<p>Binary full unit of work including 6 lessons and a student booklet.</p>
<p>Sequences of lessons consists of:<br />
Lesson 1- Introduction to Binary, Converting Binary to Decimal<br />
Lesson 2- Converting Decimal to Binary<br />
Lesson 3 & 4- Adding and Subtracting Binary<br />
Lesson 5 & 6- Making Binary Bitmap Pictures (including conditional formatted excel workbook for students use)</p>
<br />
Play from start to finish<br />
Or<br />
Set a given time and the group that gets the most correct domino matches win!<br />
<br />
Designed and created to help build subject knowledge and understanding through all Key Stages within Secondary Schools.
<br />
Play from start to finish<br />
Or<br />
Set a given time and the group that gets the most correct domino matches win!
<p>37 different Command Words to help students within their understanding of written or verbal instructions.</p>
<p>Keyword and Definition. Can be display along the ceiling line of a classroom.</p>
<p>Create your own questions in the matrix grid. The deeper thinking/higher order questions will fall into the How Might? Why Will? question slots.</p>
<p>This can be used for students to created their own questions as a revision resource too.</p>
<p>Powerpoint slide posters that can be displayed within the workshop, spelling out WORKSHOP.</p>
<p>These can be used as a reference point to remind and correct student behaviours within the workshop.</p>
<p>Material Research Question Matrix.</p>
<p>This question resource is designed to aid revision and deepen understanding.</p>
<p>A total of 36 questions that range from closed questions to open questions to challenge students knowledge and understanding.</p>
<p>How Might?, Why Might? and How Will? questions prompt students for more detailed answers.</p>
<p>There if a TIF (Take It Further) section at the bottom to stretch and challenge students.</p>
<p>How to play:</p>
<li>Students roll both question cube 1 and 2.</li>
<li>Link both of these cubes to create a question starter, for example: How is?</li>
<li>Just like a co-ordinate grid, find you question on the Matrix.</li>
<li>Students answers the question. TIF if required.</li>
<p>Students can play alone, in pairs or groups.</p>
Resource 1: table/grid- Name (filled in) /Picture and Description blank.<br />
Resource 2: Pictures and Descriptions ready to be cut up and sorted onto table/grid (printed in order)
<p>Two files:</p>
<li>Includes 70 pictures of different tools and equipment you’d find in the workshop. Blank grid and title page.</li>
<li>70 names matching all the tools and equipment pictures.</li>
<p>This can be used however you require.</p>
<p>I have this displayed on the wall. See cover image.<br />
All keywords are displayed in the centre. The blank grids are laminated and displayed to the left of the words. The pictures are individually laminated and blue tac’d to the blank grids.<br />
*Students match the tools and equipment to their names. Great independent resource for students to use if can’t remember the name of a tool.</p>
<p>BOYD stands for Bring Your Own Device</p>
<p>Students complete and sign this card if they have permission to use their own device, mobile phone, ipad etc in lessons for research purposes.</p>
<p>This card creates a contract between you and the student and acts as a deterrent for students to lesson to music or go on games etc.</p>
<p>In my classroom, they are laminated and bulldog clipped to the wall, ready on hand to use when required. Students write on the laminated cards with a whiteboard marker.</p>
<p>Tools & Equipment Question Matrix.</p>
<p>This question resource is designed to aid revision and deepen understanding. Questions can be edited to match your projects.</p>
<p>A total of 36 questions that range from closed questions to open questions to challenge students knowledge and understanding.</p>
<p>How Might?, Why Might? and How Will? questions prompt students for more detailed answers.</p>
<p>There if a TIF (Take It Further) section at the bottom to stretch and challenge students.</p>
<p>How to play:</p>
<li>Students roll both question cube 1 and 2.</li>
<li>Link both of these cubes to create a question starter, for example: How is?</li>
<li>Just like a co-ordinate grid, find you question on the Matrix.</li>
<li>Students answers the question. TIF if required.</li>
<p>Students can play alone, in pairs or groups.</p>
<p>I created this resource as Cover Faculty Team leader within our school to offer help and support for new cover staff and a reference point displayed in the staff room/office for team members. Printed out in A3 its a great resource for self reflection regarding classroom and behaviour management.</p>
<p>I have written in RED where some details would need to be edited to meet your schools systems/support resources on your staff area on the computers.</p>
<p>Resources designed to aid classroom management for Cover Staff/Teachers toolbox.</p>
<p>1x number cards 1-10. Printed on different A5 coloured card and laminated. These are used to create groups/table numbers to aid activities.</p>
<p>1x numbered cards 1-30. 2x sets of these printed out of A4 two different colours. Cards inidividually cut out and laminated to create two sets of 1-30 little cards. One set can be given out to students, the other kept by the teacher and randomly selecting a number to target students to questioning, building on ‘no hands up’ rule so the same students don’t always answer.</p>
<p>1x 1-10 Scrap Pad. These were printed off A6 size and glue together at the top to created scrap pads. 100 slips per pad. Ideal for when students enter the classroom, giving them a slip and creating on the stop starter activities. Name top ten etc.</p>
<p>1x A-Z Scrap Pad. These were printed off A6 size and glue together at the top to created scrap pads. 100 slips per pad. Ideal for when students enter the classroom, giving them a slip and creating on the stop starter activities. A-Z on subject/topic vocab etc.</p>
<p>Play from start to finish<br />
Or<br />
Set a given time and the group that gets the most correct domino matches win!</p>