the school year, or as assessment material during or at the end of term or the school year.</p>
German Speaking Activities - Section 1Quick View

German Speaking Activities - Section 1

<p><strong>German Speaking Activities - Section 1</strong> is a no-prep oral practice pack for students aged 17-18 years. It contains:</p> <ul> <li>12 detailed dialogues on 5 general conversation topics: Details zur Person, Familie, Wohnort, Schule and Sprachenlernen.</li> <li>glossaries containing key vocabulary and expressions.</li> <li>an Over To You section which requires students to answer typical written exam questions and then practise speaking in pairs.</li> </ul> <p>Topic 1: <em>Details zur Person</em> contains 3 dialogues between a teacher and student in the classroom, in the language laboratory and between two students in the school canteen.</p> <p>Topic 2: <em>Familie</em> contains 2 dialogues occurring before the cinema and after the cinema.</p> <p>Topic 3: <em>Wohnort</em> contains 2 dialogues on living in town and living in the country.</p> <p>Topic 4: <em>Schule</em> contains 3 dialogues on school in general, school rules and a school timetable.</p> <p>Topic 5: <em>Sprachenlernen</em> contains 2 dialogues on the German language and foreign languages.</p> <p>USES:</p> <ol> <li> <p>The dialogue scripts can be used for pair work speaking practice in class.</p> </li> <li> <p>The glossaries and other vocabulary and expressions in each script could be used by students when completing the written questions in the *Over To You *section.</p> </li> <li> <p>The completed tailored answers to the written questions could be practised in preparation for an end-of-term or end-of-year final oral exam.</p> </li> </ol>
German Speaking Activities - Section 2Quick View

German Speaking Activities - Section 2

<p><strong>German Speaking Activities - Section 2</strong> is a no-prep oral practice pack for students aged 17-18 years. It contains:</p> <p>-12 detailed dialogues on 5 general conversation topics: <em>Berufsplaene, Nebenjobs, Freizeitbeschaeftigung, Ferien / Reisen</em> and <em>Aufenthalt in Deutschland / im deutschsprachigen Raum.</em><br /> -glossaries containing key vocabulary and expressions<br /> -an Over To You section which requires students to answer typical written exam questions and then practise speaking in pairs.</p> <p>Topic 1: <em>Berufsplaene</em> contains 2 dialogues, 1 between 2 students in which they discuss dream jobs, and 1 between a teacher and a student who discuss not having any career plans.</p> <p>Topic 2: <em>Nebenjobs</em> contains 2 dialogues, 1 between a teacher and a student in which they discuss the student’s part-time job, and 1 between 2 students in which they discuss a new part-time job.</p> <p>Topic 3: <em>Freizeitbeschaeftigung</em> contains 3 dialogues, the first between 2 students discussing hobbies and interests, the second between 2 students discussing a favourite hobby, and the third between 2 students discussing ownership of a Youtube channel.</p> <p>Topic 4: <em>Ferien / Reisen</em> contains 3 dialogues, the first between 2 students discussing a trip to Spain, the second between 2 students on a winter holiday in Salzburg, and the third between 2 students discussing the coming summer holidays.</p> <p>Topic 5: <em>Aufenthalt in Deutschland / im deutschsprachigen Raum</em> contains 2 dialogues, 1 between 2 students discussing a stay in southern Germany, and 1 between a teacher and a student in which they discuss the student’s student exchange in Cologne.</p> <p>USES:</p> <ol> <li> <p>The dialogue scripts can be used for pair work speaking practice in class.</p> </li> <li> <p>The glossaries and other vocabulary and expressions in each script could be used by students when completing the written questions in the Over To You section.</p> </li> <li> <p>The completed tailored answers to the written questions could be practised in preparation for an end-of-term or end-of-year final oral exam.</p> </li> </ol>
German Declension TablesQuick View

German Declension Tables

<p><strong>German Declension Tables</strong> is a quick and easy access guide containing ALL German declension tables you will need for teaching German grammar to students of all ages from 13 years +.</p> <p>All tables are colour-coded and include the declension of nouns with:</p> <p>1.definite and indefinite articles - <em>der, die, das, die,</em> etc.<br /> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a>, not a, not any - <em>kein, keine,</em> etc.<br /> 3.possessive adjectives - <em>mein, dein, sein, ihr,</em> etc.<br /> 4.this, every, which - <em>dies-, jed-, welch-</em><br /> 5.adjective endings - <em>der gute Mann, die gute Frau, das gute Kind,</em> etc.<br /> 6.adjective endings without <em>the</em> or* a* - <em>guter Rat, gute Bildung, gutes Benehmen</em>, etc.</p> <p>USES: These printable tables could be distributed to students for use in class when completing written German language activities, for example, filling in blanks with the correct definite article, adjective ending or pronoun in grammar activities, writing emails to friends and helping students recognise and identify number, genders and cases in reading and listening comprehensions. By frequently referring to this colour-coded product when completing activities, students will be able to improve their German grammar skills.</p> <p>The tables can also be used as an ideal revision tool for an upcoming class test, assessment or oral exam to ensure accuracy in writing and speaking.</p> <p>This neat bundle is also ideal for homework use! All tables could be displayed on the classroom wall and/or stored in students’ folders.</p> <p>BONUS reference tables are also provided for prepositions and conjunctions!</p>
German Quiz Pack - 5 Quizspiele - Sprache & KulturQuick View

