<p>A fully resourced scheme of work based around careers in theatre.<br />
<li>how Drama is beneficial in every career</li>
<li>stage makeup</li>
<li>set design</li>
<li>Lighting and sound design</li>
<li>team work<br />
lots of practical activities designed for Year 9 but could be used for KS4. enables students to see other pathways in drama and particularly good for engaging reluctant performers.</li>
A bundle of fully resourced lessons for Paper 1 section A of the NEW English Language Specification (2015). All lessons consist of powerpoints and worksheets to guide pupils through Q1 - Q4 of Paper 1 Section A. The lessons use the opening extract of King of the Castle - Susan Hill with an additional lesson on structure using a variety of short extracts to get pupils used to answering Q3. There is also a revision/exam preparation powerpoint taking students through each question again using an extract from Animal Farm. Instructions to guide you through the lesson are in the notes section of each powerpoint. Some of the power points have embedded video clips, if these don't work I have added the link in notes.
A lesson looking at Juliet and Capulet's relationship. Intended for AQA new specification and covering new assessment objectives. The lesson incorporates a mixture of active activities and language analysis. Includes Shakespeare Challenge questions for extra stretch and challenge.
Chapter 6 of Jekyll and Hyde focusing on context and Dr Lanyon - 2017 exam AOs covered.<br />
Designed for a second deeper look at the text however could easily be adapted for a first read.
A lesson looking at the 20 mark Question 4 - Getting pupils to consider opinions and exploring the opening of the text I'm the King of the Castle. Includes a model paragraph for answering question 4.
A lesson on Romeo and Friar Lawrence looking at the importance of Friar Lawrence and how this ties into the context of the play. The lesson addresses AQA assessment objectives and focuses on language, context and theme.
This lesson looks in detail at the character of the nurse, her relationship with Juliet compares her and the Friar. This lesson incorporates AQA assessment objectives and looks at the dramatic structure of the scene in order to analyse character.
A lesson to introduce students to looking at structure within a text in relation to Q3. A variety of short extracts are included for pupils to investigate the idea of structure in a literary text.
<p>A scheme of work based on the beginning of Macbeth. A variety of lessons looking at language and including dramatic approaches to help pupils access Shakespearean language and stagecraft.</p>
<p>All lessons are fully resourced with a learning checkpoint and an assessment which requires pupils to devise a scene using their knowledge of the play and characters . The scheme covers 10 lessons (which includes the assessed performance) Each lesson has a PPT with the exception of Lesson 10 as this is when they perform and teachers can add your own assessment criteria that fits in with your school policy.<br />
Many lessons include video hooks so pupils are working from the minute they walk through the door.</p>
A lesson designed to get pupils to track development of Juliet's character using key assessment objectives. Decoded assessment objectives included on powerpoint for pupils.
A fully resourced lesson using opening extract of I'm the King of the Castle. Exploring first responses to a text and looking at implicit and explicit meaning.
Chapter 1 of Jekyll and Hyde recapping chapter and exploding the language in a close analysis.<br />
AQA 2017 exam Assessment Objectives addressed.<br />
Fully resourced
A lesson based on the AQA new specification assessment objectives focusing on the character of Mercutio. The lesson uses hot seating to examine the language in order to analyse Mercutio but can be adapted if your group are not keen to perform.
A fully resourced lesson for Question 2 of the New AQA English Language paper 1. The extract I have used is I'm the King of the Castle and explore language features and how to identify them in a text and write an exam answer.
A lesson focusing on the balcony scene. This lesson incorporates some active approaches to the play but can also be easily adapted for a classroom approach. Lesson hits all AQA assessment objectives .<br />
Shakespeare challenge included to stretch the more able.