Intro to Great Fire of London slidesQuick View

Intro to Great Fire of London slides

<p>Discussion: Begin by asking the children if they know what a “long time ago” means. Explain that it means a very, very long time before they were born. Introduce the idea that we can learn about things that happened a long time ago.</p> <p>Ideas of stories to share with the children- a simple, age-appropriate story or book about the Great Fire of London. Use illustrations to help convey the events in a child-friendly manner.</p> <p>Activity idea related to the Lesson.</p>
Year 1 Space Slides BundleQuick View

Year 1 Space Slides Bundle

3 Resources
<ol> <li>Introduction to space</li> <li>Modern Space Technology</li> <li>Neil Armstrong Quiz</li> </ol>
Modern Space Technology PresentationQuick View

Modern Space Technology Presentation

<p>Lesson on how astronauts have inspired the creation of modern technology, such as Hoover and Velcro.</p> <p>Includes activity ideas and a mini story detailing why astronauts needed Velcro for their journeys into space.</p>
Introduction to space presentationQuick View

Introduction to space presentation

<p>Slideshow containing 3 lesson as an introduction to space topic.</p> <p>Lesson 1: Neil Armstrong<br /> Lesson 2: Other famous astronauts<br /> Lesson 3:Apollo 11</p>