German Quiz Pack - 5 Quizspiele - Sprache & Kultur

<p>This fun bumper German quiz pack will keep your students active and engaged as it tests their knowledge of German language and culture. There are 5 quizzes in total with each one containing 20 questions, all of which are written in German. Question types include filling in blanks, multiple choice and true or false questions. An answer key is provided. As indicated in the answer key, where there is one answer to be provided, award 1 point and where there are two answers to be provided, award .5 points each. Each quiz can be used during class as a fun group activity or an individual assessment at a time of your choosing during the school year, making it a convenient German classroom resource.</p>
German Grammar Exercises - Section 3Quick View

German Grammar Exercises - Section 3

<p><strong>German Grammar Exercises - Section 3</strong> is a no-prep German grammar activities product for teenagers (14-18yrs) and adults. It contains 600+ exercises on:</p> <ol> <li> <p>The Imperative in the du, ihr, Sie and wir forms &amp; its use in public signs and notices</p> </li> <li> <p>All Pronouns: personal, direct object, indirect object, relative, interrogative and reflexive pronouns</p> </li> <li> <p>The Passive Voice: present passive, imperfect passive, perfect passive, pluperfect passive and future passive</p> </li> <li> <p>Word Order: verb second item rule &amp; time, manner, place rule</p> </li> <li> <p>Conjunctions: coordinating, subordinating, adverbial &amp; correlative conjunctions</p> </li> </ol> <p>Brief reminders of important grammar rules, for example, on the position of the verb in a German sentence, how the imperative and passive voice are formed, and lists &amp; tables of pronouns, etc. are displayed at the top of the activity pages to help reinforce learning for the students.</p> <p>This product is ideal for end of term or end of year assessment, revision and homework. The activity pages may also be used in class by students for practice after each grammar topic has been taught.</p> <p>An answer key is provided.</p>
Match The Pictures & French WordsQuick View

Match The Pictures & French Words

<p>Match The Pictures And French Words is a no-prep activities pack of 30 printable worksheets on 30 everyday French vocabulary topics for students aged 13-15 years. Topics include AIRPORT, ANIMALS, BODY PARTS, COLOURS, CLOTHES, FOOD AND DRINK, HOBBIES, HOUSE, MODES OF TRANSPORT, WEATHER and lots more.</p> <p>Students are required to fill in a grid by matching 6 pictures with 6 correct French words.</p> <p>Uses</p> <ol> <li> <p>Individual worksheets from the product could be used as part of a class test to assess students’ knowledge of a given vocabulary topic/theme after covering it in class.</p> </li> <li> <p>A selection of 3-4, 5-6 or any number of worksheets could be used as part of an end of semester assessment in which students’ vocabulary skills are assessed.</p> </li> <li> <p>As a 5-minute quick revision activity at the beginning of a given class in which teachers could distribute 1-2 worksheets, for example, on clothes and modes of transport vocabulary, to test students’ recall and knowledge of each French word.</p> </li> <li> <p>Some worksheets may be given to students for use as a homework exercise.</p> </li> <li> <p>Students could keep their corrected worksheets in a folder for essential revision.</p> </li> </ol> <p>An answer key is provided.</p> <p>A fun, easily accessible and interactive product enjoyed by teachers and students!</p>
German Prepositions And Their CasesQuick View

German Prepositions And Their Cases

<p><strong>German Prepositions And Their Cases</strong> equips teachers and students with an essential guide packed full of examples and exercises to help learn and memorise German prepositions. The guide includes:</p> <ol> <li>the sets of prepositions that always take the accusative, dative, genitive and accusative OR dative case along with mnemonic phrases</li> <li>examples of all prepositions in use</li> <li>accusative OR dative prepositions with pictorial examples</li> <li>the use of tricky prepositions <strong>auf, in, an, zu &amp; bei</strong>, followed by exercises and an answer key.</li> </ol>
Introduction to French for ChildrenQuick View

