<p>PowerPoint for Arts Award Bronze level. Including examples, sentence starters and support broken down to be delivered to students in the correct order to allow for easy marking.</p>
<p>Inside the body covers artists that look at human anatomy and makes links to bacteria and cells which are looked at in key stage 3 science. Students will learn how to applique, draw, print and transfer using this project.</p>
<p>A PowerPoint for CPD for art departments wanting to further link literacy into art. A look over how to include ideas around how art uses reading as a tool and how to incorperate this into 39 weeks of planning each year.</p>
<p>Ideally for Heads of Department or Literacy leads using the information to further enhance planning in ECT or early stage career staff.</p>
<p>A planner to be used with component 2 of GCSE Art and/or Photography. Each week is broken down into what should be getting completed to ensure students are hitting assessment criteria.</p>
<p>The planner includes homework/independent box which can be added to prior to printing if required. Each week is using basic terms instead of assessment terminology to ensure it is accessible to all ability students.</p>
<p>Assessment grid is within booklet so can be referred to by staff with students for further understanding of raw marks.</p>