Lesson Planning: Pick 'N' Mix ToolQuick View

Lesson Planning: Pick 'N' Mix Tool

<p>A single, all-encompassing Power Point containing a wide range of cooperative and engaging learning activities for starters, main learning and plenaries.</p> <p>How to use it?</p> <p>*Open this original Power Point. At the start there is a lesson introduction slide, then activities are split into starters (blue), main lesson activities (orange), and plenaries (red). At the end there is a page complete with embedded timers.<br /> *Select starter, main and plenary activities that are relevant to your lesson focus (Pick ‘n’ mix). Copy and paste those slides into a new Power Point to use within your lesson. Select a timer where required.<br /> *You could print a selection of slides to be made into a classroom display and allow students to choose their own activities.</p>
A-Level Sociology - Education Essay PlansQuick View

A-Level Sociology - Education Essay Plans

<p>A variety of essay plans for questions covering topics across the Education unit.</p> <p>Each plan contains prompts on key points to make or key Sociologists to reference. There are clear sections for explanation and evaluation too.</p> <p>Can be used effectively by students using any major textbook.</p>
US Politics - Comparative 12-Mark QuestionsQuick View

US Politics - Comparative 12-Mark Questions

<p>Designed for teachers and students of Pearson’s new A-Level Politics specification.</p> <p>This resource (booklet) provides students with useful tips on technique for answering both non-theory and comparative theory 12-mark questions in the Component 3 exam.</p> <p>These tips include incredibly useful paragraph structures that students can apply to either type of 12-mark question. An activity is included for both 12-mark question types to get students to practise these paragraph structures.</p> <p>The rest of the resource includes planning tables for a comprehensive range of 12-mark questions that have been created based on the exam board specifcation.</p> <p>**Specifically, these questions relate to the US Constitution and Federalism sub-topic of Component 3<br /> **<br /> The points of comparison for each question have been noted down already and students can work independently to fill the tables, using the suggested paragraph technique.</p> <p>At the front of the resource is a checklist for students to tick off once they have planned or answered in full any of the questions inside.</p>
Edexcel A-Level Politics: Feminism Exam Guidance & Detailed Essay PlansQuick View

Edexcel A-Level Politics: Feminism Exam Guidance & Detailed Essay Plans

<p>This 50 page document provides essential teacher and student support for the non-core ideology topic of Feminism, part of Edexcel’s A-Level Politics Component 2 specification.</p> <p>It contains:<br /> A list of potential 24-mark essay questions<br /> Guidance on essay writing technique<br /> A breakdown of the specification requirements, in the form of a self-assessment log, which can be used by students to manage their own progress<br /> Detailed essay plans on all potentail questions (which can be easily manipulated into activities / mark schemes)<br /> A key terms glossary for students to complete as they progress through the topic</p>
A-Level Sociology - Marketisation and Privatisation Essay ActivityQuick View

A-Level Sociology - Marketisation and Privatisation Essay Activity

<p>Structured essay activity for standard question asking about the impact of marketization and privatisation policies on educational inequality.</p> <p>Students are asked to study the question and Item as well as a set of model paragraphs. They are then asked to complete the essay by writing an appropriate introduction and conclusion.</p>
Edexcel GCSE Psychology Revision & Exam TechniqueQuick View

Edexcel GCSE Psychology Revision & Exam Technique

<p>A comprehensive (70 pages) resource supporting Edexcel (Pearson) GCSE 1-9 Psychology students with their exam preparation.</p> <p>The resource can be given to students as a single handout or sections can be used separately in lessons.</p> <p>This resource would be helpful for teachers new to teaching this course who want practical strategies and activities to use with their class relating to exam questions.</p> <p>It begins with guidance on how to answer the common types of short questions (across Paper 1 and Paper 2) as well as example answers and questions for students to attempt themselves.</p> <p>It then provides guidance on how to answer the Paper 1, 9-mark Issues and Debates questions, as well as the essential content students must know for each potential question. There follows an example question and room for students to write essay answers for each potential topic.</p> <p>There is then guidance, example answers, and room for students to produce their own answers for the second 9-mark question at the end of Paper 1, plus the 12-mark Research Methods question from Paper 2, and the 9-mark essay questions on the Paper 2 optional topics.</p>
Edexcel GCSE 1-9 Psychology - Revision Question & Answers (Full Course)Quick View

Edexcel GCSE 1-9 Psychology - Revision Question & Answers (Full Course)

<p>This spreadsheet contains 500+ short questions and answers covering all of the compulsory topics on the Edexcel GCSE Psychology specification, plus the optional topics of Criminal Psychology and Sleep and Dreaming.</p> <p>The spreadsheet contains tabs that easily allow the questions to be turned into ‘recap’ or DO NOW activities ready for your lessons.</p> <p>The questions can also easily be transported across a range of formats to support revision activities (such as Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, or the Quizlet website).</p> <p>This is also an invaluable resource which can be sahred with students to allow them to test their own recall (or test their peers) of key points learned throughout the course.</p>
US Government & Politics Introduction: Unit of Work Quick View