Introduction to French for Children

<p>INTRODUCTION TO FRENCH for children is a no-prep, fun and highly interactive beginners pack for teaching beginners French to children aged 10 - 13 years.</p> <p>The PowerPoint slides feature:</p> <ol> <li> <p>the alphabet (with phonetics for each letter)</p> </li> <li> <p>basic French greetings, for example, <em>bonjour, salut, au revoir</em></p> </li> <li> <p>how to spell and say one’s name in French with full conjugation of the verb <em>s’appeler</em> and its translation</p> </li> <li> <p>short dialogues in which students learn and practise saying hello and goodbye to one another</p> </li> <li> <p>numbers 0-13 (with phonetics) and how to say what age one is.</p> </li> </ol> <p>There is also a variety of activities including alphabet exercises, in which students are asked to spell words and greetings in French, fill in the blanks greetings activities, completion of short dialogues on asking someone their name and saying their name, and activities on French numbers in which students are asked to write the correct digit and the correct French word for a given number. Students are also asked to write what age they are.</p> <p>USES: The first few slides on the alphabet, basic greetings, people saying hello and goodbye to one another, numbers and conjugation of the verb s’appeler can be used via an overhead projector as instruction and practice materials. The exercises slides could then be practised orally in class or as written exercises. The short dialogues could be practised via a teacher and student pairing or between two students.</p> <p>I have used this product in the classroom with different groups of students aged 10 - 13 years and the reaction from the children has been very positive with many eager to learn more French!</p>
German Genders Mind MapsQuick View

German Genders Mind Maps

<p><strong>German Genders Mind Maps</strong> is a no-prep, easily accessible resource ideal for teaching or revising German gender rules with students of all ages from 12 years +. Each mind map, by its simple and organised layout, aims to help students visually remember the many German gender rules, thereby improving each student’s long-term memory.</p> <p>This highly practical and interactive mind maps resource contains:</p> <ol> <li> <p>Gender rules for masculine nouns</p> </li> <li> <p>Gender rules for feminine nouns</p> </li> <li> <p>Gender rules for neuter nouns</p> </li> <li> <p>Gender rules exceptions</p> </li> <li> <p>German genders activities (Students correctly categorise masculine and feminine nouns, feminine and neuter nouns and masculine and neuter nouns.)</p> </li> <li> <p>Answer Key</p> </li> </ol> <p>The mind maps showcasing the German gender rules could be displayed on the classroom wall(s) or distributed to students for display on a study board at home.</p>
34 Gratitude WorksheetsQuick View

34 Gratitude Worksheets

<p><strong>34 Gratitude Worksheets</strong> is a no-prep pack of worksheets for students of age range 12 - 16 years. The worksheets are broken down into 3 categories:</p> <ol> <li>places where, 2. times when and 3. people to whom students can show gratitude. Use this product to instil appreciation in students for all the places, times and people in their lives.</li> </ol> <p>Examples of places in the resource are at home, at school, at the park, in the community and in nature.</p> <p>Examples of times in the resource are on a birthday, on the weekend, on a national holiday, at Christmas and on New Year’s Eve.</p> <p>Examples of people in the resource are family members, friends, teachers and national heroes.</p> <p>Students can choose up to 4 places, times and people for and to whom they are thankful. They can also give up to 4 reasons for their choice(s).</p> <p>Students also have the opportunity to express in writing what they accept in different places, on different occasions and about people.</p> <p>Practising gratitude frequently helps students to stay positive and is a powerful method to help increase happiness. Allowing students time to feel and express gratitude can play a role in improving their emotional well-being.</p> <p>By completing these worksheets, students will learn that there is a lot to be grateful for and many people to be grateful to, near and far.</p>
German Strong Verbs - Tables & Tests in 3 TensesQuick View

German Strong Verbs - Tables & Tests in 3 Tenses

<p>GERMAN STRONG VERBS - TABLES &amp; TESTS IN 3 TENSES contains 12 tables of 186 strong verbs in the present, imperfect and perfect tenses, and 4 test sheets for students aged 16 - 18 years and adults, followed by an answer key.</p> <p>Each table is coloured and categorised according to similar vowel changes in the third person singular of verb stems (in bold) in each tense, for example:</p> <p>in the dark blue table, <em><strong>ä</strong></em> in the present tense changes to <em><strong>i</strong></em> in the imperfect tense and <em><strong>a</strong></em> in the past participle; in the orange table,*** <em><strong>ie</strong></em> in the present tense changes to <em><strong>a</strong></em> in the imperfect tense and <em><strong>o</strong></em> in the past participle. In the dark green table, <em><strong>ei</strong></em> in the present tense changes to <em><strong>ie</strong></em> in the imperfect tense and in the past participle, and in the grey table,**** <em>ie</em>**** in the present tense changes to <em><strong>o</strong></em> in the imperfect tense and in the participle.</p> <p>USES: This no-prep product can be printed and distributed to students to show them the variety of similar patterns in vowel changes all grouped together in single tables. Recognising similar patterns in each table will help students memorise the verbs more easily in each tense. The tables can then be used as study material for upcoming class tests or assessments (oral and written). The test sheets (which involve testing students’ knowledge of each verb in all 3 tenses in the third person singular form) could be used randomly by the teacher at different stages during a school year as class tests. The product could also be used as an independent work packet for students who are eager to study and test themselves on all 186 verbs.</p> <p>Students could also display the tables on a study board at home and/or the tables could be displayed on the classroom wall.</p> <p>I use these tables frequently to test students’ knowledge (oral and written) of these commonly used German irregular verbs. The result is an overall improvement in reading, listening and oral language skills.</p>
German Reading ComprehensionsQuick View

