Zonenkinder: Chapter 1 study materialsQuick View

Zonenkinder: Chapter 1 study materials

Suitable for A level German students studying Jana Hensel's Zonenkinder as their set text. This includes a set of detailed reading questions which test students' understanding of the German and form an English key to the events of the first chapter. The second document draws together quotations which exemplify various themes that emerge in the first chapter. I intend to make these for each chapter. The reading notes encourage students to read independently after we have completed the first section together in class. We will then use them in the following lesson to ensure they have a good understanding of the reading they have completed at home and to identify any misconceptions. The thematic quotation sheet demonstrates how textual evidence can be found for the emerging themes of the text. As they gain confidence I intend to give just headings or a heading and one quotation and ask pupils to find their own for further themes.
Introduction to the festivals topic, based on the AQA A level bookQuick View

Introduction to the festivals topic, based on the AQA A level book

Activities for a first lesson on festivals. Powerpoint that gives instructions including the English for secret sentence activity. The sentences for this are from page 70 ex5. Secret sentence words (colour coded by sentence) to be cut up. English sentences to cut up for a sorting activity putting the ideas from the text on page 70 back in the correct order. Listening activity based on the first 1.5 minutes of youtube clip.
Fernsehen, MeinungenQuick View

Fernsehen, Meinungen

Expressing more complex opinions about TV using linking language. I use mini-whiteboards to check understanding with this. For Y10 could also be used with weaker Y12 or at the start of the Y12 TV topic
Far right wing political parties, Racism A2 topicQuick View

Far right wing political parties, Racism A2 topic

Introduction to BNP and NPD, I usually start by showing this English clip which gives some information about the BNP, they then work through the text and questions. We then have a discussion based around the importance of voting and whether it is ever right to ban a political party. For homework they research Austria's FPÖ and compare the three political parties.