<p>Draw the straight lines marking the direction travelled by the Mars Rover across the surface of Mars in a day. The lines are given to you in equation form. Then mark down the co-ordinates at which the Rover changes direction. Tip: These coordinates will be where lines meet, which also happens to be how you can solve simultaneous equations on a graph!</p>
<p>Here is a pack that has fun worksheets and answers for the following topics: Multiples, Factors, Prime Factors and HCF and LCM.</p>
<li>Special Delivery! - Use your knowledge of multiples to sort out batch biscuit deliveries</li>
<li>Diffuse the Bombs! Use your knowledge of factors to diffuse the bombs before it’s too late.</li>
<li>Tend to the garden by completing the prime factor trees</li>
<li>Escape the maze by working out the HCF and LCM of number pairs!</li>
<p>Help our hero complete the quest for the enchanted sword by interpreting the word problems into linear equations and solving them to move onto the next chapter!</p>
<p>This fun worksheet requires students to calculate the data needed to be input to a rocket’s computer system in the correct format. They must convert between fractions, decimals and percentages to find the correct format for recording rocket fuel, damage and distance travelled.</p>
<p>This resource requires students to find the nth term of a linear sequence and then use that nth term to calculate the speed of Santa’s sleigh at different stages of journey (using n to represent the number of the houses he has reached). This is designed for KS3 students, so between 11 - 14.</p>
<p>Complete the BODMAS calculations on this worksheet in order to crack the code by matching answers to their corresponding letters. The code reveals the answer to the joke “Why did the mathematician reunite with his nerdy friends from school?”</p>
<p>Pokémon inspired worksheet based on powers and roots for KS3 students. Students need to calculate Pikachu’s strength and energy levels throughout a battle by using powers and square roots on numbers related to attack powers and Berry values.</p>