Scheme of  Work - T Level - Construction - BSE - Year 1Quick View

Scheme of Work - T Level - Construction - BSE - Year 1

This Scheme of Learning is what I use for my students who are studying T level Building Services Engineering (Core Year 1). It is my working document that I often change. This SoW will give you an idea of how I teach the course. I have aligned it with the course specification. T level is a new Level 3 course awarded by City and Guilds. This is the third year I am teaching this course.
T Level - Construction (BSE) Core Road MapQuick View

T Level - Construction (BSE) Core Road Map

This road map is what I use for my students who are studying T level - BSE Core (Year 1). They will move to year 2 to do Electrotechnical Specialism. I use this road often to provide a clear learning path, showing them what topics and skills they will cover throughout their academic journey.