German Reading Comprehensions

<p><strong>German Reading Comprehensions</strong> contains 6 separate comprehensions, aimed at 13-15-year-old students, on calendar months January - June followed by multiple-choice questions and an answer key. Each comprehension is based on the school agenda and personal plans of a German boy called Peter over a 6 month period and contains 10 multiple-choice questions in the following order:</p> <p>January - Questions 1) - 10)</p> <p>February - Questions 11) - 20)</p> <p>March - Questions 21) - 30)</p> <p>April - Questions 31) - 40)</p> <p>May - Questions 41) - 50)</p> <p>June - Questions 51) - 60)</p> <p>Use this product to test students’ ability to:</p> <ol> <li> <p>read and understand days of the week, numbers, dates.</p> </li> <li> <p>tell the time in German.</p> </li> <li> <p>recognise and identify basic vocabulary, for example, school vocabulary, food and drink, public buildings, hobbies, professions, family members and special occasions.</p> </li> <li> <p>recognise and identify synonyms to help answer the questions.</p> </li> </ol> <p>The comprehensions can be used separately as a class activity, a class assessment or a homework exercise over the next 6 months.</p>
German Reading Comprehension - Pictures, Texts and TablesQuick View

German Reading Comprehension - Pictures, Texts and Tables

<p><em><em>German Reading Comprehension</em>- Pictures, Texts and Tables</em>* contains 12 comprehensions (6 picture, 3 text and 3 table) aimed at 13-15-year-old students. The pack is broken down into 3 sections with an answer key:</p> <p>Section A: 6 picture comprehensions</p> <p>Section B: 3 text comprehensions</p> <p>Section C: 3 table comprehensions</p> <p>The questions in Section A amount to 44 in total and run in consecutive order.</p> <p>There are a total of 24 questions in Section B and a total of 24 in Section C.</p> <p>Each engaging picture, text and table is followed by a set of multiple-choice questions in German that test:</p> <ol> <li> <p>students’ ability to carefully study pictures and read and understand information in more than one type of text.</p> </li> <li> <p>students’ knowledge of basic German vocabulary, for example, colours, numbers, classroom vocabulary, food and drink, materials, animals, hobbies, etc. and synonyms.</p> </li> <li> <p>students’ knowledge of German adjectives and their opposites.</p> </li> <li> <p>students’ ability to paraphrase.</p> </li> </ol> <p>The comprehensions could be used separately for end of semester or end of year testing, classroom assessments or as homework exercises.</p>
Introduction to German for ChildrenQuick View

Introduction to German for Children

<p>INTRODUCTION TO GERMAN for children is a no-prep, fun and highly interactive pack for teaching beginners German to children aged 10 - 13 years.</p> <p>The PowerPoint slides feature:</p> <ol> <li> <p>the alphabet (with phonetics for each letter)</p> </li> <li> <p>basic German greetings, for example, <em>Guten Tag, Auf Wiedersehen</em></p> </li> <li> <p>how to spell and say one’s name in German with full conjugation of the verb <em>heißen</em> and its translation</p> </li> <li> <p>short dialogues in which students learn and practise saying hello and goodbye to one another</p> </li> <li> <p>numbers 0-13 (with phonetics) and how to say what age one is.</p> </li> </ol> <p>There is also a variety of activities including:</p> <p>-alphabet exercises, in which students are asked to spell words and greetings in German</p> <p>-fill in the blanks greetings activities</p> <p>-completion of short dialogues on asking someone their name and saying their name and</p> <p>-activities on German numbers in which students are asked to write the correct digit and the correct German word for a given number. Students are also asked to write what age they are.</p> <p>USES: The first few slides on the alphabet, basic greetings, people saying hello and goodbye to one another, numbers and conjugation of the verb <em>heißen</em> can be used via an overhead projector as instruction and practice materials. The exercises slides could then be practised orally in class or as written exercises. The short dialogues could be practised via a teacher and student pairing or between two students.</p>