<p>Old Spec Animal Care</p>
<p>BTEC ANIMAL CARE Unit 2: Animal Handling and Restraint<br />
TOPIC A.3 Reasons for handling and restraining animals<br />
Powerpoint presentation giving information on reasons to handle/restrain animals, along with methods and equipment you could use. Some links into B.2 which looks at restraint equipment.</p>
<p>Old Spec Animal Care</p>
<p>Infortmative powerpoint on bacteria/viruses/fungi, common diseases in the 6 species, modes of transmission, zoonotic and notifiable diseases. Includes an ICT research task I gave to my group.</p>
<p>Old Spec Animal Care<br />
Powerpoint presentation looking at each of the 6 species, good health and signs of ill health.<br />
Includes mostly notes/information with a table resource to print and fill in.</p>
<p>Lots of youtube links (all working as at 27.1.19)</p>
<p>I created this for my Y8 French class, to last them at least four weeks until summer. I’ve left it as it was when I posted it out to them, so you may need to change the cover and introduction to suit your cohort and plans (I am going to award prizes to those who gain the most points).</p>
<p>It is a <strong>cultural</strong> challenge pack, with points awarded for different outcomes and effort. 15 challenges plus some quick ones. Can be adapted where needed, but I wanted a range of challenges that students choose to do as they are interested in them - I’m not expecting them to do tham all!</p>
<p>On each page there is an ‘Offline Alternative’ as we have many students living in rural areas without internet connection and some students without access to a laptop or other device.</p>
<p>Although I’ve checked it all through, there may be errors in there, please let me know if there is!</p>
<p>BTEC Animal Care</p>
<p>Unit 1</p>
<p>Topic A.2</p>
<p>Presentation with information on Quantitative Checks. Information from the current BTEC Animal Care Specification, which I am currently delivering.<br />
Lower Ability students can gap fill, more able make their own notes.</p>
<p>Some links to youtube videos, all working as at 27.1.19</p>
<p>Old Spec Animal Care<br />
Powerpoint going through each of the 6 species, looks at good and ill health to look for in each of the parts of the weekly physical check.<br />
Information giving, then at the end there is a summary for each species to stick into books as quick revision.</p>
<p>I created this for my Y9 German class, to last them at least four weeks until summer. I’ve left it as it was when I posted it out to them, so you may need to change the cover and introduction to suit your cohort and plans (I am going to award prizes to those who gain the most points).</p>
<p>It is a <strong>cultural</strong> challenge pack, with points awarded for different outcomes and effort. 15 challenges plus some quick ones. Can be adapted where needed, but I wanted a range of challenges that students choose to do as they are interested in them - I’m not expecting them to do tham all!</p>
<p>On each page there is an ‘Offline Alternative’ as we have many students living in rural areas without internet connection and some students without access to a laptop or other device.</p>
<p>Although I’ve checked it all through, there may be errors in there, please let me know if there is!</p>
<p>Lesson focus: colours, dictionary skills, adjectival agreement</p>
<p>10 sentences pupils need to translate and complete using the appropriate colour. Challenge task included and adjectival agreement grid to print/ display.</p>