'Visiting a Potential New School' GuideQuick View

'Visiting a Potential New School' Guide

<p>So you’ve found a new school that you want to work in? Amazing! But you’re not sure how to prepare for it or how to make a good first impression?</p> <p>Simply download my guide that explains how to prepare for the school visit, what questions to ask and how to ace the tour!</p> <p>This is perfect for ECTs who are starting to visit schools for the first time and other teachers who would like a refresher on what to expect.</p>
Supply Teaching GuideQuick View

Supply Teaching Guide

<p>Are you thinking about becoming a supply teacher? This guide contains everything you need to know! Download my supply teaching guide and discover:</p> <ul> <li>My teaching journey</li> <li>How to become a supply teacher</li> <li>How to choose and join an agency</li> <li>All about you &amp; your preferences</li> <li>Pros of supply</li> <li>Cons of supply</li> <li>Supply teacher pay</li> <li>My top tips</li> </ul>
KS2 Christmas PE GamesQuick View

KS2 Christmas PE Games

<p>A selection of PE games and activities that are Christmas themed &amp; most suitable for KS2.</p>
KS1 Christmas Gymnastics Poses for PE LessonQuick View

KS1 Christmas Gymnastics Poses for PE Lesson

<p>Lesson plan as follows:</p> <ul> <li>Warm up game</li> <li>Model shape cards with children &amp; they copy you</li> <li>Children work in groups using poses to create a 3 card sequence</li> <li>Show sequence to rest of the class</li> </ul>
Planning Template for PrimaryQuick View

Planning Template for Primary

<p>This is the planning template I used during my teacher training, ECT years and for job interviews. I hope you find it helpful!</p>
KS1 Problem Solving ActivitiesQuick View

KS1 Problem Solving Activities

<p>Created as an emergency supply teaching maths lesson. Activities taken from <a href="https://nrich.maths.org/trial-and-improvement-ks1" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://nrich.maths.org/trial-and-improvement-ks1</a> and made into a PowerPoint format. There are various different activities that require no or very little prep and resources.</p>
KS2 Problem Solving ActivitiesQuick View

KS2 Problem Solving Activities

<p>Created as an emergency supply teaching maths lesson. Activities taken from <a href="https://nrich.maths.org/trial-and-improvement-ks2" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://nrich.maths.org/trial-and-improvement-ks2</a> and made into a PowerPoint format. There are various different activities that require no or very little prep and resources.</p>