AQA GCSE FRENCH - 50 and 90 word tasks - individual feedback sheets with pupil friendly mark schemes
Included are 2 individual feedback sheets (one of the 50 and on for the 90 word tasks).</p>
<p>For the 90 word task, I have included “remedial tasks” to pick from, as I have noticed that students tend to fall into these categories.</p>
<p>For the 50 word task, the “Target for next time” would be linked to what remedial task they should do.</p>
<p>The documents are formated with WORD so that you can easily include what you need or change what you want to amend.</p>
<p>These kind of feedback do tend to last from 15 minutes to a whole lesson depending on what remedial tasks you give students.</p>
<p>It also gives you the opportunity to use it as peer assessments if you wished.</p>
<p>Excellent for Homework tasks also.</p>
<p>Can be used at KS3.</p>