US Government & Politics Introduction: Unit of Work

<p>A unit of work introducing the study of US Government and Politics. Suitable for all exam specifications at A Level. The unit is 6 lessons long and contains comprehensive PowerPoint presentations with a range of interesting and engaging starter, main lesson and plenary activities, with teaching instructions added within the presentations. Also included is the student booklet and additional resources referred to within the PowerPoint.</p> <p>The lessons included cover: an overview of the unit and key facts about the US political system, background on the birth of the USA and the Philadelphia convention, key events throughout US history, an analysis of the two main US political parties.</p>
A-Level Sociology - Families and Households Essay PlansQuick View

A-Level Sociology - Families and Households Essay Plans

<p>A variety of essay plans for questions covering topics across the Families and Households unit.</p> <p>Each plan contains prompts on key points to make or key Sociologists to reference. There are clear sections for explanation and evaluation too.</p> <p>Can be used effectively by students using any major textbook.</p>
Edexcel Core Political Ideas - Exemplar Ideologies Essay AnswersQuick View

Edexcel Core Political Ideas - Exemplar Ideologies Essay Answers

<p>A set of 10 exemplar essay answers to Edexcel A-Level Politics ‘core political ideas’ 24-mark essay questions.</p> <p>This resource would be ideal for:</p> <ul> <li> <p>Use in individual lessons, when teaching the core political ideas and wanting to demonstrate excellent essay writing technique.</p> </li> <li> <p>Students to use for their exam revision.</p> </li> </ul> <p>The essays respond to the following questions:</p> <p>Liberalism:</p> <ol> <li>To what extent do liberals have a common view of human nature? (24)</li> <li>To what extent do liberals agree on the nature of society? (24)</li> <li>To what extent do liberals agree over the role of the state? (24)</li> </ol> <p>Socialism:<br /> 4. To what extent do socialists have a common view of human nature? (24)<br /> 5. To what extent does socialism depend on a view of society based only on class? (24)<br /> 6. To what extent is socialism more united than divided? (24)</p> <p>Conservatism:<br /> 7. To what extent do conservatives disagree over human nature? (24)<br /> 8. To what extent are the views of One Nation conservatives on the economy consistent with those of the New Right? (24)<br /> 9. To what extent are Conservatives united in their view of society? (24)<br /> 10. To what extent do conservatives agree over the role of the state? (24)</p>
Edexcel A-Level Politics Exemplar Essay Answers (Component 1)Quick View

Edexcel A-Level Politics Exemplar Essay Answers (Component 1)

<p>A selection of Edexcel Component 1 exemplar / model 30-mark essay answers.</p> <p>All answers have been written using the technique suggested by Edexcel, in a way that clearly meets all 3 assessment objectives.</p> <p>This resource could be used in individual lessons or as a revision resource for students.</p> <p>Answers to the following questions are included:</p> <p><strong>Non-source Questions:</strong></p> <ol> <li>Evaluate the extent to which pressure groups and other organisations have a significant political impact. (30)</li> <li>Evaluate the view that the Conservative Party is now more influenced by One Nation ideas than New Right ideas. (30)</li> <li>Evaluate the extent to which policies and manifestos determine the outcome of general elections. (30)</li> <li>Evaluate the extent to which social factors determine voting behaviour. (30)</li> <li>Evaluate whether elections are lost by governments rather than won by the opposition. (30)</li> </ol> <p><strong>Source Questions:</strong></p> <ol> <li>Using the source, evaluate the view that UK democracy is in crisis. (30)</li> <li>Using the source, evaluate the view that proportional representation would improve elections to the House of Commons. (30)</li> <li>Using the source, evaluate the view that pressure group activity supports democracy and participation. (30)</li> </ol>
Edexcel A-Level Politics: Feminism Key Thinker CardsQuick View

Edexcel A-Level Politics: Feminism Key Thinker Cards

<p>A set of structured revision cards. They are designed to be printed on card and then used as a valuable revision resource.</p> <p>There is one card for each of the 5 key thinkers named on the non-core ideas Feminism section of the Edexcel A-Level Politics specification:</p> <p>Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Simone De Beauvoir, Kate Millett, Sheila Rowbotham, bel hooks.</p> <p>On each card there are structured spaces (with helpful prompts) for students to summarise the key contributions of these thinkers to feminist ideology. They can easily be used in conjunction with the popular Pearson endorsed and Hodder McNaughton textbooks.</p>
GCSE Psychology (Edexcel) Paper 1 - Revision - Exam Questions & AnswersQuick View

GCSE Psychology (Edexcel) Paper 1 - Revision - Exam Questions & Answers

<p>Essential resource for revision, homework, cover work, stretch and challenge work.</p> <p>Two booklets - approx 50 pages each. One contains past exam questions / exam-style questions, under headings linked to topics and sub-topics across paper 1. There is room under each question for students to answer.</p> <p>Specifically, there are questions for the following paper 1 topics:</p> <ul> <li>Development</li> <li>Memory</li> <li>Psychological Problems</li> <li>Brain and Neuropsychology</li> <li>Social Influence</li> </ul> <p>The other booklet contains model answers to all of the questions, so that students can self-assess, amend and improve their work.</p> <p>The model answers have been written by an experienced Edexcel Psychology teacher and examiner.</p>
A-Level Sociology - Outstanding Research Methods Revision LessonQuick View

