Geographical and numerical skills booklet with AQA practice questionsQuick View

Geographical and numerical skills booklet with AQA practice questions

<p>Geographical and numerical skills booklet with AQA practice questions</p> <p>Geographical skills include:</p> <ol> <li>Longitude and latitude</li> <li>Direction</li> <li>4 and 6 figure grid references</li> <li>Measuring distance</li> <li>Line graph</li> <li>Bar charts</li> <li>Climate graphs</li> <li>Pie charts</li> <li>Pictograms</li> <li>Histograms</li> <li>Divided bar graph</li> <li>Scatter graphs</li> <li>Population pyramids</li> <li>Choropleth map</li> <li>Isoline maps</li> <li>Dot maps</li> <li>Desire lines</li> <li>Proportional symbols</li> <li>Flow lines</li> <li>Cross sections</li> <li>Radial/Radar graphs</li> </ol> <p>Statistical skills:</p> <ol> <li>Mean</li> <li>Median</li> <li>Mode and modal class</li> <li>Range</li> <li>Quartiles and inter-quartile range</li> <li>Trend lines and estimated lines of best fit</li> <li>Interpolate and extrapolate trends</li> </ol>
Sustainable city - FreiburgQuick View

Sustainable city - Freiburg

Card sort on Freiburg including facts and images. Pupils sort into key factors of sustainability (energy/food/transport/green space etc). <br /> <br /> Made for Geography AQA new spec
Is the north-south divide in the UK real? AQA GCSE Geography - Changing UK EconomyQuick View

Is the north-south divide in the UK real? AQA GCSE Geography - Changing UK Economy

<p>Pupils label key cities on a UK map and draw where they think the north-south divide line is.<br /> Pupils then draw the ‘real’ north south divide line and describe its location using cities, compass directions etc.<br /> Use resources to describe the features of different parts of the country e.g. house prices, income, unemployment rate.<br /> Scale plenary to help practice the ‘to what extent’ aqa style questions.</p>
Battlefield grid referencesQuick View

Battlefield grid references

Simple grid to apply knowledge of 4 figure grid references. Pupils add on their ships to their grid and playing with a partner try to hit all their opponent's ships before all of theirs.
Human geography revision guide - AQA GCSEQuick View

Human geography revision guide - AQA GCSE

<p>Human geography revision guide - AQA GCSE</p> <p>35 pages including summary of content, case studied and past paper questions (AQA)</p> <p>Case studies include:</p> <ol> <li>Dharavi and Mumbai - slum</li> <li>Manchester - redevelopment/urban sprawl/urban greening</li> <li>Freiburg and BedZed- sustainable city</li> <li>Nigeria - NEE</li> <li>Lesotho - large-scale water transfer scheme</li> <li>Wakel - susainable, local water management</li> </ol>
UK in the wider world EU flow linesQuick View

UK in the wider world EU flow lines

<ol> <li> <p>Atlas activity pupils identify countries in the EU on the map.</p> </li> <li> <p>Draw flow lines on the map to show the migration of people to the EU. Using 1mm=50,000 people scale. I found this works best when demonstrated using a visualiser.</p> </li> <li> <p>Make a table of advantages/disadvantages of being an EU member.</p> </li> </ol> <p>Numerous challenge tasks.</p>