<p>This volume covers Factorising Quadratic Expressions with solutions. The learners can do self marking or peer marking in Schools to boost their confidence.</p>
<p>This is an excellent resource to start algebra with facts to be remembered. It includes the mark scheme so the learners can assess their skills.</p>
<p>An excellent resource to start your lesson on Identity and culture. It has complete answers for self and peer marking to boost the confidence in students.</p>
<p>This is an excellent book (volume 7), which includes a variety of worksheets, baseline assessments, midpoint review tasks, summative assessments. This book also includes answers for all activities including baseline assessments, midpoint review tasks, summative assessments. Another great resource for teachers to deliver their lessons, for parents to help their children and for pupils to learn independently.</p>
<p>This is an excellent book (volume 6), which includes a variety of worksheets, baseline assessments, midpoint review tasks, summative assessments. This book also includes answers for all activities including baseline assessments, midpoint review tasks, summative assessments. Another great resource for teachers to deliver their lessons, for parents to help their children and for pupils to learn independently.</p>
<p>An excellent book on Healthy lifestyle, Past and Future Holidays which includes a variety of worksheets, baseline assessment, midpoint review task, summative assessment. This book also includes answers for all activities including baseline assessment, midpoint review task, summative assessment. Another great resource for teachers to deliver their lessons, for parents to help their children and for pupils to learn independently.</p>
<p>Volume 8 covers Social issues, jobs and future intentions. This includes a variety of worksheets, baseline assessments, MPR tasks and Summative assessments with complete mark scheme. An excellent addition to Urdu resources for Teachers, Students and Parents and also for new learners across the world.</p>
<p>This is an excellent book (volume 4), which includes a variety of worksheets, baseline assessments, midpoint review tasks, summative assessments. This book also includes answers for all activities including baseline assessments, midpoint review tasks, summative assessments. Another great resource for teachers to deliver their lessons, for parents to help their children and for pupils to learn independently.</p>
<p>An amazing teaching and learning resources for all age groups including assessments and complete mark schemes for each topic. In this volume, the following topics are covered: My introduction, Identity and Culture, and My School<br />
Teachers across the world can just follow each activity in their lesson and deliver easily.<br />
Assessment for learning is very easy for both teachers and students as the mark scheme is included.<br />
To track their learning, midpoint review task is also included for each topic.</p>
<p>This is an excellent book volume 1, which includes a variety of worksheets, baseline assessment, midpoint review task, summative assessment. This book also includes answers for all activities including baseline assessment, midpoint review task, summative assessment. Another great resource for teachers to deliver their lessons, for parents to help their children and for pupils to learn independently.</p>
<p>This is an excellent book volume 2, which includes a variety of worksheets, baseline assessment, midpoint review task, summative assessment. This book also includes answers for all activities including baseline assessment, midpoint review task, summative assessment. Another great resource for teachers to deliver their lessons, for parents to help their children and for pupils to learn independently.</p>