The Art of Plaster CastingQuick View

The Art of Plaster Casting

Professor Edward Allington and Jo Volley (UCL Slade School of Fine Art) demonstrate the complexities of creating a plaster cast and examine other ways the medium has been used. Allington and Volley have helped to curate part of Plastered, an exhibition at the UCL Art Museum about plaster and the casting process, highlighting the sculpture models of the neo-classical artist John Flaxman (1755-1826).
Watching the eclipse (UCL)Quick View

Watching the eclipse (UCL)

Dr Lucie Green from UCL's Mullard Space Science Laboratory describes watching this summer&'s total solar eclipse - and explains what scientists can learn from observing such rare phenomenon.
The Future of Building? - RobotsQuick View

The Future of Building? - Robots

In this video from University College London we look at The Fabricate 2011 Conference, hosted by the UCL Bartlett School of Architecture, showcasing the installation 'Stratifications&' by Gramazio é Kohler, Architecture and Digital Fabrication, ETH Zurich. é';Stratifications' uses a multiple-axis robot on a caterpillar base to perform real-time construction, combining digital design and methods in fabrication that are not possible with traditional manual building methods. This is the first time that this approach to building has been seen in the UK.
The Future of Medicine - Stem CellsQuick View

The Future of Medicine - Stem Cells

In this video from University College London we hear why Dr. Adam Giangreco views stem cell research as the best promise for medical breakthroughs over the next few decades. Dr Giangreco, a recent recipient of a major European Research Council grant, explains how he is exploring new treatments for lung damage and why funding stem cell research is so vital. 6 October is International Stem Cell Awareness Day.
Britain's legacy of slavery (UCL)Quick View

Britain's legacy of slavery (UCL)

Professor Catherine Hall (UCL History) and her team in the project Legacies of British Slave-ownership are examining how modern Britain, from its art collections and grand buildings to its financial institutions, has been built on the wealth generated from slavery. The project is tracing the slave owners who benefitted from the £20m paid in compensation in the 1830s and where this money subsequently went. In this video, Professor Hall reflects on the texts of two women from the 19th century -- one a slave, the other an abolitionist and daughter of a wealthy slave owner.
Haemophilia gene therapy breakthrough (UCL)Quick View

Haemophilia gene therapy breakthrough (UCL)

A gene therapy study developed by Dr Amit Nathwani (UCL Cancer Institute) and colleagues in collaboration with St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis, Tennessee, has shown that adults with haemophilia B benefit from the treatment, reducing need for injections with clotting factor to prevent bleeds. The findings of the six-person study mark the first evidence that gene therapy can reduce disabling, painful bleeding episodes in patients with the inherited blood disorder.
The Effects of Climate Change on the Inuit PeopleQuick View

The Effects of Climate Change on the Inuit People

In this video from University College London Mary Simon, President of Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, speaks about the effects of climate change on the Inuit people.Mary's visit was part of a series of free public seminars on Migration and Wellbeing at UCL and the British Museum, hosted by UCLs Centre for Applied Global Citizenship and UCL Medical Anthropology.
Britain's legacy of slavery (UCL)Quick View

Britain's legacy of slavery (UCL)

Professor Catherine Hall (UCL History) and her team in the project Legacies of British Slave-ownership are examining how modern Britain, from its art collections and grand buildings to its financial institutions, has been built on the wealth generated from slavery. The project is tracing the slave owners who benefitted from the £20m paid in compensation in the 1830s and where this money subsequently went.
Guru Ka Langar - Sikh SocietyQuick View

Guru Ka Langar - Sikh Society

In this video from University College London we look at the UCL Sikh Society's Guru Ka Langar, an annual celebration of free food that invites everyone from UCL and beyond to come and share a meal together.
Chomsky: lessons of Cuban Missile Crisis (UCL)Quick View

Chomsky: lessons of Cuban Missile Crisis (UCL)

With the 50th anniversary of the Cuban Missile Crisis, what lessons are still relevant for the world today? This is an excerpt from Professor Noam Chomsky's UCL Rickman Godlee Lecture 2011 - Contours of global order: Domination, stability, security in a changing world.
The Colourful Brain - Not Grey MatterQuick View

The Colourful Brain - Not Grey Matter

In this video from University College London we look at how UCL Neuroscience seeks to make fundamental discoveries about brain function and behaviour, to teach and train the next generation of scientists and clinicians, and to transform our ability to diagnose and treat neurological and psychiatric disease. In this slideshow of images, UCL neuroscientists expose and explore the beauty of the brain, the most intricate organ in the human body.
Value-Based Health Care DeliveryQuick View

Value-Based Health Care Delivery

In this video from University College London we look at when UCLPartners and the Greater London Authority hosted a meeting for leaders and future leaders of London's health and social care system. Professor Michael Porter (Harvard Business School) provided an introduction to value-based mental health care. By focusing on value, Porter believes the NHS can reduce costs whilst improving services.
Misheard Lyrics #3Quick View

Misheard Lyrics #3

Star-Spangled BannerIn this video from University College London Professor Andrew Nevins (UCL Psychology & Language Sciences) explains how almost every song lyric can be misunderstood.While slips of the tongue are well-known, slips of the ear have received far less attention. Professor Nevins has developed a database of 4000 naturally collected examples where the hearer is the source of miscommunication.
London's Black HistoryQuick View

London's Black History

Mini-Lecture #11In this video from University College London we look at Black History Month in the UK. Dr Caroline Bressey researches the history of the Black presence in London, trawling the archives to reveal forgotten everyday Black characters of Victorian Britain.
The Legal Argument - Israel and PalestineQuick View

The Legal Argument - Israel and Palestine

UCL Global HealthIn this video from University College London Sylvie Delacroix discusses the legal arguments of the Israel and Palestine situation.Sylvie holds a PhD from Cambridge University, Licences in law from the University of Louvain-La-Neuve (Belgium), and Candidatures in philosophy from the Facultés Universitaires Saint Louis (Belgium). Sylvie's main research interests are in jurisprudence, ethics and public law.
Stonehenge - Re-Writing its HistoryQuick View

Stonehenge - Re-Writing its History

In this video from University College London Professor Mike Parker Pearson (UCL Archaeology) re-evaluates the timeline of Stonehenge's construction and sheds light on how it was used. The first Stonehenge began life as a cemetery with the original stone circle built 500 years before the version that we know today.Professor Parker Pearson and his team also discovered that the second stage of Stonehenge (the iconic sarsen stone circle) was built 200 years earlier than thought, about 2500 BCE.
Autism and TalentQuick View

Autism and Talent

Mini-Lecture #3In this video from University College London to mark Autism Awareness Month, Professor Frith from UCL's Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience discusses talent, one of the least understood features of the autism disorder, and examines the ideas behind this phenomenon and what the autistic mind can tell us about our own.About 10% of people with autism have a notable talent in some area, of this group there are a special few who are exceptionally talented.
The Sophisticated Assembly of the Terracotta ArmyQuick View

The Sophisticated Assembly of the Terracotta Army

In this video from University College London we see how Dr. Marcos Martinón-Torres (UCL Archaeology) and colleagues in Xian, China have discovered that craftsmen working over 2000 years ago on the bronze weapons of the 'Terracotta Army&' worked in an efficient way like the modern car maker Toyota. The ancient craftsmen were organised in a sophisticated labour model known today as é';Toyotism'.