A-Level Sociology - Outstanding Research Methods Revision Lesson

An outstanding lesson to help your students revise for an assessment on research methods. It includes guidance on answering 10 mark and 20 mark essay questions. <br /> <br /> - Engaging 'Pictionary' style starter activity<br /> - Peer-assessment activity with example answers<br /> - Interactive, group carousel activity <br /> - Useful focus on student progress throughout
Edexcel A-Level Politics: Feminism Core Notes and QuizzesQuick View

Edexcel A-Level Politics: Feminism Core Notes and Quizzes

<p>A series of core notes and quizzes on the non-core ideology of Feminism. Based on the Pearson endorsed textbook and Hodder textbook by McNaughton.</p> <p>These resources work especially well as part of a ‘flipped learning’ scheme. Students can be asked to take notes on the key content in the above textbooks, possibly as homework, before being given the quizzes (assessing their understanding of the content) as an in-lesson task. The core notes can then be easily used to provide feedback to the questions.</p>
Edexcel A-Level Politics: Socialism Key Thinker CardsQuick View

Edexcel A-Level Politics: Socialism Key Thinker Cards

<p>A set of structured revision cards. They are designed to be printed on card and then used as a valuable revision resource.</p> <p>There is one card for each of the 5 key thinkers named on the core ideas Socialism section of the Edexcel A-Level Politics specification:</p> <p>Karl Marx &amp; Friedrich Engels, Beatrice Webb, Rosa Luxemburg, Anthony Crosland, Anthony Giddens</p> <p>On each card there are structured spaces (with helpful prompts) for students to summarise the key contributions of these thinkers to socialist ideology. They can easily be used in conjunction with the popular Pearson endorsed and Hodder McNaughton textbooks.</p>
Edexcel A-Level Politics: Conservatism Key Thinker CardsQuick View

Edexcel A-Level Politics: Conservatism Key Thinker Cards

<p>A set of structured revision cards. They are designed to be printed on card and then used as a valuable revision resource.</p> <p>There is one card for each of the 5 key thinkers named on the core ideas Conservatism section of the Edexcel A-Level Politics specification:</p> <p>Thomas Hobbes, Edmund Burke, Michael Oakeshott, Ayn Rand, Robert Nozick.</p> <p>On each card there are structured spaces (with helpful prompts) for students to summarise the key contributions of these thinkers to conservative ideology. They can easily be used in conjunction with the popular Pearson endorsed and Hodder McNaughton textbooks.</p>
Edexcel A-Level Politics: Liberalism Key Thinker CardsQuick View

Edexcel A-Level Politics: Liberalism Key Thinker Cards

<p>A set of structured revision cards. They are designed to be printed on card and then used as a valuable revision resource.</p> <p>There is one card for each of the 5 key thinkers named on the core ideas Liberalism section of the Edexcel A-Level Politics specification:</p> <p>John Locke, Mary Wollenstonecraft, John Stuart Mill, John Rawls, Betty Friedan.</p> <p>On each card there are structured spaces (with helpful prompts) for students to summarise the key contributions of these thinkers to liberal ideology. They can easily be used in conjunction with the popular Pearson endorsed and Hodder McNaughton textbooks.</p>
A Level Politics: Political Ideas EssaysQuick View

A Level Politics: Political Ideas Essays

<p>This handout contains a checklist / guidance on how students need to go about planning and structuring a 24-mark essay on political ideas (Edexcel specification).</p> <p>It also contains two example A* answers to essay questions on the topic of Liberalism; one of these answers has been annotated with comments on the use of ‘excellent technique’.</p> <p>This resource provides valuable support for students when they are learning how to approach the 24-mark political ideas questions on the Component 1 and Component 2 exams.</p>
Edexcel A-Level Politics Exemplar Essay Answers (Component 2)Quick View

Edexcel A-Level Politics Exemplar Essay Answers (Component 2)

<p>A selection of Edexcel Component 2 exemplar / model 30-mark essay answers.</p> <p>All answers have been written using the technique suggested by Edexcel, in a way that clearly meets all 3 assessment objectives.</p> <p>This resource could be used in individual lessons or as a revision resource for students.</p> <p>Answers to the following questions are included:</p> <p>Non-source Questions:</p> <ol> <li> <p>Evaluate the view that conventions of ministerial responsibility no longer adequately account for the actions of ministers. (30)</p> </li> <li> <p>Evaluate the view that Human Rights in the UK are better protected by pressure groups than by political parties. (30)</p> </li> <li> <p>Evaluate the view that the Supreme Court has too much influence over the executive. (30)</p> </li> <li> <p>Evaluate the view that Parliament fulfils its main functions effectively. (30)</p> </li> </ol> <p>Source Questions:</p> <ol> <li> <p>Using the source, evaluate the view that judges should not exercise control over the power of government. (30)</p> </li> <li> <p>Using the source, evaluate the view that the logical next step after devolution to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland is the devolution of further power to England. (30)</p> </li> </ol>